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Most & Least Honest Presidents in the last 50 Years (1 Viewer)


Active member
May 24, 2005
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Texan by Choice
Who was the most honest U.S. President in the last 50 years, and why?
Who was the least honest U.S. President in the last 50 years, and why?
flip2 said:
Who was the most honest U.S. President in the last 50 years, and why?
Who was the least honest U.S. President in the last 50 years, and why?

The most honest was clearly Carter...but probably the most ineffective. I also think Bush41 would probably be a close second.

Why...?...I suppose I'm judging by believability & sincerity. I think both were good men.

The least honest...?...Probably Johnson with Nixon right on his tail. Reagan & Clinton tie for third.

Why...?...Again, I think my opinion is based on believability & sincerity. Each of these men appeared to have something to hide & seemed a bit sneaky. All have severe blemishes on their records.
I would agree with you on who the most honest--toss up between Carter and George HW Bush. Ford and DDE run closely behind them. I think in their hearts they understood that not all politics should dictate policy, and their sincere attitudes towards the citizenry and life reflected in their abundant passion for public service.

As for least honest, I would say LBJ, Nixon, and Clinton. If you want to talk about concocting a lie to enter a war, research LBJ. Nixon, for the most obvious reason. Clinton because his whole life is about being politically expedient and driving the whole show.
As for least honest, I would say LBJ, Nixon, and Clinton.
I would agree with that assessment. Most honest would be Carter, Both Bushes and Reagan.

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