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MSM hourly rags on Trump for pepper spray on the border. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
The MSM is going nuts for the fact pepper spray was used on the criminal invaders at the border. How soon they have forgotten the Obama admin did the same things many times. What is the difference now libs?
The MSM is going nuts for the fact pepper spray was used on the criminal invaders at the border. How soon they have forgotten the Obama admin did the same things many times. What is the difference now libs?

I'll believe it when you document it, credibly. No RWNJ sites.
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The MSM is going nuts for the fact pepper spray was used on the criminal invaders at the border. How soon they have forgotten the Obama admin did the same things many times. What is the difference now libs?

asylum seekers are not Criminals...Seeking Asylum is not a criminal offense! As Always you are badly confused...Read a book or two!

Diving Mullah
The MSM is going nuts for the fact pepper spray was used on the criminal invaders at the border. How soon they have forgotten the Obama admin did the same things many times. What is the difference now libs?

There is absolutely nothing illegal about standing at the United States border, and there is absolutely nothing illegal about seeking asylum. You may need to read up on laws before tossing around the word "criminal" incorrectly, as you just did.
asylum seekers are not Criminals...Seeking Asylum is not a criminal offense! As Always you are badly confused...Read a book or two!

Diving Mullah

As soon as they cross the border illegally, they are.
As soon as they cross the border illegally, they are.

Asylum seekers are supposed to apply at the border, so no.

Someone who crosses elsewhere is a misdemeanor illegal entrant, "criminal" in pretty much the lowest sense federally speaking.
asylum seekers are not Criminals...Seeking Asylum is not a criminal offense! As Always you are badly confused...Read a book or two!

Diving Mullah
Crossing the border at a place other than a designated port of entry, however, IS illegal. And that's what they were doing when the CS was deployed. Further, you are not a legitimate asylum seeker if you pass through another country that can offer it to you. Mexico offered them asylum. They kept going. They are not legitimate asylum seekers.

There is absolutely nothing illegal about standing at the United States border, and there is absolutely nothing illegal about seeking asylum. You may need to read up on laws before tossing around the word "criminal" incorrectly, as you just did.
But that's not all they were doing, is it? They were crossing the border at a place other than a designated port of entry. This is a criminal act.

Asylum seekers are supposed to apply at the border, so no.
They are supposed to apply at the first safe country they enter. Mexico offered them asylum. And even if they so apply for asylum, they have to do it not at just any point on the border, but at a designated port of entry. Breaking through a fence and barging into the country is not seeking asylum; it is instead unlawful entry and a crime.
They are supposed to apply at the first safe country they enter. Mexico offered them asylum. And even if they so apply for asylum, they have to do it not at just any point on the border, but at a designated port of entry. Breaking through a fence and barging into the country is not seeking asylum; it is instead unlawful entry and a crime.

You may seek refugee protection if you are overseas and you may seek asylum if you are currently in the United States. You may even seek asylum in the midst of removal proceedings (ie, if you illegally enter and are later caught; but if you do this after being in the US for more than a year there are additional requirements). The eligibility concerns revolve around having undergone prosecution or having a well-grounded fear of prosecution if you are returned. You may apply for a green card one year after asylum is granted.

Some basic citations:


Can I Still Apply for Asylum Even if I Am in the United States Illegally?
- You are not currently in removal proceedings
- You file an asylum application within one year of arriving to the United States or demonstrate that you are within an exception to that rule.


What are the citations for your....."information"?

Even if I didn't know a thing about immigration, I would expect to hear major news sources - particularly Fox News - blaring on about it if there actually was a law that said that if you pass through another country to get here you cannot seek asylum (and what an utterly irrational law it would be given why asylum exists). I haven't heard a thing. I haven't even seen the DP posters who copy/paste that kind of thing say it. And if this rule exists, why on Earth would Trump try to cut a deal with Mexico's incoming government in which the migrants live in Mexico while waiting to get through the asylum process for asylum in the United States?

Where is the citation for the proposition that they cannot apply for asylum in the U.S. because they passed through another country?

Wait, I think I see the game. One of the bases for disqualification is: "Were firmly resettled in another country prior to arriving in the United States"


Are you actually just pretending that being offered asylum but walking through Mexico means they were "firmly resettled" in Mexico? I have to ask when your post is completely false in other respects. For example you claim that barging through a fence is not seeking asylum. But the government's own website says you can seek asylum before 1 year of illegal entry, and if certain conditions apply over one year after making an illegal entry.

So it sounds like you aren't pretending that this situation fits that basis of disqualification. It sounds like you were straight-up bull*****ing.
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I hear it goes good on nachos
Asylum seekers are supposed to apply at the border, so no.

Someone who crosses elsewhere is a misdemeanor illegal entrant, "criminal" in pretty much the lowest sense federally speaking.

You can spin it any way you want.

When they cross illegally, they are a criminal.
They are not as asylum seekers if they cross the border with out proper papers. If they do there are indeed criminal invaders. If they are in Mexico there are several Consulates and the Embassy they can apply to get the proper papers. What is wrong with doing it the lawful way??????????
You can spin it any way you want.

When they cross illegally, they are a criminal.

They are not as asylum seekers if they cross the border with out proper papers. If they do there are indeed criminal invaders. If they are in Mexico there are several Consulates and the Embassy they can apply to get the proper papers. What is wrong with doing it the lawful way??????????

This was addressed at length in post 10. Why are you lying?

They most certainly ARE allowed to seek asylum after being in the country illegally. The government's websites under Trump even says so.

Stop lying.

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