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Mike Flynn Can Stop Fretting (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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There is a world-wide computer chip shortage.

Under our skin as in from a vaccine? If so, I'm still pissed, It's been a year since my first shot and almost a year since my second. I don't know which dose the microchip was in but it ain't working. I still lose my wifi when I leave home. How is the damn thing supposed to work?
Huh this guy is still around?

I figured that with the recent loss of several Russian Generals, they would have hired Flynn by now.
I wonder if he owns a smartphone?
There is a world-wide computer chip shortage.

Have you bought any shares from the IPO of Consolidated Operational Worldwide Computer Heuristic Intelligent Programmable Systems company yet? I hear that they are located in Texas and use nothing but Texas produced materials.
Yeah, but at least Soylent Green isn't people...right?
Flynn is a Democrat
Under our skin as in from a vaccine? If so, I'm still pissed, It's been a year since my first shot and almost a year since my second. I don't know which dose the microchip was in but it ain't working. I still lose my wifi when I leave home. How is the damn thing supposed to work?
Start worrying when the little blue light in your arm starts flashing; it's a signal from the Soros/Gates/Zuckerberg cabal that you're ready to be assimilated into their world domination collective programme. Be prepared!
Start worrying when the little blue light in your arm starts flashing; it's a signal from the Soros/Gates/Zuckerberg cabal that you're ready to be assimilated into their world domination collective programme. Be prepared!
I just want to know when or if it actually does start working, does that mean I won't lose my wifi when I go out?
These guys really do have a thing for George Soros.
They manage to blame him for everything he must be ****ing knackered from being involved in so many evil plots all round the world.
Does the guy have time to sleep?
These guys really do have a thing for George Soros.
They manage to blame him for everything he must be ****ing knackered from being involved in so many evil plots all round the world.
Does the guy have time to sleep?
He has his evil Minyans helping out.

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