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Military Cadet Thread Extension (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
Florida The Armband State
Political Leaning
Given my original thread "Cadets In Training: U.S. Allies & Enemies Prepare" is snafued in technical hangups I'm opening this extension of it so that the thread and topic may continue, or, as is more the case, resume. The apparently indefinitely sidelined thread -- removed from public access -- has 42K+ hits and more than 500 posts since I opened it in December 2018 so I wanted to be sure a measure of it could continue.

I want to thank Schweddy for his personal attention to the snafu in the original cadet thread, and for his patient communications with me in his efforts to resolve the technical issues that are apparently affecting the DP domain too. While I lost access to page 22 of the thread, I was able to resume posting to it into page 24 before Schweddy contacted me to advise me the thread had to be pulled and investigated so it could be restored. So, in the meantime and for whatever period of time that may require....

I'm refreshing in this first extension post three specific posts I'd made about the Hong Kong Corps of Cadets (Army) Adventure Corps and its Bravo Squadron Guard of Honour that has guardianship of the guidon of the former Royal Hong Kong Regiment of Volunteers. The RHKR (V) originated in 1854 and was dissolved in 1995 as part of the UK-CCP Agreement that HKG be returned to the sovereignty of the CCP-PRC. The Royal Hong Kong 75th Infantry Regiment of Chinese volunteers was commanded by officers of the Royal British Army Force. The 75th fought magnificently with the British in many battles and alone made the final and fierce defense of Hong Kong in December, 1941.

The HKG Adventure Corps of Cadets is the successor organization to the Regiment's Cadet Youth League that was a feeder force to the Regiment itself. The sacred guidon of the former RHKR Cadet Youth League is the guidon passed on to the Bravo Squadron Guard of Honour and the Adventure Corps Cadet Force. The guidon of the Regiment and of the Cadet Youth League are one and the same of course, and now, by Royal Command of HM The Queen, the HKG Cadet Adventure Corps has the guidon under the guardianship of the Bravo Squadron Guard of Honour.

My next post will be of the Regiment itself marching with the guidon and of the Cadet Youth League itself parading with the guidon after being inspected by the cadre Major commander of the six companies of the Regiment's cadet youth league force. These videos go back to the early 1990s

March On of the Guidon | Cadet Guard of Honour | Hong Kong (Army) Adventure Corps of Cadet Volunteers

Official Guardians of the Guidon of the former Royal Hong Kong Regiment of Volunteers | 1854 - 1995

Cadet Adventure Corps | Annual Parade & Ceremony | All Squadrons | Grounds of HKG Police College

Cadet Bravo Squadron | Cadet Guard of Honour

Hong Kong (Army) Adventure Corps of Cadet Volunteers

Who We Are | What We Do | And Why We Do It

Trooping the Guidon | Of the Former Royal HKG 75th Infantry Regiment (V) 1854 - 1995

By Bravo Squadron of Cadets | Guard of Honour | Official Guardians of the Regiment Guidon

Of Chinese Volunteer Regiment Commanded by Officers of the Royal British Army Force

Annual Parade & Ceremony | Hong Kong (Army) Adventure Corps of Cadets | All Squadrons

All cadets of the Adventure Corps know this history and they know it well.

Notably btw, Hong Kong Cadet Force as a whole does not observe national anthems, national colors/banners in its ceremonies, training, meetings, while all commands are given in English. The marching and ceremonial manual of the HKG cadet force, ie, Army Adventure Corps, Air Cadets, Sea Cadets, is British right down to the bagpipes and the open palm salute and so on. The field training manuals remain the British armed forces sources for Adventure Corps, Air Cadet Corps, Sea Cadet Corps. Indeed, cadets, cadre, parents and supporters want nothing to do with the PLA or the mainland Chinese military. Absolutely nothing. Whatsoever.
The Royal Hong Kong Regiment (V) 50th Anniversary Parade Commemorating the Regiment's valiant and fierce defense of Hong Kong, December 1941, held on August 8, 1991. The Regiment Guidon is marched out at 4:30 of the video.

Cadet Recruits of the RHKR Youth League are integrated into the parent Regiment's Training and Preparatory Force, under the Regiment's Guidon.

Dissolution Parade of the Royal Hong Kong Regiment (V), September 2, 1995. Officiated by the last Governor of Hong Kong, Lord Chris Patten.

Royal Hong Kong Regiment of Volunteers | Anniversary Parade | December 8, 1991

Honoring the Regiment's Valiant Defense of Hong Kong | December 1941

Marching Out of the Regiment Guidon @ 4:30 of Video | "Second To No One in the Orient"

Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers)'s Parade held on 8.12.1991 at Hong Kong Stadium, commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Battle for Hong Kong and honouring the members and officers of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps who gallantly gave their lives fighting to defend Hong Kong.

In the 18 days of bitter fighting the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps fought most tenaciously against an overwhelming, battle-hardened enemy. Bearing the motto "NULLI SECUNDUS IN ORIENTE", the Volunteers fought on serveral occasions almost to the last man. On Christmas Day 1941, the Battle for Hong Kong came to an end; by then of the 2,200 soldiers and officers mobilised, 289 were either killed or missing.

These brave men and women are to be remembered forever.

Music in this video:
By Land and Sea, official march of the RHKR and a long honored and fond British Army march tune. Presently the official march of the Hong Kong Adventure Corps.
Royal Cadet Youth League | Royal Hong Kong Regiment (V) 1854 - 1995

Integration of New Recruit Cadets | Into the Regiment Cadet Force | May 31, 1992

Inspection By Commandant Major | Trooping of the Guidon | Pass in Review

Music in this video:
By Land & Sea......the Official March of the RHKR and a venerable British Army march that goes deep into British Army history. By Land and Sea is carried forward as the official march of the Hong Kong Adventure Corps.

The bright colors of blue, gold, red that we see were the identifying colors on pennants of the RHKR used in the fog of battle, and became the official flag/banner/colors of the Adventure Corps. The RHKR Guidon was assigned to the HKAC by Royal Command of HM The Queen in 2003 at the respectful request of the Regiment's veterans organization.

Disbandment Parade & Ceremony | Royal Hong Kong 75th Regiment of Volunteers

All Chinese Infantry Regiment | Commanded by British Army Force Officers 1854 - 1995

September 2, 1995 | Officiated by the Last Governor of Hong Kong | Lord Chris Patten

Music in this video:
Colonel Bogey March
So let's look over the Hong Kong (Army) Adventure Corps of Cadets who are the successors to the Royal Hong Kong Regiment of Volunteers who fought with the British Army from 1854 - 1995. RHKR (V) was disbanded in that year, as per the Agreement between the UK and CCP to return the sovereignty of HGK to the CCP DictatorTyrants.

HKAC of cadets is the direct descendant of the RHKR Cadet Youth League and, indeed, HKAC Guard of Honour, which is the Corps Bravo Squadron, is the guardian of the disbanded RHKR (V) Regiment Guidon.

Cadet Adventure Corps of Hong Kong | Annual Parade & Awards | All Squadrons & Guard of Honour

Reviewing Official: Joseph Wong, Minister of Science & Technology | Patron of HK Combined Cadet Corps

This is the standard HKG cadet corps annual parade, awards, pass in review that each cadet corps does in its full membership and when all the corps units assemble together. Rain or shine ha the event is always on. This video is edited down to 15 minutes without missing anything central to the ceremony, which is good, to include some socializing at the end.

The event includes all cadets and their units and has seating for parents, supporters, patrons and other onlookers. It is at the large parade field of the HKG Police College. In the pass in review each unit number and its location by municipal district name is announced in Chinese mandarin and in English (we do not see each unit pass in review due to the very good editing). Indeed the video opens with cadets placing the flag of each unit with the unit insignia on it.

HKAC average age is 11 months younger than the HK Air Cadet Corps (HKACC) and 8 months younger than the HK Sea Cadet Corps (HKSCC). HKAC has a lot of frisky young'ns who climb trees better than they march ha.

Video Time Stamp:
2:00 ..........March On of All Squadrons, Hong Kong (Army) Adventure Corps of Cadets
2:40 ..........March On of the Guidon by the Guard of Honour
4:00...........Arrival of the Reviewing Official Joseph Wong, Minister of Science & Technology and Patron of the HKCCC
5:30..........Inspection of the Corps by the Reviewing Officer
7:15.........Trooping of the Guidon of the former RHKR (V) entrusted to the HKAC & Guard of Honour
8:00.........Pass in Review All Squadrons
9:50 - 10:20.........Remarks in Chinese by the Reviewing Official (which is when I jump ahead ha)
Presentation by the Reviewing Officer of some awards to cadre & cadets, to include one young woman cadet who declined to shake the hand of a commie ha.
11:25.........The March Off & Final Pass in Review (as edited)
12:30.........Social Activity: we get an excellent close up view of British captain's rank pips that form the basis of the cadet rank of captain in USA ROTC -- high school and uni -- of Army, Marines and for USAF Civil Air Patrol cadets.
12:55.........Class Photo

Cadet Guard of Honour & Colours | Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps | Pass in Review

****ing Awesome.

HKG Air Cadet Guard of Honour was selected to lead the parade through central HKG for the China Olympic Team after the Beijing Olympics of 2008 had concluded. These are superior cadets at this happy stuff. In fact the HKG Air Cadet Corps all squadrons is the best of 'em all at this marching business. Not only at marching either.
Let's visit two spots in the Asia Pacific: Hong Kong and Hawaii for a bit.

In Hong Kong there are the superlative Air Cadets Guards of Honour being reviewed by Brent Wolfe of Canada who is president of the International Association of Air Cadet Exchange Programs. His brief remarks are in English and are excellent, as the video focuses on the GOH only so it is a short clip.

In Hawaii we visit with the U.S. Navy Sea Cadet Corps Battleship Missouri Division to see a fast paced action video of their training program.

Very good stuff if I may dare to say so.

Cadet Guards of Honour | Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps | Annual Parade of All Squadrons

Reviewing Official: Brent Wolfe President International Air Cadet Exchange Association

The Guards of Honour Ceremonial Squadron, Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps.

Reviewed by Mr. Brent Wolfe of Canada, President of the International Air Cadet Exchange Association with HQ in Montreal, Canada.

Music in this video: Forward Freedom's Banner.

The formation of the Guard and of the HKACC is composited under the British Ceremonial Manual. Uniforms, the Corps Regiment Colours and music are from the same; all commands and instructions are in English. Brief remarks of high praise directed to the GOH by Mr. Wolfe visiting from his HQ in Canada are in English.

The HKACC Guards of Honour are formed up with:
1 Guards Commander
1 Guard Junior Officer
1 Officer Colour Bearer, 1 Colour WO, 2 SNCOs as Colour escort
2 SNCOs guards and 48 cadets below the rank of flight sergeant.

I chose this year, 2008 because this HKACC Guard of Honour is the exact group of cadets and their volunteer cadre who were selected by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region SAR to lead the 2008 post Beijing Olympics welcoming parade through central HKG for the China Olympic Team. In 2004 the HKACC GOH was chosen to welcome the Olympic Gold Medal Winners of that year in a parade through HKG. In 2004 the HKACC GOH was chosen by the HKG SAR Government to lead the welcome to China's first astronaut. This is a world class guard of cadets who can march with the best of 'em anywhere, anytime.

The International Air Cadet Exchange Association was founded in Montreal, Canada, in 1946 when the Air Cadet League of Canada and the RAF Air Training Corps began a summer exchange program of 23 cadets aged 16-18. Age eligibility to join most countries cadet corps of each service has long been 11-18.

Each member organization of IACEA is responsible for the exchange costs in its own country and for transporting their cadets and escorts to and from the host country or assembly point. Based on the value and importance governments attach to the IACE programme, military air transportation is frequently provided although some countries transport their cadets and escorts by civil aircraft, and others by ground transportation.

IACEA Programme finance varies between countries, but many rely on support received from their aviation and engineering industries, national aero clubs, youth air organizations and private individuals. Some countries with government-sponsored youth air organizations receive direct financial support for the exchange programme from their governments. Visiting cadets and escorts incur no expenses in the host countries apart from private expenditure.

U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps | Battleship Missouri | Hawaii Division

Seamanship Program Pearl Harbor Honolulu Hawaii

The US Naval Sea Cadet Corps Battleship Missouri--Hawaii Division drills two Saturdays a month aboard the USS Missouri (BB-63) at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor.

USNSCC is the official youth organization of the United States Navy and the United States Coast Guard. It is designed to introduce youths aged 11 to 18 in Naval and maritime life, to build character, patriotism, teamwork and comradery, leadership, and to inculcate good citizenship.

Music in this video: Flash; Topaz; Head Them Up; Beyond The Sunset.
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So I'm trying now to figure out how, who or what, and why, my cadet threads are being blocked to include removed during the current year.
So let's try this again given technical readjustments have been made.

This is another attempt to post the videos I tried unsuccessfully to post immediately above.

My text continues to apply of course.

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Remembrance Sunday | Hong Kong Combined Cadet Force | Guards of Honour

"The Glorious Dead" | November 11th | 1914 - 1918 ||| 1939 - 1945

HKG Air Cadets | HKG Naval Cadets | HGK Army Adventure Corps Cadets

Pay Tribute With Veterans of the Royal Hong Kong Infantry Division of Volunteers 1854 - 1995


Selected Coments:

Pearl of the Orient

A more than Decent drill, considering out city has been ruled by "the party" since '97.

Charlie Yerrell

This ceremony is not just to remember all the commonwealth forces killed in the war. It is also to remember all the Chinese men women and children killed in the war.

Remembrance Day Hong Kong 2018 | Cadet Force Guards of Honour

Air Cadets | Naval Cadets | Adventure Corps of Army Cadets

British Colonial Flag of HKG Displayed With UK Union Banner | Drives the Chicoms Up The Wall

Aces High a most popular tune of the British Royal Air Force
Last Post (Taps)

Selected Comments:

Alan Chan

Lest We Forget


Terrific, except the horrible Chinese flag, and HKSAR flag. The union jack and real HK flag should be raised

John M

terrific. Hong Kong looks British again, and I should know, I have lived there

Daniel Callaghan

Top trolling from whoever brought the Union Jack

Moses Ekaputra

That flag shows who Hongkongers truly admire

Daniel Lai

Start learning goose steps, kids.

When Cadets Are Fully Grown Up | U.S. CAPITOL BUILDING

US Armed Forces Medley Of Official Tunes | 2020 | Gary Sinese

Joint Chiefs of Staff | Chairman Gen. Milley

Selected Comments:

Brett Farley

May God protect all of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen who sacrifice themselves for us every day and to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our nation.

Anna Salerno

Chills every time. Proud to be an American. God bless our troops.


Nice touch. The USMC hymn was sung by Airmen, Seamen, and Soldiers, to show how the Marines are a combination of the three.

Karl Zynda

I, German, am jealous of your wonderful patriotism and thankful for the protection by the USA.


There has been much leg pulling between Brits and Yanks for over 200 years but make absolutely no mistake, the US armed forces have our total respect, we have and will stand shoulder to shoulder with them again if need be. We have our memorial day on November 11th where we remember our great Servicemen and women and it is an honour to share yours with you. Best wishes from the UK.

Wong Thomas

Best wishes to America from Hong Kong! We love you! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇭🇰🇭🇰

CommonSenseRevolution X

I’m a Canadian, son of an RCAF lieutenant colonel and WWII vet (deceased), we have proud traditions, but I’ve always be jealous of the great history you folks have, proud to be your neighbor and friend. God bless and keep the United States!

Korean Bul-gogi

Thank you for your service, We never forget your sacrifice. From S. Korea

Leo Lion

That brought tears to my eyes, the sheer power of the voices reflects the immense courage these men and women demonstrate on a regular basis...bless them all...a Brit
Lyrics to each marching tune of the U.S. armed services.

Not in sequence, ie, the national concert on the Washington Mall begins with the most junior service and progresses to the most senior service finale of the medley. Most junior is the Coast Guard. Most senior is the Army.

Yet this video presents the Marines last to include their immodest line, If the Army and the Navy ever get to Heavens Gate, they will find it is guarded by United States Marines.


Joint Service Color Guard at a Joint Service Ceremony, Summeral Field, Ft. Myer, Arlington Va., home base of the 3rd Infantry Regiment The Old Guard of the Army Infantry Ceremonial Unit.

It's typical interservice stuff that today is structured and discouraged in the joint integrated U.S. armed forces. Still and yes, however, the Marines are the Marines. And the rest of us are fighters.
Veterans Day is coming upon us so I post 2021 Veterans Day activities just completed only some hours ago. My focus is on Junior ROTC from Florida to Philadelphia to Kansas. I've done my best to include all service branches of JROTC, although the Army JROTC being the largest of the cadet forces, it has the most videos produced.

November 11th btw I'll be traveling, through the 12th. I'll fly from Hong Kong to LA and then on to Atlanta and to Florida. After a total of ten years in the fascist CCP-PRC I'll be returning home to the good ol' USA for a period of time, likely several months. My grand plan ha is to reacquaint myself with my country then depart to take up my next life in Taiwan. I try to be where the action is -- or might be expected to be.

Cadets of Army Junior ROTC | Summerlin Academy | Lakeland Florida

Veterans Day Parade | November 8, 2021 | Premiered & Streamed 14 Hours Ago

Summerlin Academy's first parade of 21-22 school year! Cadets marched in the annual Veteran's Day Parade in Lakeland. Instructors marched alongside the cadets. Marching as a unit promotes Esprit de Corps and showing respect for Veteran's in our community for their sacrifice for our country is a noble cause. Good job, regiment and cadre!

As for moi I don't care for this recent Army practice of marching in a mass unit of all companies. It's too much of a mass. If your high school JROTC unit doesn't have a band it makes little difference whether you march as a mass in cadence calls -- all the way through the parade btw -- or march in a line of successive companies executing cadence calls to maintain step and rhythms. If your JROTC has a band, then put 'em in the linear center where they belong and can be heard by all marching companies front and rear.

Also, and very significantly, the cadre in motion individually and alongside the formation is much too present, ie, overbearing, bossing the cadets and their cadet leaders during the progress of the event. In ROTC junior in hs or senior at uni, the cadre's job is to teach then disappear to allow the cadets to run the operation from A-Z which is -- as we appreciate -- the very best way to learn your role that graduates developmentally from follower to leader.

Summerlin Academy is a Polk County Public School of Choice, where rigorous academics are taught in a military-structured environment. The mission of Summerlin Academy is to motivate young people to be better citizens by teaching leadership skills that are designed to help students excel in school, career, community, and life. Summerlin cadets are expected to exceed core academic requirements, maintain high academic standards, and to consistently display exemplary behavior both on campus and in their community. Additionally, our cadets must have a mastery in a critical foreign language, have demonstrated self-discipline through fitness standards, integrity, commitment to learn, lead, and serve.

Cadets of Army Junior ROTC | March in Philadelphia Veterans Day Parade | Nov. 8, 2021

Again the cadre which is superb as one can be sure is all over the place active when it needs to be marching alongside the cadets and leaving the leadership to the cadet leaders.

Cadets of Junior ROTC | Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force | Veterans Day Observance

Wichita Public Schools Kansas | All Public Schools JROTC Program Cadets & Cadre

Speak Articulately About Veterans Day & Their Own Experience in ROTC

JROTC and Leadership students from across Wichita come together to honor our Veterans at the annual Veterans Day ceremony. Two cadets speak as the events occur. The first is the cadet Lt.Col XO and the second we meet is the Cadet Colonel OIC. Alas, as cadet LTC in my senior year of High School JROTC I recognize and know the role of XO that includes being spokesperson to the public of the cadet experience. Then the cadet colonel contributes his perspective.

In Army, Marines ROTC hs and college, and in USAF Civil Air Patrol, the cadet officer ranks are identical, so we see the two diamonds on the XO and the three diamonds on the OIC. The two speak very well indeed of the JROTC experience of the more than 1700 such programs of JROTC of all services across the USA.

Because it's Hong Kong cadets (of all services) there are no national flags nor are there national anthems. There's only the local event itself with its own particular service brigade uniforms, flag and colour guard. There's only the British Manual of ceremony, parades, salute, music, manual of arms, commands in English by the exclusively Chinese corps of sea cadets and their adult cadre, bagpipes and Scottish plaid.

The only flags are the flags of the Sea School and its three companies of cadets. The school flag is black and white simple, a white flag with black lettering of the school name in English across the top and in classic Chinese across the bottom, centered by the classic and ever present naval anchor. Company flags/colors are Green company the Seals, Red company the Sea Lions, Blue company the Whales.

Parade & Ceremony commander is the HKG SCS cadre LCDR director of military customs and courtesy, parade & ceremony, marching and maneuvering. Reviewing officer is the Commodore Commandant of HKG Sea Cadet Corps by appointment of Her Majesty the Queen in accordance with the 1997 handover agreement between UK and Beijing.

Quoting one commenter of the video:


7 months ago

The slow march to Auld Lang Syne at the end was perfectly done.

Hong Kong Sea Cadet School | Graduation Ceremony & Parade

Reviewing Officer: Commodore Commandant Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps

Inspection | Awards | Recruiters Throughout World | Parents, Friends, Officials

Video Timestamp:

00:01-7:20 Sea School Band Pre Ceremony Performance (which I usually skip when I watch again)
8:20-11:00 March On HKG Sea Cadet School Corps of Cadets, lead by band and graduating class in dress whites; arrival of cadre parade commander
15:20 Arrival of HKG Central Committee Representative accompanied by PLA Navy School "Advisor"
18:20 Arrival of Reviewing Officer Commodore Commandant of HKG SCC, accompanied by Captain Principal of School and LCDR Commandant of Cadets; general salute
19:20-25:30 Inspection of Cadets by Commodore Commandant, accompanied by parade commander, School Principal; commandant of cadets; at the band a grade 7 Year 1 cadet plays the general salute on his clarinet to the Commodore Commandant
26:40-30:00 Pass in Review taken by Commodore Commandant
31:00-36:10 Remarks in Chinese by Commodore Commandant
36:25-43:15 Awards to the 5 superior graduating cadets and one retiring cadre; all cadets cheer and applaud the retiring cadre LT who is a native of HKG, served 20 years in the Royal British Navy then returned to HKG for 19 years with the Sea Cadet School
43:30 Pass in Review by the graduating class to begin a light show and a slow march through the ranks by the graduating class
51:00 Pass in Review Finale by the continuing cadets in the three companies of the Hong Kong Sea Cadet School.


Let's look at some US Navy Sea Cadets in the first two videos here. USN & its SCC have consistently interesting videos that are among other virtues informative, action oriented and well done to include most music selections that accompany most of 'em.

While Army ROTC cadets of high school and university, along with Army community cadet programs have interesting vids for sure, and the Civil Air Patrol of the USAF do some cool vids with their music, USNSCC has a proliferation of videos to choose from, the majority of which focus on training rather than drill and ceremony, concomitant marching and maneuvering in ceremonies -- although SCC vids have this too, of course.

The third and final video of this set is a "blinker" as it were of USMC Officer Candidate School with a focus on a Marine NCO drill instructor overseeing training in drill and marching. I say a blinker because the sucker is so brief you'd miss it if you blink ha. It makes the point well of course.

USN Sea Cadets Summer Field Operations & Training | Belle Glade | Florida July 2021


Sea Cadet gets a simulated shot of a vaccine by another Sea Cadet in medical training.

Remembering World War II


Sea Cadet Florida Battalion Chief Cadet Kurt Schindele, retired Gunners Mate Chief Bob Dickenson and Navy Capt. Matthew Robinson, representing the Navy League, at Schindele’s interview with Dickenson for Seapower Quarterly about his World War II experiences.

USNSCC Field Leadership Course - Class 001C Field Leadership Course - Class 001​

United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps Leadership Class 001 consisted of 16 cadets from California, Arizona, Texas, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, New York, and Maryland. During the 9 days of training, these cadets learn the very basics of Marine Corps Squad Tactics, Combat Orders, MOUT Operations, Land Navigation, Martial Arts, and First Aid. The training location as the initiated will recognize immediately is Camp Pendleton CA.

Candidates for SCC leadership also had the opportunity to receive training in the Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Training and the Combat Convoy Simulator. The course ended with a final evaluation, known as the “GAUNTLET”, in which the cadets conducted combat operations for approximately 34 hours straight. During this time, cadets were each evaluated on their ability to plan and execute a combat mission by commanding a squad of 3 Fire Teams; 12 cadets total. 16 different missions were executed, to include exfiltration of high value friendly personnel, seizing areas of opportunity, and attacking the enemy by fire. Various Music in this video is by Anikdote - Turn it up

USMC Officer Candidates School

Forward, march! Drill is an integral skill taught to candidates at OCS and candidates are taught to lead platoons.

So that's the three of 'em for now.

I must say however the fun is gone from creating cadet videos at the Military Forum of DP. The technical ****ups and complications my cadet threads have become subject to are daunting indeed to overcome. My original cadet thread was removed a year ago for some sort of technical problem no supposed genius seems able to correct. The successor thread, ie, this one, has hit a wall of technical sabotage that makes posting to it a humongous headache of complexities and sandtraps.

It could make me see red in fact but I've stayed calm despite all the promises of action and effectiveness that have gone nowhere for more than a year.

I'll try to continue from time to time however, so thx for checking in.
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Continuing with Naval cadets we have a video of the HKG Royal British Navy Sea Cadet Corps annual parade at the RN Tamar Naval Base headquarters, Victoria Bay. It's an oldie but goodie blast from the past, circa 1985. The video opens and closes with a view of the Prince of Wales Building HQ British RN Far East. The vid is in two parts.

The third video is also of a major cadet event in HKG. It is the annual "Join Parade" as the Brits call it. That is, all units of each of the three cadet corps of HKG parade together as an annual event. We'd call it a Joint Cadet Force Ceremony and Parade. This is because of course all services cadet brigades participate side by side.

Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps | Annual Parade | Tamar Royal Navy Base | Victoria Bay

At Prince of Wales Building | HQ British Royal Navy HKG | HKGSCC Ship's Company

of HMS Tamar | Reviewing Official: Governor of HKG Sir David Akers-Jones

Parade Commander : Lt Cdr David Hsu
Guard Officer : S/Lt Edmund Tong
Band Master : CPO Wong Yue
Captain Commander Royal HKG Tamar Naval Base
Prince of Wales Building HQ RN Far East

There's a march on of the HKG Sea Cadet Corps, inspection by HKG Gov. Akers-Jones, brief presentation of some awards to cadre and cadets, remarks by the Governor, then the pass in review. The camera follows the band marching out of the base and pier where we see cars and buses like we're in Cuba ha. We see the HMS Tamar at dockside. This is the 7th Royal Navy HMS Tamar dating back to the early 19th century; the 8th HMS Tamar is currently in RN service.

It's hot and insufferably humid in HKG ha so while the gal cadets wear dresses the guy cadets show up in their high and tighties shorts in what is a classic Navy summer sea of white. The band and the guard wear long trousers however so they enjoy some sense of modesty and, indeed, decency ha. (I was expecting the boy cadets to break out in a chorus line but never mind ha. )

Remarks by Gov. Akers-Jones begin at the end of the first video and conclude at 1:20 of the second video, at which point the SCC passes in review. The gov speaks fluent Chinese of course. He'd been secretary of HKG for a dozen years before becoming gov. Sir David Akers-Jones died in HKG in 2019 at age 93.

Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps | Annual Parade | Tamar Royal Navy Base | Victoria Bay

At Prince of Wales Building | HQ British Royal Navy HKG | HKGSCC Ship's Company

of HMS Tamar | Reviewing Official: Governor of HKG Sir David Akers-Jones

Part 2

Joint Cadet Force of Hong Kong | All Cadets Annual Joint Parade & Ceremony | Adventure (Army) Corps of Cadets

Sea Cadets | Air Cadets | March On of Each Cadet Brigade Guards of Honour & Corps Colours | 2001 Year

This blast from the past oldie but goodie cadet video begins with the HKG Combined Cadet Force HQ cadre sergeant major presenting the marched on three brigades of the combined cadet corps -- Adventure Corps, Sea Cadet Corps, Air Cadet Corps -- to the cadre captain adjutant of the HKG Combined Cadet Corps Superior HQ.

We see the cadre commanding officer of each of the three cadet corps standing at attention saluting near the review platform: the colonel commanding the Adventure Corps, the colonel commanding the Air Cadet Corps, the Captain commanding the Sea Cadet Corps.

Music in this video:
Forward Freedom's Banner..
........March On of the Air Cadet Corps Guards of Honour & Cadet Air Brigade Colours
By Land & Sea.................................March On of the Adventure Corps Guards of Honour & Cadet Ground Force Brigade Colours
Heart of Oak....................................Official March of the Royal British Navy for March On of the Sea Cadet Corps Guards of Honour & Colours.
Let's visit Japan and the Self Defense Force National Defense Academy where we haven't been for more than a year. I had trouble trying to post things Japanese military while I was in China but now that I'm back in the USA things should be different.

It's get out the Covid mask time at the NDA as we see the opening of the academic year festivities that were held November 23, 2021. NDA is high up on a 300 foot plateau overlooking Tokyo Bay and with a direct view to Mt. Fuji where there is a military and academy training ground. NDA is at the sprawling Yokosuka Naval Base which includes the home base of forward deployed elements of the USN 7th Fleet, its carrier strike force in particular.

Cadets of Japan National Defense Academy | Opening Festivities of New Academic Year | November 2021

Ground Self Defense Force Brigade | Edited March On | Pass in Review | Ground Force Cadet Drill Team

Reviewing Officer: General Gorō Yuasa, Commander Ground SDF & Chief, Ground Forces Staff


Heavy editing keeps this video down to its max of 25 minutes rather than try to present the entire hour and a half of ceremonies and festivities that are observed with the beginning of a new academic year. For instance, the March On and inspection from vehicle of the 16 companies in 4 battalions is done and overwith at 5:30 into the video with the pass in review suddenly ready to go.

Time Stamp of Music In This Video:
5:40.......Officer of the Day March for the Band leading the Pass in Review
6:55.......Victory March of Japan Self Defense Force, for the Pass in Review by Chief Cadet of Brigade & Brigade Staff
Each drum roll by the band signifies a new battalion arriving to the review platform, led by cadet commander of the BN and BN cadet staff with BN colors and number.
7:55.......Battalion March, which is the official march tune of the Japan Ground SDF
10:55.....Man O'War March, which is the official march tune of the Japan Maritime SDF
14:00......Warriors in the Sky, official march of the Japan Air SDF

While this is the cadet Ground Force brigade, each of the three cadet brigades that resides and studies together -- and plays together -- at the NDA march to the identical set of marching music tunes that includes the official march of each service branch of the SDF. This is to foster a common life at the academy and unity of purpose, goals, means. It's also the same reason that on most important occasions all three brigades wear the identical uniform.

Just a reminder before I hit 5000 characters already ha, there are four battalions of 16 companies totaling some 1000 cadets to each cadet brigade, Ground, Maritime, Air, that reside together at the NDA. Each BN and Cpy flag/guidon has the BN color and number, and each company flag has the BN color and two digits, the digit inside at the flagstaff is the BN number and the digit at the outside the cpy number of the BN.
I sure as hell don't care......if I want to relive my childhood, I can watch the cartoon network.
I sure as hell don't care......if I want to relive my childhood, I can watch the cartoon network.
But yet he keeps up with his nonsense. It’s like he thinks anyone cares or believes a word he says.
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Is Tangmo talking to himself again?
But yet he keeps up with his nonsense. It’s like he thinks anyone cares or believes a word he says.
Just trying to stay in his past golden moments; for some, its all they have to hold onto. 🤷‍♂️
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps
Founded 1956 By the Navy League of the United States
Chartered by Act of Congress 1962: Official Youth Organization of the USN & USCG
Oath: “I promise to serve God, honor our flag, abide by the Naval Sea Cadet Corps regulations and carry out the orders of the officers appointed over me, and so conduct myself as to be a credit to myself, my unit, the Naval Sea Cadet Corps, the Navy and my country.”

Cadets of Japan National Defense Academy | Maritime Brigade (Navy) | "Bo-Taoshi" War Game Competition | "Topple the Pole"

Opening Ceremonies Weekend | New Academy Year | Nov. 14, 2021 | Yokusuka Naval Base | Tokyo Bay

4 Battalions of NDA Maritime Cadet Brigade Compete | For Bragging Rights | To the Entire New Academic Year Just Underway

Bo Taoshi is a Japan heavily contact sport the object of which is to topple the opponent's pole by at least 30 degrees. Until about 20 years ago it was in all Japanese schools and military academies. Since then however this gruelingly physical "sport" has been eliminated from the schools of Japan. Except for the National Defense Academy ha where all three military services -- Ground, Maritime, Air -- learn their stuff on the same campus for four years, since 1952-54 when the NDA was organized.

Each of the four battalion cadet brigade teams consists of 150 (insane) volunteer cadets evenly divided on offense, which members wear your BN color, and defense where all defensive teams wear white tops and green bottoms. Offense and defense each elect a captain while the whole team elects another cadet as senior captain. Defensive captain is the "monkey" at the top of the pole and only he can kick and punch your brains in ha. Both attackers and defenders can only grab, block, toss, bearhug, sit on you and so on.

Each service cadet corps brigade has four battalions: 1 BN Red; 2 BN Blue; 3 BN Green; 4 BN Azure (Orange). The above video puts 2 BN Blue vs 3 BN Green. The Blue BN is known for its mobility and maneuvers as it approaches the defense surrounding the pole. First wave needs to pull out of the defensive mass the outside ring of defenders to reduce the mass. Second wave covers the defenders by bending forward for the attack wave. The attack wave runs, touches the bent over cadets to propel itself to the pole to haul it down. While each BN engages in these three fundamental tactics, the 2 BN Blue does it with the most maneuverability and agility, although it guarantees nothing ha.

The second matchup in this vid has 1 BN Red vs 4 BN Azure. While I read someplace at the academy website 1 BN Red are the NY Yankees of this competition over the long haul, other battalions have had their day too ha. In the warmups teams chant in English, "We Are!" Yet only the champ gets to trot the campus to their chant of, "YES We Are!"

Cadets of Japan National Defense Academy | Bo-Taoshi | In Slow Mo & Still Photos | A Better Look & Appreciation of It

Cadets of Japan National Defense Academy | Edited Compilation | Ceremonies Celebrating Opening of New Academy Year

4 BN Azure Cadet March Back to Pass in Review | Dance Competition of Cadets With Gal of Their Choosing From Hometown

Bo-Taishi Pre Match Rally 2 BN Blue Cadet Team of Maritime SDF | Cadet Maritime Brigade Precision Drill Team

Cadets of USA meet veterans of World War 2.

First Up: The legendary "Battered Bastards of Bastone."

US Army veteran of the World War 2 Battle of the Bulge in Bastone, Belgium, Vince Speranza of the 101st Airborne Division tells his famous story. A must read ha.


World War II veteran Vince Speranza talked about his war stories with cadets at the West Point Modern Warfare Institute on Dec. 6, 2019 before meeting with cadets individually.

This WWII beer run was the greatest of all time​

Note: Speranza's buddy had schrapnel in both legs and said he needed some water. There was no water anywhere around so Speranza hustled for whatever he could find for his buddy to drink. Yet a major on the scene threatened to have him shot.....

US Naval Sea Cadet Corps​

“The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps is a federally-chartered non-profit youth organization for young people, ages 10 through the completion of high school. USNSCC is comprised of two programs. Our senior program, the Naval Sea Cadet Corps, is for young people, ages 13 through the completion of high school. Our junior program, the Navy League Cadet Corps, is for young people, ages 10 through 13.


Cadets of the Theodore Roosevelt Division of the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps escort veterans of all services at Long Island NY to observe Veterans Day, 2019.

WWII veterans aged 100 recognized at Civil Air Patrol banquet​


At the DeSoto Squadron Civil Air Patrol Christmas banquet, Dec. 23, 2021, the squadron offered birthday wishes to four World War II veterans from the DeSoto County, Mississippi area who were at, above, or nearing 100 years old.

The group who were feted at the banquet included William Hall, Olin Pickens, K.T. Robbins, and T.K. Tanner.

Hall was in the Army Air Corps from 1943-1946 as an aircraft mechanic/flight engineer for B-17, B-24, and B-29 aircraft. Hall will be 102 years old on July 26.

Pickens was in the U.S. Army and was a German prisoner of war between 1942-1945. Pickens will be 100 on Dec. 31.

Robbins was stationed in France and turned 100 years old on July 4.

Tanner was in the South Pacific in the 31st Infantry Dixie Division from 1940-1945. Tanner will turn 99 on Jan. 20.

Thanks for your service and for your commitment to our young cadets across the services.

Vince Speranza - The Battle of Bastogne​

On 06 December 2019 Mr. Vince Speranza briefed Cadets at West Point (photo in scrolling) on his experiences during WWII and specifically the Battle of Bastogne in Belgium, Dec. 20-27, 1944.


Speranza recounts his tale to Army ROTC cadets at Northern Arizona University

World War II Veteran Vince Speranza is a living legend in Bastogne, Belgium, with his own beer named after him for his service in the war. Now 95, the veteran, retired history teacher, widower, father and grandfather, has a popular book called Nuts!: A 101st Airborne Division Machine Gunner at Bastogne that he published at the age of 89. Speranza made his final jump in 2020 with the Army Golden Knights Airborne Team.

Cadets of USMA at West Point NY | Institute on Modern War | Hear A Veteran of the Famous World War II Battle of Bastone

Battle of the Bulge | 25 German Divisions Surprise Tank Attack | The Final German Offensive on the Western Front

Speranza Tells His American Story | From Son of Immigrants to American Legend in Bastone, Belgium | 101 AD

"You gotta pardon me because when I tell my stories I tell 'em in the language of the day. So when we got to basic our platoon sergeant Masterelli told us, "I'm gonna take you little shits and turn you into Soldiers!" The first morning he turned the lights on and said, "Alright, drop your cocks and grab your socks."

Spinoza said BG McCauliff's original reply to the German surrender demand "**** You" could not be printed in the mass media, so it was reported instead as, "Nuts."

And so on....

Selected Comments​

Brandon Westbrook

4 months ago
I could listen to Mr. Speranza every day. Master story teller

Promethean Allegory

1 year ago
This guy beats the hell out of most history teachers.


6 months ago (edited)
“This country MUST NOT FAIL !” Is what his father told him and his brothers. What are we showing and telling our kids today ? He also said “There has never been a country like this one in the history of the world.” JFK said “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country !” Men and women of that era, like Mr. Speranza did this very thing. I am proud of my unit of back In the day, HHC 2nd Inf Bde (Strike) 101st Abn Div (Air Assault) Ft. Campbell Ky. Duty 🇺🇸 Honor 🇺🇸 Country 🇺🇸

6 months ago
This guy needs a movie about his life

Joan Mavima

1 year ago
There are no words adequate to state what we owe Mr Sperenza and all those who gave all. Those who are still alive, including my 101 year old WWII vet father, must not see freedom fail.

Carl Stritzinger

6 months ago
Absolutely amazing and filled with humor and concern.


6 months ago
I can’t love this mans message more

Mark Nemeth

6 months ago
True American Hero...I served with the 1/327th Bastogne Bulldogs...great Battalion...

Joshua Cruz

4 months ago
Very healthy old man. May he continue to live well.

Nav Veteran

6 months ago
Thank God for true patriots, both alive and past, for the freedom that we all enjoy!!!!!

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