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Mike Brown commits perjury while testifying before congress (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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Its amazing what one can learn from the actual news instead of just Limbaugh and right wing rags like Newsmax.

Mike Brown should now be in hand cuffs.

The following is an excerpt from his testimony before congress yesterday:

Here’s Brown today under questioning by Rep. Steve Buyer:
BUYER: So I’d like to know why did the president’s federal emergency assistance declaration of August 27th not include the parishes of Orleans, Jefferson and Plaquemines?
BROWN: f a governor does not request a particular county or a particular parish, that’s not included in the request.
BUYER: All right.
Orleans Parish is New Orleans. I was listening to my colleague, Mr. Jefferson’s, questions about when they talked about, you know, they asked for this assistance for three days and then president responded the very next day, not the day that it was made — the request — but the governor of Louisiana actually excluded New Orleans from the president’s federal emergency assistance declaration?
BROWN: Again, Congressman, we looked at the request.The governors make the request by…
BUYER: Let me ask this. Since you went through the exercise in Pam, was that not shocking to you that the governor would excluded New Orleans from the declaration?
BUYER: When that request came in excluding these three parishes, did you question it?
BROWN: We questioned it. But I made the decision that we were going to go ahead and move assets in regardless because we have the ability to add those parishes…

A total fabrication on Mike Brown’s part. In her request to the President to declare a Federal Disaster the governor of Louisiana asked that a Federal Disaster be declared for all the south eastern parishes.
The full text of the letter is here:


Also, this crap about President Bush declaring a Federal Disaster before the Hurricane. Yeah that’s true, BECAUSE THE GOVERNER OF LOUSIANA REQUESTED THAT HE DO SO BEFORE THE HURRICANE.
Mike Brown also lied under oath when he said that the Governor of Louisiana did not order an evacuation until Sunday morning before the Hurricane. That was yet another fabrication. The governor actually ordered an evacuation the Saturday Morning before the Hurricane.
"Mr. Brown further suggested that I did not order an evacuation of New Orleans until Sunday, Aug. 28. In fact, the evacuation was ordered on the morning of Saturday, August 27," she said. "Such falsehoods and misleading statements, made under oath before Congress, are shocking. It clearly demonstrates the appalling degree to which Mr. Brown is either out of touch with the truth or reality. Today's hearing only supports the need for a thorough, non-partisan investigation of this event”.

Wow, listen to all the dittoheads on here now.... Chirp, Chirp, Chirp
His commiting perjury does not surprise me--it's what all of Bush's people do. Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rice, Rumsfeld, you name it, they have lied.

BTW, great research, SD!
aps said:
His commiting perjury does not surprise me--it's what all of Bush's people do. Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rice, Rumsfeld, you name it, they have lied.

BTW, great research, SD!

Look no doubt about, the Local and State governments did not do a great job. However, the Federal Government did a terrible job. So of course, the radical right is trying to swift boat the state and local authorities. A lot of it as we can see, is simply not true at all, but they know from experience that the idea is simply to throw so much crap at the other side that there is no way they can keep up with it. The right wing propaganda machine is impressive to say the least. So really, I really think like, well whats the point, you can refute their crap, like I just did, but in the time it took you to refute it, they only come up with more lies. The fact is, the mouthpieces for the some of the more radical right like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Coulter are not very decent and honest people. (thats not to say that Micheal Moore is either).
Can your really prove such a claim that is devoid of any facts?

Directed at aps.
SixStringHero said:
Can your really prove such a claim that is devoid of any facts?

Directed at aps.

I sourced my entire rebuttal. Brown said under oath before congress that the gov of LA excluded New Orleans in its request for a Federal Disaster declaration.

I posted his testimony.

I then posted a link to the actual request that proves that Brown lied under oath.

What else do you want?
SouthernDemocrat said:
Look no doubt about, the Local and State governments did not do a great job. However, the Federal Government did a terrible job. So of course, the radical right is trying to swift boat the state and local authorities. A lot of it as we can see, is simply not true at all, but they know from experience that the idea is simply to throw so much crap at the other side that there is no way they can keep up with it. The right wing propaganda machine is impressive to say the least. So really, I really think like, well whats the point, you can refute their crap, like I just did, but in the time it took you to refute it, they only come up with more lies. The fact is, the mouthpieces for the some of the more radical right like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Coulter are not very decent and honest people. (thats not to say that Micheal Moore is either).

That is an excellent assessment. I agree. The good news is that the majority of people do think that Bush/fed gov was terrible at responding.
SixStringHero said:
Can your really prove such a claim that is devoid of any facts?

Directed at aps.

Hmmmm, I would have to do some major research, although I think it would be unlikely that I would have the solid facts that you would want.
SouthernDemocrat said:
I sourced my entire rebuttal. Brown said under oath before congress that the gov of LA excluded New Orleans in its request for a Federal Disaster declaration.

I posted his testimony.

I then posted a link to the actual request that proves that Brown lied under oath.

What else do you want?

I think he/she is addressing my statement that Bush, Cheney, Rove, et al are all liars.
If he ever wants to run a arabian horse associated again he will need to clear his name and the best way to do that is by blaming others.
Anyone noticed how this thread is absolutely devoid of any responses from the Bush Administration apologists.

It’s like they just don’t know what to counter with so they just have to wait for their profit Limbaugh or one of those right wing rags to give them some talking points.

I mean heaven forbid they actually admit that Michael Brown is an incompetent liar who does nothing but try to blame others for his abysmal performance that was a total disgrace to the entire nation if not the entire world.
Mike Brown also lied under oath when he said that the Governor of Louisiana did not order an evacuation until Sunday morning before the Hurricane. That was yet another fabrication. The governor actually ordered an evacuation the Saturday Morning before the Hurricane.
"Mr. Brown further suggested that I did not order an evacuation of New Orleans until Sunday, Aug. 28. In fact, the evacuation was ordered on the morning of Saturday, August 27," she said. "Such falsehoods and misleading statements, made under oath before Congress, are shocking. It clearly demonstrates the appalling degree to which Mr. Brown is either out of touch with the truth or reality. Today's hearing only supports the need for a thorough, non-partisan investigation of this event”.

Mandatory evacuation ordered for N.O.
Posted: Aug 30, 2005, 05:17 AM
Local Headlines

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - In the face of a catastrophic Hurricane Katrina, a mandatory evacuation was ordered Sunday for New Orleans by Mayor Ray Nagin.

Acknowledging that large numbers of people, many of them stranded tourists, would be unable to leave, the city set up 10 places of last resort for people to go, including the Superdome.

The mayor called the order unprecedented and said anyone who could leave the city should. He exempted hotels from the evacuation order because airlines had already cancelled all flights.

Gov. Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city, which is prone to flooding.

The Associated PressThe Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS Aug 28, 2005 — Mayor Ray Nagin ordered an immediate mandatory evacuation Sunday for all of New Orleans, a city of 485,000 people, as Hurricane Katrina bore down with 160 mph wind. Ten emergency shelters were set up, including the Superdome.

"There doesn't seem to be any relief in sight," Gov. Kathleen Blanco said, joining the mayor at a news conference.

The mayor called the order unprecedented, but said Katrina's storm surge would likely top the city's protective levees.

Blanco said President Bush called and personally appealed for the mandatory evacuation for the city, which sits below sea level......................

I think Blanco and Nagin need to be put under oath.

BTW the parish listing the the declaration appears to be a clerical error and there is no reason to believe it had to do with anything as far as the response.
Snopes refutes a lot of the missinformation coming out of the right. You can read it here:


Among other points in the article contrary to much of the propaganda being spewed on the right:

1. Blanco asked President Bush to make a National Disaster Declaration.

2. Blanco declared a state of emergency on the Friday before the Hurricane.

3. Max Mayfield of the National Hurricane Center contacted Mississippi and Louisiana officials Saturday Night before the Hurricane to recommend an evacuation, and not on Friday before the Hurricane.

Also, if you actually look at the State of Louisiana's website, you will notice that the Governor Blanco issued evacuation orders for all of the Southeastern Parishes on Saturday before the Hurricane.


Through subsequent disaster meetings between state, local, and federal officials (they had them every 3 hours in the days leading up to the Hurricane and afterwards), it was decided that the Mayor should issue one for New Orleans in the event that New Orleans residents had not headed the State order.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Its amazing what one can learn from the actual news instead of just Limbaugh and right wing rags like Newsmax.

Mike Brown should now be in hand cuffs.

The following is an excerpt from his testimony before congress yesterday:

A total fabrication on Mike Brown’s part. In her request to the President to declare a Federal Disaster the governor of Louisiana asked that a Federal Disaster be declared for all the south eastern parishes.
The full text of the letter is here:


Also, this crap about President Bush declaring a Federal Disaster before the Hurricane. Yeah that’s true, BECAUSE THE GOVERNER OF LOUSIANA REQUESTED THAT HE DO SO BEFORE THE HURRICANE.
Mike Brown also lied under oath when he said that the Governor of Louisiana did not order an evacuation until Sunday morning before the Hurricane. That was yet another fabrication. The governor actually ordered an evacuation the Saturday Morning before the Hurricane.


Yes, but she didn't specifically ask the president for the national guard to come in and help with the relief effort I'm under the impression that the Governor has to specifically ask for such assistance. Furthermore; I'm not apologizing for Brown but Blanco was way more at fault in this situation, as the head of FEMA Brown should have done a better job with the relief effort, however, the soul responsibility for the levees not being up to spec is that of those on the state and local level. Bush gave more money than Clinton to get the levees up to snuff so my question where the hell did all this money go? Just face it the mayor and Governor were just as incompetent as Brown.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Yes, but she didn't specifically ask the president for the national guard to come in and help with the relief effort I'm under the impression that the Governor has to specifically ask for such assistance. Furthermore; I'm not apologizing for Brown but Blanco was way more at fault in this situation, as the head of FEMA Brown should have done a better job with the relief effort, however, the soul responsibility for the levees not being up to spec is that of those on the state and local level. Bush gave more money than Clinton to get the levees up to snuff so my question where the hell did all this money go? Just face it the mayor and Governor were just as incompetent as Brown.

Actually, as I posted and sourced in another thread, Blanco submitted a request to the Whitehouse for additional National Guard units from other states on Sunday before the Hurricane. That request was not approved by the Whitehouse until Thursday night.

"Governor Blanco makes arrangements with the Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico for National Guard reinforcements, however the federal authorities do not issue the required authorisation for these reinforcements until September 1. "

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Hurricane_Katrina

Moreover, budgets for the Corps of Engineers were slashed by the Bush Administration and Republicans in congress as early as 2002. Funding for New Orleans levee work had been reduced to less than what it was during the Clinton era.

Source: http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1001051313

However, none of this has anything to do with the premise of the thread. That Brown did indeed lie to the United States congress.

When one gets their news from sources like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, and Newsmax, they are going to hear a lot of lies.
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SouthernDemocrat said:
However, none of this has anything to do with the premise of the thread. That Brown did indeed lie to the United States congress.
Will there be any sort of consequence for lying? From what I have seen so far it seems the Republicans doing the questioning are unimpressed with Browns actions and even less impressed with his attitude.
OMG, you people are pathetic!! "Right wing this", "Left Wing that", "stupid Cons", "stupid libs", "impeach Bush", "bush lied", "perjury", "Bush stole the election", "partisan this and that", "The governement hates blacks"....etc.

Get the **** over it already. You want to know why people aren't coming here to this thread except whiners? Because people of all political sides are fed up with it. I would love an independent to get elected next. That would be a great smack in their faces.

Besides, I thought it was OK to commit perjury now.
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GySgt said:
OMG, you people are pathetic!! "Right wing this", "Left Wing that", "stupid Cons", "stupid libs", "impeach Bush", "bush lied", "perjury", "Bush stole the election", "partisan this and that", "The governement hates blacks"....etc.

Get the **** over it already. You want to know why people aren't coming here to this thread except whiners? Because people of all political sides are fed up with it. I would love an independent to get elected next. That would be a great smack in their faces.

Besides, I thought it was OK to commit perjury now.

The man lied in front of congress. If you look at the testimony I posted, the Republican congressman who was questioning him knew he was lying. I never said the thread was about ideology, only that a lot of this "swift boating" of the state and local authorities is not holding up once the actual facts come out.

Secondly, lying about a blow job is a different matter entirely.

I am with you though, I would love to see an independent get elected. It will never happen though. What is the saying, in a democracy you get the government that you deserve.
GySgt said:
OMG, you people are pathetic!! "Right wing this", "Left Wing that", "stupid Cons", "stupid libs", "impeach Bush", "bush lied", "perjury", "Bush stole the election", "partisan this and that", "The governement hates blacks"....etc.

Get the **** over it already. You want to know why people aren't coming here to this thread except whiners? Because people of all political sides are fed up with it. I would love an independent to get elected next. That would be a great smack in their faces.
The only one I see whining is you.
SouthernDemocrat said:
The man lied in front of congress. If you look at the testimony I posted, the Republican congressman who was questioning him knew he was lying. I never said the thread was about ideology, only that a lot of this "swift boating" of the state and local authorities is not holding up once the actual facts come out.

Secondly, lying about a blow job is a different matter entirely.

I am with you though, I would love to see an independent get elected. It will never happen though. What is the saying, in a democracy you get the government that you deserve.

Well, I don't know...according to the same law you are parading around...lying is lying.
GySgt said:
Well, I don't know...according to the same law you are parading around...lying is lying.

I know that, however, common sense ought to prevail. Whether or not the president cheats on his old lady really has no affect on my life at all. Whether or not the FEMA director lies before congress does.
SouthernDemocrat said:
I know that, however, common sense ought to prevail. Whether or not the president cheats on his old lady really has no affect on my life at all. Whether or not the FEMA director lies before congress does.

The "lie" was perjury. It doesn't matter why he lied. And the law should not play favorites.

If "you" commited perjury, you would be disciplined.
If "I" commited perjury, I would pay.

Presidents and Government officials should be extended the same response. It has nothing to do with partisan BS (Post #11).
GySgt said:
The "lie" was perjury. It doesn't matter why he lied. And the law should not play favorites.

If "you" commited perjury, you would be disciplined.
If "I" commited perjury, I would pay.

Presidents and Government officials should be extended the same response. It has nothing to do with partisan BS (Post #11).

You are right. However, I don't think that Americans want their elected officials investigating the sexual relationships of other elected officials. Clinton's approval ratings during the Lewinsky scandal were proof of that as they were still the highest of any president at that point in their presidency since FDR.

When we should be concerned as Americans is when a government official is questioned before congress on government matters and lies.
SouthernDemocrat said:
You are right. However, I don't think that Americans want their elected officials investigating the sexual relationships of other elected officials. Clinton's approval ratings during the Lewinsky scandal were proof of that as they were still the highest of any president at that point in their presidency since FDR.

When we should be concerned as Americans is when a government official is questioned before congress on government matters and lies.

WHOOOOAAAAAAA! Make no mistake, I believed then as I do now that the whole "blue dress" issue was horse ka-ka. His personal fun was his business. My issues with him was that he never served and that he didn't care for the military. He was a rotten Commander in Chief. However, I was upset that a lowly simple Marine like me would be subjected to rank, pay, and time loss over adultery and my Commander in Chief did not keep to those standards. Like I said, he was a rotten Commander in Chief. I also took great exception as a citizen that a President commited perjury. If he had just owned up to it before he was sworn in and lied, it would have just went away instead of fueling Republicans. This whole hardline partisan "destroy the other guy's man" attitude in our politics have been in high speed since this event. I'm sick of it.

His approval rating was at the expense of the military. Like I said, rotten Commander in Chief.

After being sworn in...a lie is a lie.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Also, this crap about President Bush declaring a Federal Disaster before the Hurricane. Yeah that’s true, BECAUSE THE GOVERNER OF LOUSIANA REQUESTED THAT HE DO SO BEFORE THE HURRICANE.

And that's the procedure, is this a problem?

SouthernDemocrat said:
Mike Brown also lied under oath when he said that the Governor of Louisiana did not order an evacuation until Sunday morning before the Hurricane. That was yet another fabrication. The governor actually ordered an evacuation the Saturday Morning before the Hurricane.

Sorry, that's not true, more on this below.

SouthernDemocrat said:
"Mr. Brown further suggested that I did not order an evacuation of New Orleans until Sunday, Aug. 28. In fact, the evacuation was ordered on the morning of Saturday, August 27," she said. "Such falsehoods and misleading statements, made under oath before Congress, are shocking. It clearly demonstrates the appalling degree to which Mr. Brown is either out of touch with the truth or reality. Today's hearing only supports the need for a thorough, non-partisan investigation of this event”.

No doubt Mr. Brown was underqualified for his job, but let's not assign him the label of liar on issues which Blanco is not telling the truth.

At 5:00 A.M. Saturday, August 27, St. Charles Parish and Plaquemines Parish orders mandatory evacuations. Blanco's disaster declaration states it is to support the evacuations, but she still had not ordered one.

At 5:00 P.M. Saturday, August 27, at a joint news conference Blanco and Nagin called for a voluntary evacuation. Blanco had not ordered one here either.

That same evening Nagin's legal staff is looking into whether he can order a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans. Still nothing from Blanco.

At 9:30 A.M. Sunday, Aug. 28 Nagin and Blanco hold a joint press conference to announce the first-ever mandatory evacuation of New Orleans.

Such falsehoods and misleading statements, made to the public, are shocking. It clearly demonstrates the appalling degree to which Blanco is either out of touch with the truth or reality.

The above facts are from mainstrean news articles, all verified in an article of the "much acclaimed" Salon.com


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