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Merkel rules out migrant policy reversal after attacks (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 12, 2014
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Merkel rules out migrant policy reversal after attacks - BBC News

Recent attacks in Germany involving asylum-seekers would not change its willingness to take in refugees, Chancellor Angela Merkel has said.
She said the attackers "wanted to undermine our sense of community, our openness and our willingness to help people in need. We firmly reject this".

But she did propose new measures to improve security.
These include information sharing, deciphering web chatter and tackling arms sales on the internet.

A decision which took courage and foresight. I applaud her and the German people. By showing compassion to hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees, the German Chancellor has sent a message to the world that Germany is not at war with Islam. The threat posed by refugees from Middle Eastern war-zones is far exaggerated, not only to Germany, but the world at large. All the asylum seekers who had committed attacks on Germany these past few weeks had been in the country long before Merkel's immigration plan was announced last year.

More importantly, this means that the vast majority of Muslims resident in Germany have every reason to cooperate with the security services in the fight against terrorism. This is not something that can be said of the marginalised and radicalised Muslim communities of the run-down suburbs of Brussels or Paris which breed and harbour terrorist networks.
Merkel rules out migrant policy reversal after attacks - BBC News

A decision which took courage and foresight. I applaud her and the German people. By showing compassion to hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees, the German Chancellor has sent a message to the world that Germany is not at war with Islam. The threat posed by refugees from Middle Eastern war-zones is far exaggerated, not only to Germany, but the world at large. All the asylum seekers who had committed attacks on Germany these past few weeks had been in the country long before Merkel's immigration plan was announced last year.

More importantly, this means that the vast majority of Muslims resident in Germany have every reason to cooperate with the security services in the fight against terrorism. This is not something that can be said of the marginalised and radicalised Muslim communities of the run-down suburbs of Brussels or Paris which breed and harbour terrorist networks.
Thing is she was wrong to open the borders and expect others to share the influx. From the beginning the EU ignored the problems that Turkey- Jordan were in. Little to no financial support.
I an not anti refugee. But to accept 1 million or so overwhelmed every service in the country.
A politician doubling down on their failed policies - who would have even guessed that could happen?
Of course she's going to take more refgees. She has to prop up her voting base.
This woman is ridiculous. She needs to understand that the world is not ready for her policy and ditch it.
Merkel rules out migrant policy reversal after attacks - BBC News

A decision which took courage and foresight. I applaud her and the German people. By showing compassion to hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees, the German Chancellor has sent a message to the world that Germany is not at war with Islam. The threat posed by refugees from Middle Eastern war-zones is far exaggerated, not only to Germany, but the world at large. All the asylum seekers who had committed attacks on Germany these past few weeks had been in the country long before Merkel's immigration plan was announced last year.

More importantly, this means that the vast majority of Muslims resident in Germany have every reason to cooperate with the security services in the fight against terrorism. This is not something that can be said of the marginalised and radicalised Muslim communities of the run-down suburbs of Brussels or Paris which breed and harbour terrorist networks.

Do you honestly thing that, with free movement within the Schengen Area, ISIS isn't going to plan more attacks on German soil from those hotbeds? And do you think, regardless of the government's policy, that those attacks won't fuel German anti-immigrant sentiment? And when that sentiment is fanned to a crescendo, don't you think that the outcome for Muslims in Germany will be a worse fate than the unthinkable proposition of NOT letting more refugees in while working some security measures into the Shengen Agreement? The leftist argument that terrorist organizations are long-term thinkers who seek to breed anti-Muslim sentiment in Europe is accurate; it helps immensely with recruitment. That's why they are going to target countries whose governments are trying to stifle any sort of lashing out; because a populace will fight the sort of short-sighted policies that Merkel implements more intensely, and that the fervor of fighting against suppression will lead to more hyperbolic views against Muslims being spread in a right-wing echo chamber which is leant legitimacy and a sense of martyrdom by attempts at censorship.

This policy isn't good; it's bad for Muslims living in Germany right now, it's bad for German people, and in the end it will be bad for Merkel, who vastly overestimates the power of a technocratic state to control the tenor of the national conversation over terrorism.

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