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MLB 2024 (1 Viewer)

Let me enjoy MLB 2023 just a bit longer
Let me enjoy MLB 2023 just a bit longer
I still have a few more weeks of football before I even think about it. It's been a great playoff season so far, last week had fantastic games, and tomorrow offers both conference championships. The Pro Bowl on 2/4, the Superbowl on 2/11, and I'll finally be ready to contemplate pitchers and catchers once again.
Yeah.. I don't really start to pay attention to baseball until the Spring training games start...
Just as the Royals signed Chapman last year, then traded him to Texas for Ragans, who had a great 2nd half, the Pirates have done the same thing signing with Chapman this year, imho.
Just as the Royals signed Chapman last year, then traded him to Texas for Ragans, who had a great 2nd half, the Pirates have done the same thing signing with Chapman this year, imho.
It's not a bad idea for a small market team, and I agree that's their plan. It sucks though that small market teams have to go this route to try to get a decent prospect. They simply can't compete in today's MLB, unless a team like the Royals catches lightning in a bottle, like they did a few years ago. Even when that happens it's not sustainable, since they can't afford to keep their best players, once they hit free agency.
Corbin Burnes to the Orioles, right after they get a new owner.
Burnes is the ace Orioles needed. Rotation looks good.


Wells and Irvin give Orioles some SP depth. Go Birds!
Getting rid of the cheap ass Angelos family is the best thing that could happen for Orioles fans.
Almost all of the Cactus League games are during the day, except a few for the Reds at home. If healthy, in their division. The Reds could have a potent starting staff.
Was waiting for a 2024 thread and here we are. Good luck to all teams except the *stros. Looking forward to surprise teams.

Was waiting for a 2024 thread and here we are. Good luck to all teams except the *stros. Looking forward to surprise teams.

Will have 3 Fantasy drafts. Definitely want Betts, Freeman, and Ohtani on my teams.

Definitely would like to see Dodgers/Braves hook up for NLCS.
Almost all of the Cactus League games are during the day, except a few for the Reds at home. If healthy, in their division. The Reds could have a potent starting staff.
They'll be fun to watch again with their talented youngsters. Ball Park isn't pitcher friendly, but they should get plenty of run support.
The path to the WS for the national league goes through LA and Atlanta. In the AL Texas and Baltimore look good.

Will have 3 Fantasy drafts. Definitely want Betts, Freeman, and Ohtani on my teams.

Definitely would like to see Dodgers/Braves hook up for NLCS.
Kershaw resigns with Dodgers and most people seem to be happy about it. But aren't they forgetting the absolute beat down he received from Arizona leading to a 3 game sweep?

He's definitely had his issues in the postseason. However he's been great getting the team there.
One week til pitchers and catchers report and we still have Snell, Montgomery, JD Martinez, Soler, Belanger, etc unsigned.
Is the signing of Soler by SF a big deal & are there four teams in the NLW in contention?
Is the signing of Soler by SF a big deal & are there four teams in the NLW in contention?
From a statistical standpoint, it's not a great landing spot for Soler in that ballpark, but it does fill a need. I think LA is the heavy favorite in that division, especially if Yamamoto is for real. I think the other 3 are realistically battling for WC spots.
Was looking at the futures numbers and Vegas has LA at 104.5 while AZ is 83.5 and both SF and SD are at 81.5, so they see the NLW as a run away.
Seems about right to me. Logjam after Dodgers domination of NL West.

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