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MLB 2024 (1 Viewer)

Yep.. Cubs/Mets use to be a great rivalry years ago..
I used to love how Ron Santo hated the Mets and Shea so much that he quit going on NY road trips when he was broadcasting with the Cubs. Somebody would replace him for that series.

He did have a standing offer to be the one to push the plunger when Shea Stadium was getting demolished, but they didnt implode it.
I used to love how Ron Santo hated the Mets and Shea so much that he quit going on NY road trips when he was broadcasting with the Cubs. Somebody would replace him for that series.

He did have a standing offer to be the one to push the plunger when Shea Stadium was getting demolished, but they didnt implode it.
Yeah.. Shea had a weird effect on players.. Chipper Jones, definitely an enemy of the Mets.. Named 1 of his kids 'Shea'.. Lol

But yeah the Cubs have a terrible history with the Mets..Cardinals are ur most hated team, Mets got to be 2nd hated..
But yeah the Cubs have a terrible history with the Mets..Cardinals are ur most hated team, Mets got to be 2nd hated..
Not so much any more, since divisions changed.

They don’t even make the top 3 - Cards, White Sox, Brewers.
Judge tossed for the first time in his career.
Twins going for their 12th in a row.
ALC top four teams are +24.
I used to love how Ron Santo hated the Mets and Shea so much that he quit going on NY road trips when he was broadcasting with the Cubs. Somebody would replace him for that series.

He did have a standing offer to be the one to push the plunger when Shea Stadium was getting demolished, but they didnt implode it.
Santo was right about that place. Shea Stadium was a dump. Worst place I’ve ever seen an MLB game. The infield dirt looked orange, and the stupid homerun apple looked like it was all beat up and coming apart. Couple that with the constant LaGuardia jet noise, and it was just a miserable game experience.
Judge tossed for the first time in his career.
Twins going for their 12th in a row.
ALC top four teams are +24.

Same ole Yankees if you ask me. A billion-dollar lineup that looks great on opening day and gradually, the shine comes off. Judge is having a disastrous season and am beginning to wonder exactly what he's got left. Have always felt his size and mechanics were awkward. As a younger player he probably had the reflexes to turn his body into the swing faster but he's probably lost a bit of response speed/time since 2017.
I really look ridiculous, almost Mongi-like, for pimping the Pirates earlier in the season. I thought that last year's collapse was due to injuries and I thought that with some better luck this year and with some of their players in the minors, they'd be more competitive, but they're even worse than my Cardinals, who are just as pathetic, IMO. Looks like the NL Central will come down to Brewers-Cubs. Possibly the Reds.
I really look ridiculous, almost Mongi-like, for pimping the Pirates earlier in the season. I thought that last year's collapse was due to injuries and I thought that with some better luck this year and with some of their players in the minors, they'd be more competitive, but they're even worse than my Cardinals, who are just as pathetic, IMO. Looks like the NL Central will come down to Brewers-Cubs. Possibly the Reds.
The ALE, ALC & ALW are +18, +5, and -13 respectively. The NLE, NLC & NLW are +2, +6 and -18. Both centrals are much improved, the AL East is still a beast, and both western divisions have played poorly. The rotations of LAD and PHI are 6 deep.
Same ole Yankees if you ask me. A billion-dollar lineup that looks great on opening day and gradually, the shine comes off. Judge is having a disastrous season and am beginning to wonder exactly what he's got left. Have always felt his size and mechanics were awkward. As a younger player he probably had the reflexes to turn his body into the swing faster but he's probably lost a bit of response speed/time since 2017.
The Yankees are still doing it without Cole. The O’s just got back-to-back good outings from lefties Irvin and Means, both with reverse splits. They have two RHs out.

The name of any game is dealing with injuries and running out solid backups. We’ve seen a lot of good AAA pitchers called up this year, plus all the IL veterans like Buehler and Verlander doing rehab at AAA or lower and now they’re up with the bigs.
Dodgers sweep the Braves. Ohtani hit 2 HRs today, one of them 460 ft. I wonder when he'll be able to do interviews in english. He still uses an interpreter.
What could have been with Trout with not having all the injuries.
Trout’s injuries really show the human side of sports. As well as tragedies throughout the decades like Clemente. I’m thinking of you folks in Texas recovering from the flood tragedies. Hoping ⚾️ and other sports can help relieve the pain of your loss. Sports have always played a role in our society with overcoming natural disasters.
For any interested. The author is an LA Times writer.

Looks like Pete Alonso is NOT in the lineup tonight..

I'm not 100% sure of the number.. But he's something like 3 for 38 lately.. Not good for a contract year..
Looks like Pete Alonso is NOT in the lineup tonight..

I'm not 100% sure of the number.. But he's something like 3 for 38 lately.. Not good for a contract year..
Considering the Polar Bear is 0 for 17 lifetime against Gibson with 6 Ks and 3 BBs, and his replacement has already knocked in their only run, it looks like a good sit.
Looks like Pete Alonso is NOT in the lineup tonight..

I'm not 100% sure of the number.. But he's something like 3 for 38 lately.. Not good for a contract year..
The Mets should move on from Alonso. He won't be worth what Borus will be trying to get for him. The last couple of years he's homerun or bust. He doesn't get productive outs, moving runners over and he's not looking to score runners with singles.
Looks like Pete Alonso is NOT in the lineup tonight..

I'm not 100% sure of the number.. But he's something like 3 for 38 lately.. Not good for a contract year..
The next situation for mlb to correct is catchers too close to the plate, after Willson Contreras had his left forearm broken by the front swing of a RH hitter tonight.
That was ugly.
We’ve seen an uptick in catcher’s interference (CI) as well, as catchers try to get closer to the plate to frame pitches for HP umps, furthering the need for ABS.

It’s hard for me to tell how much hitters may be chopping down to get a CI infraction. Then there’s the back swings of hitters clubbing catchers.
Phillies are for real. Given the playoff structure and recent history, do the Braves care if they win the division? Probably not.
Phillies are for real. Given the playoff structure and recent history, do the Braves care if they win the division? Probably not.
If they lose the division they have an extra round of playoffs, so they probably do want to win it.
What's the deal in a couple of recent games where it seemed a fan made some terrible yell and the plate ump thought it came from the bench and tossed one of the coaching staff.

Well, I mean, don't the umps have some sort of way to review that stuff and maybe provide an official apology from the ump overhead committee to the team that had a staff ejected incorrectly?

Let's see, it was the Yankees and then another team I can't remember? I'm not remembering so great am I? But very recent. Like within the last two or three days.

Oh yes, and how about --- completely different subject --- that fan out over left field who caught two foul balls right in a row! Y'all see that in the highlights? Or during the actual game? I pretty much rely on highlight reels.

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