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More denier disinfo about CO2 emission changes by country (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 13, 2011
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Does USA Today really expect us to believe the only country that left the Paris Climate Accords is the only one that had a decline in overall emissions? Sometimes you don't need science to put down fossil fuel industry propaganda, only common sense. The problem is that we have way too many gullible Trumpkins who will eat this stuff up. I tell you, we just aren't smart enough as a species to survive.

Does USA Today really expect us to believe the only country that left the Paris Climate Accords is the only one that had a decline in overall emissions? Sometimes you don't need science to put down fossil fuel industry propaganda, only common sense. The problem is that we have way too many gullible Trumpkins who will eat this stuff up. I tell you, we just aren't smart enough as a species to survive.

It’s puzzling to me when people who are fearful of global warming actually dislike and dispute it when the news is some what more positive than predicted. Could that be because they’re more interested in their politics and narratives than reality?

Does USA Today really expect us to believe the only country that left the Paris Climate Accords is the only one that had a decline in overall emissions? Sometimes you don't need science to put down fossil fuel industry propaganda, only common sense. The problem is that we have way too many gullible Trumpkins who will eat this stuff up. I tell you, we just aren't smart enough as a species to survive.

These CO2 figures come from government climate scientists at the EPA. I've seen them in multiple publications.

Greater efficiency, such as widespread adoption of LED and CF lights, higher mileage vehicles, and cleaner fossil fuels; i.e., natural gas provided by fracking, is to blame.

Natural gas turns out half of the CO2 that coal does per joule of energy. Power plant emissions are down 21% since 2011.
It’s puzzling to me when people who are fearful of global warming actually dislike and dispute it when the news is some what more positive than predicted. Could that be because they’re more interested in their politics and narratives than reality?
It does seem ironic, the one of the few nations who did not sign on to reduce emissions, actually has their emissions falling.
It does seem ironic, the one of the few nations who did not sign on to reduce emissions, actually has their emissions falling.

And for as often as we’re called science deniers, the OP sure was quick to be all, “we don’t need no stinking science”.
And for as often as we’re called science deniers, the OP sure was quick to be all, “we don’t need no stinking science”.

I believe the things come from the British Petroleum Statistical Review of World Energy. Complete CO2 Industry propaganda.
And for as often as we’re called science deniers, the OP sure was quick to be all, “we don’t need no stinking science”.
In my subjective and humble opinion, I think that the people who see climate change as a vehicle for political change,
are offended by the idea that greater emissions reductions are coming from government inaction, than as a result of political agreements.
Oh, so Trump's goons at the EPA put the data out. Gotcha.

Let me ask you this...in science, when you get data that makes absolutely no sense, do you go with it or assume it's a mistake?

Um, the high point in US CO2 emissions was like in 2007 or 2008, and those numbers were reported by an Obama EPA.
Are you really so biased that you refuse to believe any numbers that disagree with your political position?
1, Probaly due to the change from coal to gas. It results in half the CO2 per unit of electricity.

2, Odd that any skpetic who questions the most blatantly wrong piece of massarged statistics is called a denier but when the government puts out figures that go the other way the green/communists deny their validity.

Does USA Today really expect us to believe the only country that left the Paris Climate Accords is the only one that had a decline in overall emissions? Sometimes you don't need science to put down fossil fuel industry propaganda, only common sense. The problem is that we have way too many gullible Trumpkins who will eat this stuff up. I tell you, we just aren't smart enough as a species to survive.

Oh, so Trump's goons at the EPA put the data out. Gotcha.

Let me ask you this...in science, when you get data that makes absolutely no sense, do you go with it or assume it's a mistake?

It makes complete sense. It's the increasing natural gas share in US power generation that really makes the difference.

Does USA Today really expect us to believe the only country that left the Paris Climate Accords is the only one that had a decline in overall emissions? Sometimes you don't need science to put down fossil fuel industry propaganda, only common sense. The problem is that we have way too many gullible Trumpkins who will eat this stuff up. I tell you, we just aren't smart enough as a species to survive.

This is an Opinion piece in USA Today, and doesn't necessarily represent their collective opinion. It is a very discredited opinion. The title states that the US is the only one doing anything about it. And then it talks about 19 countries. Last I counted, there were a lot more than 20 countries in the world.
Even if it's dishonest to claim that the US is the only country with declining emmissions, they're still going down. Almost as if we don't need the paris accords at all. Almost every year since 2007, the amount of coal emmissions has gone down. Natural gas is overtaking coal and renewable energy is on the rise.
Even if it's dishonest to claim that the US is the only country with declining emmissions, they're still going down. Almost as if we don't need the paris accords at all. Almost every year since 2007, the amount of coal emmissions has gone down. Natural gas is overtaking coal and renewable energy is on the rise.
I think people fail to understand what a massive logistical problem coal is, when compared to natural gas.
It is simply difficult to move around millions of pounds of coal, you need Barges or Trains, Trucks would simply be too
expensive to move them amount of coal needed to keep a plant in operation.
Once again, a lefty claim it's political, but its not...

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