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More Saddam and WMD - left still in denial? [Saddam Tapes] (1 Viewer)


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May 3, 2005
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[FONT=arial,helvetica] >>Friday, Feb. 17, 2006 12:51 p.m. EST[/FONT] [FONT=arial,helvetica]Saddam Translator: ABC Re-interpreted Tapes[/FONT]

The FBI translator who supplied the 12-hours of Saddam Hussein audiotapes excerpted by ABC's "Nightline" Wednesday night now says the network discarded his translations and went with a less threatening version of the Iraqi dictator's comments.<<

They just can't stand their their mission to discredit Bush is threatened.

>>In the "Nightline" version of a 1996 recording, Saddam predicts that Washington, D.C. would be hit by terrorists. But he adds that Iraq would have nothing to do with the attack.

Tierney says, however, that what Saddam actually said was much more sinister. "He was discussing his intent to use chemical weapons against the United States and use proxies so it could not be traced back to Iraq," he told Hannity.<<

Saddam Tapes / Intelligence Summit Questions

Early tomorrow morning I'm crashing the Intelligence Summit.

As you can see from the schedule it turns out that "Anonymous," the speaker who is giving the Saddam's WMD Tapes "The Smoking Gun" Evidence speech, is actually Bill Tierney.

Here's a bit about the speaker Bill Tierney as featured on the hit radio show Coast to Coast AM:

Iraq: The Smoking Gun?
Bill Tierney, a former weapons inspector who worked with UNSCOM in Iraq in the late 1990s ... ... believes that Iraq has nuclear capability and the intention to use such weapons. ... claims that he has pinpointed a hidden location in Iraq ... where there is a uranium enriching processing facility.

Tierney's methods of ascertaining this location ... "I would ask God and just get a sense if something was valid or not, and then know if I needed to pursue it," he said. His assessments through prayer were then confirmed to him by a friend's clairvoyant dream, where he was able to find the location on a map. "Everything she said lined up.
Well at least he got verification for his sensings of validity from a psychic. It would have been sheer nuttery to consider a guess valid based merely on getting a sense of what God was saying to you without first verifying it with a friends genuine psychic dream.

So does anyone have any questions they'd like to have asked?

Can't promise I'll ask them, but I'd like to hear your thoughts? You have until 5am EST.

ps Tune in to Coast to Coast AM tonight for an interview with a lawyer for a fellow who's a time traveler from the future.
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Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Just to be clear, Mr. Tierney is not an FBI agent, but rather a contractor.

Here's a bit about the speaker Bill Tierney as featured on the hit radio show Coast to Coast AM:
Iraq: The Smoking Gun?
Bill Tierney, a former weapons inspector who worked with UNSCOM in Iraq in the late 1990s ... ... believes that Iraq has nuclear capability and the intention to use such weapons. ... claims that he has pinpointed a hidden location in Iraq ... where there is a uranium enriching processing facility.

Tierney's methods of ascertaining this location ... "I would ask God and just get a sense if something was valid or not, and then know if I needed to pursue it," he said. His assessments through prayer were then confirmed to him by a friend's clairvoyant dream, where he was able to find the location on a map. "Everything she said lined up.
Well at least he got verification. It would have been sheer nuttery to consider a sensing valid without first verifying it with a friend's psychic dream.

I'd like a third opinion about the more accurate translation. Perhaps if we can come by some original texts / recordings I can get an acquaintance or two who speak Arabic to review them.
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

It does not surprise me that ABC would pull this kind of crap........They are one of the leading networks that are Bush haters....
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Simon W. Moon said:
Just to be clear, Mr. Tierney is not an FBI agent, but rather a contractor.

Here's a bit about the speaker Bill Tierney as featured on the hit radio show Coast to Coast AM:
Iraq: The Smoking Gun?
Bill Tierney, a former weapons inspector who worked with UNSCOM in Iraq in the late 1990s ... ... believes that Iraq has nuclear capability and the intention to use such weapons. ... claims that he has pinpointed a hidden location in Iraq ... where there is a uranium enriching processing facility.

Tierney's methods of ascertaining this location ... "I would ask God and just get a sense if something was valid or not, and then know if I needed to pursue it," he said. His assessments through prayer were then confirmed to him by a friend's clairvoyant dream, where he was able to find the location on a map. "Everything she said lined up.
Well at least he got verification. It would have been sheer nuttery to consider a sensing valid without first verifying it with a friend's psychic dream.

I'd like a third opinion about the more accurate translation. Perhaps if we can come by some original texts / recordings I can get an acquaintance or two who speak Arabic to review them.

Well the story posted is from Newsmax.com so I'll just believe it until it's proved to be complete BS...which shouldn't be long.
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

We shall see.........Like I said in another thread I heard some excerpts from the tapes and they were pretty chilling and scary.........
Re: Saddam Tapes / Intelligence Summit Questions

Alright then.
Re: Saddam Tapes / Intelligence Summit Questions

Okay, I'm back.
I've sorted through the photos already and am struggling with the audio software currently. Will try to produce a transcription.

In the mean time, here's the .ppt version is here: Saddam's WMD Tapes
(scroll down about half way)The dates of the segments vary w/o warning. They're not in sequential order. As I review my recording, I'll sort which when from when.
IIRC the first segment, Removal of Warheads, was from 1992.

Initial impression - meh.

Tierney thinks Iraq had nukes and that there's a conspiracy within the US govt to cover up Iraq's role in the Oklahoma City bombings and to hide Russia's involvement w/ Iraq's WMDs and WMD programs.

An unreformed Mylroie conspiracist.

Iranian reform groups were there. Couldn't help wonder if it was an incarnation of the MeK.

Most interesting tidbit so far - Jack Shaw, the guy with the story about the convoy of trucks carting off Saddam's WMD to Syria w/ Spetsnaz help - Said he got this info through informal channels from a "good friend" of Dick Cheney. Interestingly, Mr. Shaw also claims that the DIA told him that the WMD to Syria/Spetsnaz story was "Israeli disinformation."

More later.
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Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Pacridge said:
Well the story posted is from Newsmax.com so I'll just believe it until it's proved to be complete BS...which shouldn't be long.

Till what's proved, they were quoting the man's words do you think they made it all up?
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Stinger said:
Till what's proved, they were quoting the man's words do you think they made it all up?

Till it's proved I don't give NM or WND any credibility for anything.
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Navy Pride said:
We shall see.........Like I said in another thread I heard some excerpts from the tapes and they were pretty chilling and scary.........

It's possible, just as I said in another thread. But if it's true we had many failures by many people over a couple different administrations. If it is true, because of the scope and extent of the failures, we the public may never know the whole truth.
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Pacridge said:
It's possible, just as I said in another thread. But if it's true we had many failures by many people over a couple different administrations. If it is true, because of the scope and extent of the failures, we the public may never know the whole truth.

Well I am going to listen to the complete tapes........The excerpts I head were Saddam saying he was looking for ways to plant bio or chemical WOMD in our water supply.......

Can you imagine the carnage that would cause?
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Navy Pride said:
Well I am going to listen to the complete tapes........The excerpts I head were Saddam saying he was looking for ways to plant bio or chemical WOMD in our water supply.......

Can you imagine the carnage that would cause?

When and where can we listen to these whole tapes?

Yeah, I can imagine. Who was it that said "I can't believe they haven't gone after our food supply." IMO, this would be less complicated then hi-jacking a plane and flying it into a large building. I think they could do more with 100 guys and 50 deer rifles using the DC sniper tactics. Imagine if they spread out across the US shooting people at random and driving off into the night? People would freak, no one would leave their homes if not necessary. Wouldn't take long and the economy could even begin to feel it.
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Pacridge said:
When and where can we listen to these whole tapes?


I'm going to post my sound files of conference once I get through portioning them into downloadable chunks and converting them to a different format.
I'm splitting them up per sections of the power point.

There's some other interesting tidbits from the other speakers as well. I noted some in my thread about going to the Summit.
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Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Pacridge said:
When and where can we listen to these whole tapes?

Yeah, I can imagine. Who was it that said "I can't believe they haven't gone after our food supply." IMO, this would be less complicated then hi-jacking a plane and flying it into a large building. I think they could do more with 100 guys and 50 deer rifles using the DC sniper tactics. Imagine if they spread out across the US shooting people at random and driving off into the night? People would freak, no one would leave their homes if not necessary. Wouldn't take long and the economy could even begin to feel it.

Maybe its just me but I could handle the sniper thing a lot easier then the contamination of water or food........I guess that is because I have been shot at before and had my life in danger that way.......
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Simon W. Moon said:
Just to be clear, Mr. Tierney is not an FBI agent, but rather a contractor.

Here's a bit about the speaker Bill Tierney as featured on the hit radio show Coast to Coast AM:
Iraq: The Smoking Gun?
Bill Tierney, a former weapons inspector who worked with UNSCOM in Iraq in the late 1990s ... ... believes that Iraq has nuclear capability and the intention to use such weapons. ... claims that he has pinpointed a hidden location in Iraq ... where there is a uranium enriching processing facility.

Tierney's methods of ascertaining this location ... "I would ask God and just get a sense if something was valid or not, and then know if I needed to pursue it," he said. His assessments through prayer were then confirmed to him by a friend's clairvoyant dream, where he was able to find the location on a map. "Everything she said lined up.
Well at least he got verification. It would have been sheer nuttery to consider a sensing valid without first verifying it with a friend's psychic dream.

I'd like a third opinion about the more accurate translation. Perhaps if we can come by some original texts / recordings I can get an acquaintance or two who speak Arabic to review them.
Oh snap Simon! What a GREAT rebuttal to the nonsense of this thread. GREAT JOB!

It's so cute to read the thread starters desperate desire to find WMDs is so starved for anything that he resorts to quoting a guy who looked for weapons using God as his method of triangulation!

Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

26 X World Champs said:
Oh snap Simon! What a GREAT rebuttal to the nonsense of this thread. GREAT JOB!
I didn't do anything, and I offerred no rebuttal. Since the merit of the guy's translation rests on him it seemed appropriate to find out a little about him.
IMHO, if someone's using a friend's "clairvoyant dream" for verification of their divinely inspired, uranium enrichment facility homing ability, I'm getting a second opinion no matter what his profession.
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Simon W. Moon said:
I didn't do anything, and I offerred no rebuttal. Since the merit of the guy's translation rests on him it seemed appropriate to find out a little about him.
IMHO, if someone's using a friend's "clairvoyant dream" for verification of their divinely inspired, uranium enrichment facility homing ability, I'm getting a second opinion no matter what his profession.

I don't know about the uranium comments but what scares me is the comments he made about bio and chem WOND...........
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

I haven't had time to look into this much but I find it puzzling that Saddam was widely considered to be a lying sack o'crap. Now some tapes come out and his word is as true as the day is long? Of course, for now, that depends on which translation of the tape you wish to believe.
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Pacridge said:
I haven't had time to look into this much but I find it puzzling that Saddam was widely considered to be a lying sack o'crap. Now some tapes come out and his word is as true as the day is long? Of course, for now, that depends on which translation of the tape you wish to believe.
You hit the nail right on the head! He was a lying SOB who basically bluffed us into a war. We fell for it hook, line and IED....
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Tierney thinks Iraq had nukes and that there're conspiracies within the US govt to cover up Iraq's role in the Oklahoma City bombings and to hide Russia's involvement w/ Iraq's WMDs and WMD programs.
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Pacridge said:
I haven't had time to look into this much but I find it puzzling that Saddam was widely considered to be a lying sack o'crap. Now some tapes come out and his word is as true as the day is long? Of course, for now, that depends on which translation of the tape you wish to believe.

Well I will wait until there are bonified translations of the tape before I make a decision.........

There are some people though who would deny he had WOMD if we found them and placed them in their laps.........We know who they are........
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Simon W. Moon said:
Tierney thinks Iraq had nukes and that there're conspiracies within the US govt to cover up Iraq's role in the Oklahoma City bombings and to hide Russia's involvement w/ Iraq's WMDs and WMD programs.

What? That sounds reasonable. Doesn't it?
Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Simon W. Moon said:
Tierney thinks Iraq had nukes and that there're conspiracies within the US govt to cover up Iraq's role in the Oklahoma City bombings and to hide Russia's involvement w/ Iraq's WMDs and WMD programs.

That is curious Simon.....I have heard Tierney speak a couple of times and have not heard him say that..........Do you have a link?

Re: ABC changes Saddam Tapes

Navy Pride said:
Well I will wait until there are bonified translations of the tape before I make a decision.........

There are some people though who would deny he had WOMD if we found them and placed them in their laps.........We know who they are........

If we found them, you know where we knew they were. I would have believed it. If they did exist and as Rummy told us they did, "We know he has them, we know where they are." Then our military must be completely incompetent. I tend to believe our military is not incompetent.

Some people will believe they existed even after the President they voted for and continue to support tells them they do not.

It's easy to believe things that want to believe. It's harder to accept facts when they fly in the face of that which you wish were true.

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