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Min Wage: Where did 15/hr come from? (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2011
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Min Wage: Where did 15/hr come from?

Was it just made up by fast food workers and everybody latched onto it? Is there some sort of study or rationale behind it?
Sure there is.

Even in Arkansas, people need to be paid more than $14/hr to make a "living wage." 40% of working Americans are paid less than $15/hr.

"In this report, living wages are calculated on the basis of family budgets for several household types. Family budgets include basic necessities, such as food, housing, utilities, transportation, health care, child care, clothing and other personal items, savings, and state and federal taxes. This assumes full-time work on a year- round basis."

Sure there is.

Even in Arkansas, people need to be paid more than $14/hr to make a "living wage." 40% of working Americans are paid less than $15/hr.

"In this report, living wages are calculated on the basis of family budgets for several household types. Family budgets include basic necessities, such as food, housing, utilities, transportation, health care, child care, clothing and other personal items, savings, and state and federal taxes. This assumes full-time work on a year- round basis."


If you want a living wage, then get a living wage job. Not every job in the country has to be or should be a living wage job. That's the fact that those who think that every job should pay a living wage just don't get.
Sure there is.

Even in Arkansas, people need to be paid more than $14/hr to make a "living wage." 40% of working Americans are paid less than $15/hr.

"In this report, living wages are calculated on the basis of family budgets for several household types. Family budgets include basic necessities, such as food, housing, utilities, transportation, health care, child care, clothing and other personal items, savings, and state and federal taxes. This assumes full-time work on a year- round basis."


How about not starting a family until you are mature enough to pay for it? 90% of these idiots supporting $15.00 minimum wage never ran a business and all the BS that comes with it.
If you want a living wage, then get a living wage job. Not every job in the country has to be or should be a living wage job. That's the fact that those who think that every job should pay a living wage just don't get.

I don't really care for the "well then get paid more, idiot !!" argument.

We're talking about the justification for a minimum wage increase.

The argument is that it could help ensure that working class Americans were able to rely less upon public assistance. Why are we subsidizing fast food profits ...?
How about not starting a family until you are mature enough to pay for it? 90% of these idiots supporting $15.00 minimum wage never ran a business and all the BS that comes with it.

Bending over backwards to cater to businesses is bad policy. Why does the federal government spend so much to supplement fast food employee's income ? If the company can't afford a living wage, then they should not be able to employ Americans and burden taxpayers with making up the difference.
I don't really care for the "well then get paid more, idiot !!" argument.

We're talking about the justification for a minimum wage increase.

The argument is that it could help ensure that working class Americans were able to rely less upon public assistance. Why are we subsidizing fast food profits ...?

It puts more people on public assistance, not less. Higher MW = fewer jobs. Fewer jobs = more people on public assistance. I know I'm giving you a rational, logical argument that isn't all emotional and stuff, so now you;'re going to accuse me of not caring about all the poor people in the world and only caring about the profits of big corps. C'mon, AG, you can do it, you're so well practiced that it shouldn't even require thought to type it all out again.
I don't really care for the "well then get paid more, idiot !!" argument.

We're talking about the justification for a minimum wage increase.

The argument is that it could help ensure that working class Americans were able to rely less upon public assistance. Why are we subsidizing fast food profits ...?

Except all it will do is drive up prices and people making the new minimum wage won't be able to afford things any more than they can now. And the people currently making more than $15 an hour, who won't get raises because the minimum wage goes up, will be even less able to compete. It will be an even bigger drain on welfare. Good plan.
Min Wage: Where did 15/hr come from?

Was it just made up by fast food workers and everybody latched onto it? Is there some sort of study or rationale behind it?

there is this thing called "living wage" what that is no one can say. they just give some absurd number.
however people think that 15 dollar minimum wage will get people out of poverty.

if history has shown it not only has not gotten them out of poverty but has actually hurt them in the long run.
price increases lack of jobs and job opportunities pretty much wiped out the gains.

the only way to make a real wage is to be able to do something that has skill.
Bending over backwards to cater to businesses is bad policy. Why does the federal government spend so much to supplement fast food employee's income ? If the company can't afford a living wage, then they should not be able to employ Americans and burden taxpayers with making up the difference.

Bending over for business? Pure BS! Small business people are barely making it in many areas with the competitive pricing and bidding out there.

American tax payers are paying for the for the difference because we fail to tell it like it is, and liberals like yourself feel righteous in expressing their views without some skin in the game.

Aim low....Achieve low!
Sure there is.

Even in Arkansas, people need to be paid more than $14/hr to make a "living wage." 40% of working Americans are paid less than $15/hr.

"In this report, living wages are calculated on the basis of family budgets for several household types. Family budgets include basic necessities, such as food, housing, utilities, transportation, health care, child care, clothing and other personal items, savings, and state and federal taxes. This assumes full-time work on a year- round basis."


Fifteen dollars an hour wouldn't be close to a living wage in some areas of the country. When you start adding in a kid or two into the equation the idea fifteen dollars an hour is a living wage is laughable.
I don't really care for the "well then get paid more, idiot !!" argument.

We're talking about the justification for a minimum wage increase.

there really isn't one. it is hard to justify paying someone 15 an hour with no education or job skills.

The argument is that it could help ensure that working class Americans were able to rely less upon public assistance. Why are we subsidizing fast food profits ...?

because it is cheaper than them being on full government assistance which is what will happen when they are fired or laid off.
Bending over for business? Pure BS! Small business people are barely making it in many areas with the competitive pricing and bidding out there.

American tax payers are paying for the for the difference because we fail to tell it like it is, and liberals like yourself feel righteous in expressing their views without some skin in the game.

Aim low....Achieve low!

when I had 0 education I made minimum wage 5.15.
when I got my associate degree I made 12.45
when I got my bachelor degree I made 16.00 then I got promoted and I make way more.

interesting that more education and job skills equate to more money.
Fifteen dollars an hour wouldn't be close to a living wage in some areas of the country. When you start adding in a kid or two into the equation the idea fifteen dollars an hour is a living wage is laughable.

you forget this has nothing to do with logic. this all has to do with appeal to emotion.
however when that teenager goes to get a job and the manager goes sorry kid. you don't have the skills
to earn the pay.

or when the guy goes to flip burgers and they demand that he go get a degree in cooking they will be forced to
do something.
If you want a living wage, then get a living wage job. Not every job in the country has to be or should be a living wage job. That's the fact that those who think that every job should pay a living wage just don't get.
High school snotnoses living at home don't need a ****ing living wage. They need a kick in the ass to make them work.
when I had 0 education I made minimum wage 5.15.
when I got my associate degree I made 12.45
when I got my bachelor degree I made 16.00 then I got promoted and I make way more.

interesting that more education and job skills equate to more money.

I watched a young counter lady at McDonald's on Monday while she was serving a older couple. She was very rude to them, and slammed a orange juice on the counter for no reason other than they were a bit slow while ordering. The foil cracked on the OJ, and the lady asked for another. The counter girl refused to replace it and told the lady she didn't have time for her nonsense. I could see that the lady was intimidated by the counter lady, so I stepped in and asked for the manager after seeing of enough of her BS. The manager took care of the older couple with the rest of their order.

When it was my turn to order, the same rude counter person asked me: .......watchooo won't.

Me: huh?

Counter lady: Watchoo won't!!!!!

Me: Can you please give me the directions to the nearest Chic Fil A? I walked out.

Seriously..................$15.00 per hour for that?
Min Wage: Where did 15/hr come from?

Was it just made up by fast food workers and everybody latched onto it? Is there some sort of study or rationale behind it?

To my knowledge the $ 15 number is probably political and not economic. If someone knows of a cost benefit study, I will sure be glad to read it.
The argument is that it could help ensure that working class Americans were able to rely less upon public assistance. Why are we subsidizing fast food profits ...?
Why are we subsidizing people with zero ambition? There are millions of jobs that don't require a college degree, that make much more. If you're an adult and have spent a lifetime at "minimum wage," you're a loser. Plain and simple.

Bending over backwards to cater to businesses is bad policy.
Bending over backwards to losers is even worse. Businesses employ people. Losers just take take take.

when I had 0 education I made minimum wage 5.15.
when I got my associate degree I made 12.45
when I got my bachelor degree I made 16.00 then I got promoted and I make way more.

interesting that more education and job skills equate to more money.
Exactly. There are only three types of people who make minimum wage. 1) Teenagers 2) College students 3) Losers. Teenagers do not need to make an exorbitant amount of money. They live at home and their parents subsidize them. College students either live at home, or in a dorm. See #1. Losers need motivation. Minimum wage should be motivation enough, but if it isn't...enjoy loserdom.
I was at the secretary of state the other day and they had some liberal propaganda $15hr BS on their advertising TVs, california and a new york rally IIRC..

Another one of their commercials was for job openings at the SOS...

11$ an hour..

It puts more people on public assistance, not less. Higher MW = fewer jobs. Fewer jobs = more people on public assistance. I know I'm giving you a rational, logical argument that isn't all emotional and stuff, so now you;'re going to accuse me of not caring about all the poor people in the world and only caring about the profits of big corps. C'mon, AG, you can do it, you're so well practiced that it shouldn't even require thought to type it all out again.

It's nowhere near that simple.

Higher incomes at the bottom means more disposable income which means more goods are bought and sold which means economic growth.

Myself ? I think we should raise it to $9/hr and index it to inflation. States and municipalities can increase their own minimum wages with cost of living if they desire. That won't jeopardize many jobs, if any.
Except all it will do is drive up prices and people making the new minimum wage won't be able to afford things any more than they can now. And the people currently making more than $15 an hour, who won't get raises because the minimum wage goes up, will be even less able to compete. It will be an even bigger drain on welfare. Good plan.

According to a study at Purdue, a minimum wage increase of $15/hr (from $7.25, a 100% increase) would increase fast food costs by only 4.3%. Some other estimates (the motley fool) overestimate this at 25%. Even then, double the income, and only a 1/4th increase in prices.... No runaway inflation there.

It's probably a very, very small cost increase for many industries.
Min Wage: Where did 15/hr come from?

Was it just made up by fast food workers and everybody latched onto it? Is there some sort of study or rationale behind it?

It was pulled from a certain bodily orifice. ;)
Bending over for business? Pure BS! Small business people are barely making it in many areas with the competitive pricing and bidding out there.

American tax payers are paying for the for the difference because we fail to tell it like it is, and liberals like yourself feel righteous in expressing their views without some skin in the game.

Aim low....Achieve low!

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm very in favor of small business. I think we should dramatically slash the nominal corporate income tax rate or abolish it altogether. The complicated structures favor big businesses who can hire skilled accounting teams to exploit every available tax incentive, while a small business is likely to overpay.

I also think we should unburden employers from having to provide healthcare. That makes American labor more expensive.

Fix these things and either (1) restore collective bargaining strength by abolishing exclusive representation rights for unions in right to work states/outlawing right to work laws or (2) raise the minimum wage. I think (2) is the shorter path but both have merits. Fact is, the reason so many people are so underpaid is because they've been competing so fiercely in their race to the bottom, and we need some balance in the labor market.
Fifteen dollars an hour wouldn't be close to a living wage in some areas of the country. When you start adding in a kid or two into the equation the idea fifteen dollars an hour is a living wage is laughable.

Yes, if you read the link, they explain that a single parent with two children could need over $44/hr.
there really isn't one. it is hard to justify paying someone 15 an hour with no education or job skills.

because it is cheaper than them being on full government assistance which is what will happen when they are fired or laid off.

No, it's not hard. Someone doesn't need to understand the mathematics behind the big bang or do magic tricks to earn a living wage. All they should have to do is work hard.

Don't engage in class warfare against the working class, it's despicable. Working class folks are some of the best people i've ever met. There's no shame in a humble life.

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