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Michael Moore's lies exposed (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
Political Leaning
First, let’s get a look at the REAL Michael Moore. He has gotten rich off of the very people he calls chumps while claiming to be a champion of the little guy and lives in a $1.27 million Manhattan. His daughter attends a prestigious private school there.

Now then…

Some things Moore has been caught lying through his teeth about in his propaganda:

In Bowling for Columbine, he staged a scene in a Traverse City, Michigan which was the pivotal basis of his “documentary.” It was all a lie. Moore claims that you walk in this bank, put a thousand dollars in an account, they do a quick background check, and then you walk out with a rifle. That was supposedly the offer the bank was making to people. Jan Jacobson, the woman who did the transaction for Moore, said that he had been in their bank for over a month staging this “impromptu” visit. He maliciously portrayed all the little guys who worked in the bank (you know, the guys Moore claims to be fighting for) as ignorant hicks, and then made it look like he walked right out with a gun.

What actually happens? Traverse City is made up largely of hunters, so they did offer people a hunting rifle for opening new accounts with a $1000 deposit, but there was a ten to twelve week waiting period, an extensive background check, and you had to go to a different city to get the rifle. Hardly the picture Moore portrayed.

In this same film, he implies that the NRA was connected in its founding to the confederate founders of the KKK. The Unionist founders of the NRA were diametrically opposed to the KKK. This is just another typical Michael Moore lie.

He claims that our government gave up $245 million to the Taliban in 2000 and 2001 to prop up the regime. Garbage. That money was given to the Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations that used it to aid the suffering people of Afghanistan and to destroy land mines.

Moore claims that he bought several boxes of ammunition from Walmart in Canada without any questions asked. Canadian firearm officials said it is not even possible to do that in Canada.

When he implies that Lockheed Martin’s missiles trucking through Littleton, Colorado somehow inspired the Columbine massacre, not only is he being a moron in general, but he is lying about the missiles. They are rockets for launching television satellites into space.

Moore films a B-52 at the Air Force Academy and claims there is a plaque under it that “proudly proclaims that the plane killed Vietnamese people on Christmas Eve of 1972.” It says nothing of the sort. Moore never lets the facts get in the way.

Moore portrays Charlton Heston as a heartless gun freak by showing footage of Heston’s famous “cold dead hands” speech at a Denver NRA meeting just ten days after Columbine. The only problem is that Heston didn’t say anything like that in Denver. Moore spliced video from a speech one year later in South Carolina and inserted audio from three other speeches while showing still photos to erroneously smear Heston.

It goes on and on-and this is just ONE of his “documentaries.” Michael Moore is a habitual liar and his propaganda can best be summed up in two words, “calculated hysteria.”

So please stop trying to get us “Bush lovers” to “put aside our hatred of liberals,” “be reasonable,” and hear Moore out. He is total BS. And the fact that "26X World Champs" hasn’t figured that out yet discredits the Hell out of him and others like him.
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Michael Moore is to liberals what George Bush is to conservatives - that idiot who makes us all look bad.
aquapub said:
In Bowling for Columbine, he staged a scene in a Traverse City, Michigan which was the pivotal basis of his “documentary.” It was all a lie. Moore claims that you walk in this bank, put a thousand dollars in an account, they do a quick background check, and then you walk out with a rifle. That was supposedly the offer the bank was making to people. Jan Jacobson, the woman who did the transaction for Moore, said that he had been in their bank for over a month staging this “impromptu” visit. He maliciously portrayed all the little guys who worked in the bank (you know, the guys Moore claims to be fighting for) as ignorant hicks, and then made it look like he walked right out with a gun.

What actually happens? Traverse City is made up largely of hunters, so they did offer people a hunting rifle for opening new accounts with a $1000 deposit, but there was a ten to twelve week waiting period, an extensive background check, and you had to go to a different city to get the rifle. Hardly the picture Moore portrayed.

Or perhaps:

When you see me going in to the bank and walking out with my new gun in "Bowling for Columbine" – that is exactly as it happened. Nothing was done out of the ordinary other than to phone ahead and ask permission to let me bring a camera in to film me opening up my account. I walked into that bank in northern Michigan for the first time ever on that day in June 2001, and, with cameras rolling, gave the bank teller $1,000 – and opened up a 20-year CD account. After you see me filling out the required federal forms ("How do you spell Caucasian?") – which I am filling out here for the first time – the bank manager faxed it to the bank's main office for them to do the background check. The bank is a licensed federal arms dealer and thus can have guns on the premises and do the instant background checks (the ATF's Federal Firearms database—which includes all federally approved gun dealers—lists North Country Bank with Federal Firearms License #4-38-153-01-5C-39922).

Within 10 minutes, the "OK" came through from the firearms background check agency and, 5 minutes later, just as you see it in the film, they handed me a Weatherby Mark V Magnum rifle (If you'd like to see the outtakes, click here).


Yeah, the picture of the kkk guys taking off their hoods and becoming the NRA when their organization became illegal is one of the worst things that Moore has done. The NRA was founded by the union and fought against the kkk. I don't mind if someone criticizes the NRA, but they should do it without slandering the organization like that.
You don't have to be a staunch conservative to have a beef with Moore. It's just that many liberals feel they need to latch onto this demagogue's bull-**** as if it was gospel.

You barely touched the surface of Moore's fallacies. He is guilty of far worse in F 9/11 than Colombine which is one "documentary" (and I use the term loosely now) that I actually enjoyed due to it's message and humour. There's about 59 deceits, false-hoods and flat-out lies in that movie. Yet, many people still refuse to accept the fact he has lied and has twisted the truth to the point that the man has lost all credibility.
Its amazing to see the publicity this blowhard gets..............He makes a movie and the left eats it up.........His movies have proven over and over to be full of lies but the left does not care becasue he attacks President Bush..................

The irony of the situation is he is laughing all the way to the bank at the expense of his left wing worshippers...........Go figure........
Wow, I love this stuff. Micheal Moore is the greatest liar on earth and is one of the many reasons the democratic party is a failure.;)
[Mod Note]

This really isn't today's news. (Interpret that as you will :mrgreen: )

Moving over to bias in the media.

[/Mod Note]
Don't compare Michael Moore to George Bush. They aren't the same. Michael Moore is an entertainer and a film maker. His movies, if you agree with them or disagree with them are skillfully done and make very thought provoking points. Some of the lies you found are merely ways of making it a more interesting film. Michael Moore is a master of spin doctoring. However if you watch the movie you can always get passed that and see the movie for what it really is.

You made some good points also but you also were misleading. First of all you didn't post a source so how is anyone supposed to take that seriously? Secondly, though I can't validiate or disprove a lot of your points, the "my cold dead hands thing" was clearly a case of simply good film making. Thats exactly what people do.

I also wish you would stop using the word documentary with quotes. Because it is a documentary whether you agree with it or not.

Also another thing that really ticks me off is you try to use this as proof that you are disproving a fellow forum member and indeed most liberals. This is rediculous because most people hold their views before Micahel Moore comes around and makes a movie.

If Michael Moore lies, and I know he does, you are guilty of the same type of thing that he does. Stop trying to use Michael Moore as a weapon against liberals. Instead, confront the real issues.
FinnMacCool said:
Some of the lies you found are merely ways of making it a more interesting film.

Now I don't think you can say that it's something as innocent as that. He certainly wants people to buy into it. I agree with you that we can't use Michael Moore to discredit most liberals. However, he has a solid group of supporters that take him at his word, and I think we should convince those supporters to look for other sources of information.
You are correct Conneticutter. People do actually think he is some kind of hero when he really isn't. Though, I must admit, I do admire his boldness. Especially the fact that he sold his house to fund Roger and Me.

The reason I think a lot of people are afraid of having Michael Moore disproved is because he seemed like a very clever, very witty guy but really. . .There are other very clever, very intelligent, witty people out there that don't lie. There are other people they can admire. Michael Moore isn't one of them though.

I don't like the fact that they use Michael Moore has a weapon against liberals. Its like me using Rush Limbaugh as a weapon against conservatives. He lies all the time. I know cause I listen to him every now and then for a good laugh.
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Binary_Digit said:
Michael Moore is to liberals what George Bush is to conservatives - that idiot who makes us all look bad.

:rofl that was good, the minute i read the first post i was going to say something along the lines of that but you put it well.
Binary_Digit said:
Michael Moore is to liberals what George Bush is to conservatives - that idiot who makes us all look bad.

I'm not even going to take the energy to contest the GWB thing there, I disagree with some of the stuff he's done, but Gore and Kerry would have destroyed our country (or surrendered to France). I do not have the time or patience to argue about Bush, so I won't.

I would like to comment that it seems there are far more idiots on the left than the right. I.E. Howard Dean, Robert Byrd, Moore (again), Kerry (voted for the $81 billion before he voted against it... yeah...), Dick Durbin, and a bunch others who just need to shut up.
There is always the choice to just not listen and/or watch them.

Also if you don't want to argue about Bush, why do you mention him? I had to hold myself back from posting a huge retort against your theory that Kerry would've destroyed our country and Bush is better even though he likes invading countries.
Fahrenheit 9/11 is not a documentary in the classical sense. A real documentary is factual and it's sole intent is supposed to inform the viewer by offering fairly objective and non-biased information.

Moore's "documentary" is anything but and he is a partisan hack whose films are rife with inaccuracies and fallacies. I refuse to accept his film as anything more than drivel for entertaining the mindless partisan drones.

Comparing Moore to Bush is inane. You want a better comparison? Compare Rush to Moore. They are both demagogues in my eyes who are full of crap.

Moore focuses all his energy on Bush and conservatives instead of facing the hard facts that many things that were ignored in the previous admin are a direct correlation of what we are experiencing now.

Oh yeah, the worst thing Moore ever said about Clinton was in Colombine where he said (not verbatim) "...and the President bombed another country whose name we can't pronounce." Way to stick it to them Moore! :roll:
His movies are documentarys. You can at least give him that much credit. When religous fanatics make documenatrys about Harry Potter fans being devil worshippers, though I don't agree with it, I would still call it a documentary. Michael Moore is very talented at film making, and you cannot deny that.
Michael Moore has even stated the purpose of his last movie was to get people to pay attention to politics mostly poor people. Its not his fault people belive him without checking up on his claims. His goal wasnt to tell the truth
FinnMacCool said:
His movies are documentarys. You can at least give him that much credit. When religous fanatics make documenatrys about Harry Potter fans being devil worshippers, though I don't agree with it, I would still call it a documentary. Michael Moore is very talented at film making, and you cannot deny that.

If you like cheap, tabloid newspaper sensationalism, I guess Michael Moore's garbage would qualify as "documentary".

He is brilliant, though. He knows EXACTLY the level of intellectual sophistication of his viewers....and what kind of fiction stimulates them.

Who knows....he could graduate some day to UFO's and Jewish banking conspiracies. That would be a step up for him.
FinnMacCool said:
Don't compare Michael Moore to George Bush. They aren't the same. Michael Moore is an entertainer and a film maker. His movies, if you agree with them or disagree with them are skillfully done and make very thought provoking points. Some of the lies you found are merely ways of making it a more interesting film. Michael Moore is a master of spin doctoring. However if you watch the movie you can always get passed that and see the movie for what it really is.

NO... you are wrong in this respect..100%. MM is not a film maker, he poses as a documentary film maker. And a documentary is suposed to be based on facts. He creates fictional movies disguised as fact. He stages lies to make people that have differing agendas look bad or criminal. He is a liar, a con artist ad a sham. He uses editing to garner the desire effect within his film.

FinnMacCool said:
You made some good points also but you also were misleading. First of all you didn't post a source so how is anyone supposed to take that seriously? Secondly, though I can't validiate or disprove a lot of your points, the "my cold dead hands thing" was clearly a case of simply good film making. Thats exactly what people do.

I also wish you would stop using the word documentary with quotes. Because it is a documentary whether you agree with it or not.

This is the definition of documentary.. His films are as close to a documentary as The Matrix

doc·u·men·ta·ry ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dky-mnt-r)
Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents.
Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.

n. pl. doc·u·men·ta·ries
A work, such as a film or television program, presenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration.

FinnMacCool said:
If Michael Moore lies, and I know he does, you are guilty of the same type of thing that he does. Stop trying to use Michael Moore as a weapon against liberals. Instead, confront the real issues.

Micheal Moore lies because he can't make a point with the truth.
FinnMacCool said:
His movies are documentarys.

No, they are not.

The dictionary definition of documentary:

2 : of, relating to, or employing documentation in literature or art; broadly : FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE <a documentary film of the war>

From the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Rule Twelve
Special Rules for The Documentary Awards

An eligible documentary film is defined as a theatrically released non-fiction motion picture dealing creatively with cultural, artistic, historical, social, scientific, economic or other subjects. It may be photographed in actual occurrence, or may employ partial re-enactment, stock footage, stills, animation, stop-motion or other techniques, as long as the emphasis is on fact and not on fiction.
(emphasis mine)


Seems to me that in accordance with both the dictionary definition and the Motion Picture Academy defintion, it is NOT a documentary.
They are documenatries. Michael Moorse says "I believe blah blah blah. The evidence is Blah blah blah blah' then he throws in some fancy ****. its a god damn documentary. just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it less of a documentary.
Why can't people accept that by the classical definition this movie isn't a documentary?

Sorry Moore fans, but objectivity and facts are pre-requisites for a documentary of which Moore has very little of.
What is it then?

I don't even like Michael Moore jesus christ but his movies are documentaries. They aren't action/adventure movies and they sure aren't romances for that matter.
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FinnMacCool said:
They are documenatries. Michael Moorse says "I believe blah blah blah. The evidence is Blah blah blah blah' then he throws in some fancy ****. its a god damn documentary. just because you don't agree with it doesn't make it less of a documentary.

There works of fictions and should be marketed as such. If he can't make a true documentary then there should be something saying that facts have been changed. Certai scenes have been staged for effect, and not all clips or news items are in the proper timeline. If you want people to make an educated choice or decision maybe you should give them the facts up front abou twhat there watching
That doesn't rule it out as a work of fiction. You only believe it as such because you don't agree with it. Its a documentary.

repeat after me: ITS A DOCUMENTARY

Let's just say that everything in Micael Moores movie was based on bad facts and sometimes lies. Its still a documentary. ok?

Do you feel that calling Micahel Moores movies documentaries somehow is a threat? Cause it isn't. There is such things as bad documentary. Call it that if you wish. But it is a documentary.

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