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Miss Spain to make history as first transgender contestant on Miss Universe (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
[FONT=&quot]n the wake of a Victoria’s Secret fashion show that many feel [/FONT]failed on the inclusivity front,[FONT=&quot] Spain’s Angela Ponce is poised to make history as the first transgender woman to compete in Miss Universe. The program, which [/FONT]airs at 7 p.m. EST[FONT=&quot] on Sunday from Bangkok, is a star-studded event that will feature Steve Harvey as onstage host, Ashley Graham backstage and Ne-Yo as the lead performer.[/FONT]

Too bad Donald Trump isn't doing Miss Universes any more. This contestant would have made him crap a brick, right after she tells him who he just went to bed with. LMAO.

Why aren't these things all dead yet.......they became a bore a long time ago.

Why do you talk about transgendered people like that? You should BE BETTER
I watched the preliminary competition and Miss Spain got as much applause as local favorite Miss Thailand received.

Unfortunately Miss Spain didn't make the Final 20. The judges were obviously under pressure to include the racist Miss USA in the final 20.

Dear Miss USA - you were in a country where English is not the main language. Not everyone in the world speaks English to please you racist Americans.
A little late I think, did it not just occur this past weekend

Last I am surprised the first TG contestant was not from Thailand

Miss Spain received as much applause from the crowd as Miss Thailand did. Transgender women are very popular on Thai TV and in the movies. I recommend a very funny film - based on a true story - called 'The Iron Ladies'.
A little late I think, did it not just occur this past weekend

Last I am surprised the first TG contestant was not from Thailand

We called them Benny Boys when I was in the Navy.
Easy to spot. They are usually prettier than the real women.
...but a sausage in a beautiful wrap is still a sausage.
I watched the preliminary competition and Miss Spain got as much applause as local favorite Miss Thailand received.

Unfortunately Miss Spain didn't make the Final 20. The judges were obviously under pressure to include the racist Miss USA in the final 20.

Dear Miss USA - you were in a country where English is not the main language. Not everyone in the world speaks English to please you racist Americans.

THE white trash US contestant was bounced out...As well she should have been
I just checked out her photos. She is hot. Maybe that is objectifying, but it IS a beauty pageant.
Why do you talk about transgendered people like that? You should BE BETTER

I'm pretty sure Hawkeye10 was talking about the pageant, not the person.
I’m pretty sure he was talking about beauty pageants, not the transgendered.

Are you sure Skeptic Bob; I mean are you really sure?


My comment to him was tongue in cheek because in another thread he posted the same thing to a post he thought wasn't clear.

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