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Mobile Phones (1 Viewer)

What Phone do you have

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DP Veteran
Mar 11, 2006
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Hey.. I am in the process of maybe getting a new phone and that got me thinking... what phones do people have and what are their experiences. At the moment I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and a Galaxy S5.
Hey.. I am in the process of maybe getting a new phone and that got me thinking... what phones do people have and what are their experiences. At the moment I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and a Galaxy S5.

I had the Note 3 and upgraded to the Note 8. It was quite the astounding upgrade. It will be an even bigger difference for you, if you stick with it, as the Note 9 is now out. I love the Note platform and will continue to stay with it.
I had the Note 3 and upgraded to the Note 8. It was quite the astounding upgrade. It will be an even bigger difference for you, if you stick with it, as the Note 9 is now out. I love the Note platform and will continue to stay with it.

Actually seriously drooling over an Honor 8X.. a Huawei brand. Cheap and big ass bang for the buck so to say.. Of course I would love a Note 9, but just cant justify spending 1000 dollars on a freaking phone.
Hey.. I am in the process of maybe getting a new phone and that got me thinking... what phones do people have and what are their experiences. At the moment I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and a Galaxy S5.

I currently have a Motorola Z2 force. I never had a Motorola before but last year about this same time, black Friday, they were having an awesome deal on it with some free bluetooth speakers and projection screens so I took a chance and I actually really like it. No issues and the projection screen works great. My husband wants to upgrade again this week but my phone still works fine and I think I might stick with it for a little while longer.
29.99 flip phone. The kind you can hang up on without even answering it. Has a kill button right on its side.
Actually seriously drooling over an Honor 8X.. a Huawei brand. Cheap and big ass bang for the buck so to say.. Of course I would love a Note 9, but just cant justify spending 1000 dollars on a freaking phone.

The pricing on phones has jumped up across multiple platforms. I think all the major ones will catch up with higher prices, once they break into the market more. Also have to wonder what's inside the phone as far as quality but that price tag is definitely daunting. I justified it by how long I held my Note 3 so I could "spoil" myself.

-edit- I use my phone as a major entertainment platform.
I'm still using my Note 5. I love it, still fast, camera is still good enough. I keep it in an Otterbox so that I can't damage it so its still good for my GearVR. Still looks flawless.

Am considering an upgrade, the Xiaomi Pocophone looks great, but if I can get the Mi Mix 3 on Verizon I would get it immediately. I want an edge to edge display but hate the notch of the iPhone and Pixel 3. The Mi Mix 3 has a rather clever solution to front facing cameras/sensors.
Youre like a decade late. Nobody calls them mobile phones anymore. Theyre smartphones now, Pete.
I'm a Galaxy guy... Also, I'm an anti-Apple guy (my wife has one, and me having to provide tech support on that dumpster has nearly ended in divorce a few times now).
Youre like a decade late. Nobody calls them mobile phones anymore. Theyre smartphones now, Pete.

In Switzerland it’s a “handy!”

I’m ate up with Apple, from iMac, iPod, iPad and phone. I have my issues, but they are all integrated and I left Microsoft Windowsyears ago. It is an expensive phone and if you are active on Android, there is a learning curve....
Hey.. I am in the process of maybe getting a new phone and that got me thinking... what phones do people have and what are their experiences. At the moment I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and a Galaxy S5.

I went from an Iphone 5 something to an unlocked Moto G Plus last spring. Could not be happier. Great value phone.
Youre like a decade late. Nobody calls them mobile phones anymore. Theyre smartphones now, Pete.

My cellphone is not a smartphone - it is a flip-phone that makes/receives phone calls, can serve as a calculator, "knows" the date/time and can take pictures. It likely has more features (capabilities?) but I don't care. It cost less than $30 (before sales tax).
My cellphone is not a smartphone - it is a flip-phone that makes/receives phone calls, can serve as a calculator, "knows" the date/time and can take pictures. It likely has more features (capabilities?) but I don't care. It cost less than $30 (before sales tax).

Those are called bricks. :mrgreen:
My cellphone is not a smartphone - it is a flip-phone that makes/receives phone calls, can serve as a calculator, "knows" the date/time and can take pictures. It likely has more features (capabilities?) but I don't care. It cost less than $30 (before sales tax).
I text on mine. You do that with yours yet?
Nope, I have no desire to type on a device w/o a keyboard which has voice capability.

After 8 years I figgered I either needed to set up my voice mailbox or start texting callers who seemed like they might be trying to speak with me. So I settled on that option.
After 8 years I figgered I either needed to set up my voice mailbox or start texting callers who seemed like they might be trying to speak with me. So I settled on that option.

My girlfriend set up my voice mailbox, arranged to have service minutes 'auto added' and is the only one that has my cellphone number. We conduct all outside business using her cellphone which is an Apple iPhone 6(something) I think.
Youre like a decade late. Nobody calls them mobile phones anymore. Theyre smartphones now, Pete.

Depends on where you live and what kind of phone you have. Not all cell/mobile phones are "smart".

I have the iPhone 7S Plus and love it. I've also owned and loved Samsungs.
Yes, expensive, but I hold onto phones for years.
Depends on where you live and what kind of phone you have. Not all cell/mobile phones are "smart".

I have the iPhone 7S Plus and love it. I've also owned and loved Samsungs.
Yes, expensive, but I hold onto phones for years.

Another brick in the wall... ;)
Hey.. I am in the process of maybe getting a new phone and that got me thinking... what phones do people have and what are their experiences. At the moment I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and a Galaxy S5.

iPhone owner since they first came out.

I have an iPhone 7 256GB now- don’t see any reason to upgrade.

I once thought about switching to Android, but playing around with my son’s phone, I realized there was a learning curve
I didn’t want to bother with.

I’m a pretty heavy phone user- and the only drawback iPhones have for me is the insistence to use Apple Maps, and not allowing Google Maps to be used as a default.

Other than that, iOS works well for my needs, the phone is pretty tough- I’ve had only a bumper on mine for years and dropped it countless times- no cracks or scratches at all.
A friend gave me a Note 4 when I got out of the hospital 3 years ago. It had problems with the camera (they all did, from what I understand), but that didn't bother me. I don't take many pictures and you can't beat free.

But then it started having battery issues. I went through all the steps I could find, including buying a new battery. No help. So I got a brand new LG 20. Nice phone.

I don't see myself getting a new phone till this one dies. Heck, I might die first. LOL!!

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