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Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?[W:771] (1 Viewer)

Men: Would you marry an American Woman?

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Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

Just one specific place where it is true?

"Fifty years after the Equal Pay Act became law, American women working full-time are paid just 77 cents to the dollar compared to their male counterparts. A significant wage gap also persists throughout New York.  In New York City, a female full-time worker in the for-profit sector earns only 71.5 cents for every dollar her male counterpart earns. Although the statewide wage gap of 82.5% is smaller than the national average, workers in non-metropolitan areas still earn 23% less than their counterparts in the city.  Due to the wage gap, full-time working women in New York collectively lose more than $22,340,000,000 each year. If the wage gap is closed, working women in New York and their families would have enough money for more than a year’s worth of food; 4.4 months of mortgage and utility payments; 9 additional months of rent; 3 extra years of family health insurance premiums; or more than 2,000 gallons of gas. "


You're welcome.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

How can someone be so incredibly ignorant as to write off over 150 million women as potential mates - almost all of whom they have never even met - strictly on the basis of their present country of residence?

Obviously someone who is capable of demeaning people from sentient individuals into lumps of insignificant, human flesh.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

How can someone be so incredibly ignorant as to write off over 150 million women as potential mates - almost all of whom they have never even met - strictly on the basis of their present country of residence?

When one looks at the statistical analysis of that population, it can be very easy to write it off. Back in college, I did a very basic analysis of my chances of finding my "perfect woman" based on data about height, hair color, eye color, and other racial/physical characteristics. Then, factoring that about 0.25% of the female population might come close enough to my philosophical viewpoint, I figured out that there were roughly 25,000 women in the United States (in 1994) who even had a CHANCE of being my wife; at which point I basically gave up on ever finding anyone. When I did finally find a woman who met my philosophical and ideological criteria (which was most important to me), she was of a very different racial and economic background than what my "perfect woman" calculation had been done with.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

How can someone be so incredibly ignorant as to write off over 150 million women as potential mates - almost all of whom they have never even met - strictly on the basis of their present country of residence?

Obviously someone who is capable of demeaning people from sentient individuals into lumps of insignificant, human flesh.

I'm extremely happy, and almost giddy over the fact that he's written off my daughters. :mrgreen::2razz::lamo
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

When one looks at the statistical analysis of that population, it can be very easy to write it off. Back in college, I did a very basic analysis of my chances of finding my "perfect woman" based on data about height, hair color, eye color, and other racial/physical characteristics. Then, factoring that about 0.25% of the female population might come close enough to my philosophical viewpoint, I figured out that there were roughly 25,000 women in the United States (in 1994) who even had a CHANCE of being my wife; at which point I basically gave up on ever finding anyone. When I did finally find a woman who met my philosophical and ideological criteria (which was most important to me), she was of a very different racial and economic background than what my "perfect woman" calculation had been done with.

'Racial' characteristics?

You had a 'racial' criteria?
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Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

'Racial' characteristics? You had a 'racial' criteria?

In terms of a perfect woman, the criteria included race, height, body type, hair and eye color, etc... Pretty much all criteria were taken into account. The exercise was mostly to see whether it was even worth continuing to date, and at that time, when I came up with about 25K women in the entire country who MIGHT meet the criteria I basically stopped dating for about 8 years.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

In terms of a perfect woman, the criteria included race, height, body type, hair and eye color, etc... Pretty much all criteria were taken into account. The exercise was mostly to see whether it was even worth continuing to date, and at that time, when I came up with about 25K women in the entire country who MIGHT meet the criteria I basically stopped dating for about 8 years.

I don't wish to seem pedantic, but your perfect woman required a certain 'race'?

Why did you not believe that your version of perfection could not be found in any 'race'?

Do you still believe this?
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

I don't wish to seem pedantic, but your perfect woman required a certain 'race'? Why did you not believe that your version of perfection could not be found in any 'race'? Do you still believe this?

Perfect, being the absolutely ideal individual. Considering that the woman I ended up with did not meet that original racial criteria, I think the question answers itself; though I do also have to say that I gave up pretty much all of the physical criteria in order to find someone who met the philosophical/ideological criteria I was looking for,
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

Perfect, being the absolutely ideal individual. Considering that the woman I ended up with did not meet that original racial criteria, I think the question answers itself; though I do also have to say that I gave up pretty much all of the physical criteria in order to find someone who met the philosophical/ideological criteria I was looking for,

So, you had a racial criteria?

Strange...I have no recollection of ever having such a criteria. It was completely irrelevant to me in terms of finding a 'perfect mate'.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

Perfect, being the absolutely ideal individual. Considering that the woman I ended up with did not meet that original racial criteria, I think the question answers itself; though I do also have to say that I gave up pretty much all of the physical criteria in order to find someone who met the philosophical/ideological criteria I was looking for,
I have seen your picture with her, she is better looking than you. You obvisiously deserve to die alone.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

There you go again. Women wanting successful men isn't shallow, but part of their nature.

So..because I would prefer a man who has a job and ambitions like *I* do...that's shallow?
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

So, you had a racial criteria? Strange...I have no recollection of ever having such a criteria. It was completely irrelevant to me in terms of finding a 'perfect mate'.

Obviously we had/have different ways of looking at the world. Nothing wrong with that, just different approaches to the same activity.

I have seen your picture with her, she is better looking than you. You obvisiously deserve to die alone.

LOL. I've found cow pies that are better looking than I am 24107, so that's not saying a whole lot. She is very nice looking, and much better looking than I am. You're probably right about me deserving to die alone. It's the way I've lived most of my life, so why wouldn't it be the way I die?
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

Obviously we had/have different ways of looking at the world. Nothing wrong with that, just different approaches to the same activity.

LOL. I've found cow pies that are better looking than I am 24107, so that's not saying a whole lot. She is very nice looking, and much better looking than I am. You're probably right about me deserving to die alone. It's the way I've lived most of my life, so why wouldn't it be the way I die?
It's just you sound like you are going to inflict misery and depression upon her in the future.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

It's just you sound like you are going to inflict misery and depression upon her in the future.

We're both miserable and depressed already and have been for the vast majority of our lives. You know what my issues are, and I'm not going to discuss hers, as they predate her involvement with me; but suffice it to say that we understand each other very well.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

We're both miserable and depressed already and have been for the vast majority of our lives. You know what my issues are, and I'm not going to discuss hers, as they predate her involvement with me; but suffice it to say that we understand each other very well.
Why don't you be the man and take the initiative to heal your womans soul, you can do it if you try. Doing the little things will go a long way, take her out to dinner or a movie once in a while, tell her you love her with a gentle smile, rub her feet sometimes, and cuddle with her and bet you would uplift her spirits along with yours.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

Why don't you be the man and take the initiative to heal your womans soul, you can do it if you try. Doing the little things will go a long way, take her out to dinner or a movie once in a while, tell her you love her with a gentle smile, rub her feet sometimes, and cuddle with her and bet you would uplift her spirits along with yours.

We both understand where we are mentally/emotionally and why we are there. We do go out fairly regularly and do nice things for each other; but we also understand that there are things in life which simply cannot be undone. She sees a therapist every Friday and has for almost 6 years now. Some things just can't be healed, and we both understand that.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

We both understand where we are mentally/emotionally and why we are there. We do go out fairly regularly and do nice things for each other; but we also understand that there are things in life which simply cannot be undone. She sees a therapist every Friday and has for almost 6 years now. Some things just can't be healed, and we both understand that.
maybe you should join her in therapy and ask the doctor prescribe you both ecstasy, if it is legal to do so.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

maybe you should join her in therapy and ask the doctor prescribe you both ecstasy, if it is legal to do so.

I've been down the therapy road three times before with no appreciable result. At this point it's not worth wasting the time and money on with me, so far as I'm concerned. Neither of us are into taking drugs. We've got enough medications for legitimate physical (both of us) and mental health issues (her) already, so adding something else really isn't an option.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

When a man and a woman are walking down a sidewalk and a mugger jumps out, why do the women leave it to the man to protect her instead of jumping forth and dispatching the mugger? [\b]

Who said they did?! The 1940s called, you forgot something. :roll:

Or when there is some nutcase shooting people in a theater, why is it that the boyfriends roll over and use their bodies to protect their girlfriends, with 3 men dying from this act, instead of the reverse?

Wow. There sure are a lot of woman haters on this site. No wonder y'all have the time to sit around and grind your teeth about how helpless we are and expect another human being to protect us.

How arcaic of you.

How about women who carry their own firearm, work in schools and protect school children from intruders and shooters?


As a woman, I'd go to great lengths to protect my loved ones or others in these types of situations and the fact that I have a vagina has not a THING to do with my ability ir willingness to do so.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

Remember when that soldier was beheaded in Endgland and the only people to intervene were two women.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

Uh... what makes you think they often did/do have enough to get sufficient amounts of food? You're wrong.

Then prove it, like I've asked of you before. Otherwise further replies to me are just ridiculous suppositions.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

Wow. There sure are a lot of woman haters on this site. No wonder y'all have the time to sit around and grind your teeth about how helpless we are and expect another human being to protect us.

"Woman haters?" If you're going to throw around the definition of "misogyny," please use it in it's correct context. Misinterpreting the word as a futile defense against men cordially criticizing women doesn't make them "woman haters."

How arcaic of you.

How so?

How about women who carry their own firearm, work in schools and protect school children from intruders and shooters?


It's a valid point. I have yet to hear about a woman risking her life and going above and beyond to save the life of another male, or children.

As a woman, I'd go to great lengths to protect my loved ones or others in these types of situations and the fact that I have a vagina has not a THING to do with my ability ir willingness to do so.

Good for you, but that doesn't mean women are innocent eggs that have no faults and are impervious to critique.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

"Woman haters?" If you're going to throw around the definition of "misogyny," please use it in it's correct context. Misinterpreting the word as a futile defense against men cordially criticizing women doesn't make them "woman haters."

How so?

It's a valid point. I have yet to hear about a woman risking her life and going above and beyond to save the life of another male, or children.

Good for you, but that doesn't mean women are innocent eggs that have no faults and are impervious to critique.

By no means have I implied that women are above being criticized. In fact I've. Been called a traitor to my gender a few times in the past 45 years because I'm just as critical.

However...I think there needs to be some objectivity and truthfulness when criticizing either gender. I get a little up in arms when I read a man stating "whoa is me...I have to be a human being and stand up for what's right" and in the same breath...alluding that women expect men to protect them??

Are some women like that? Sure. Are some men neanderthal knuckle draggers ? Sure.

By and large; are all women and men like that? Hell no. To say otherwise shows a bitter person with an axe to grind.
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

However...I think there needs to be some objectivity and truthfulness when criticizing either gender. I get a little up in arms when I read a man stating "whoa is me...I have to be a human being and stand up for what's right" and in the same breath...alluding that women expect men to protect them??

Where is this alluding you speak of?

Are some women like that? Sure. Are some men neanderthal knuckle draggers ? Sure.

Sure, but the thread is about whether American women are relationship material.

By and large; are all women and men like that? Hell no. To say otherwise shows a bitter person with an axe to grind.

Bitterness stems from experience, though I haven't seen anyone here say "all women are like that."
Re: Men: Would You Marry an American Woman?

I was hoping for some proof, yes. Actually, it hasn't been true at any significant, widespread level for years. Too many lawsuits, too many laws against it, plus EEOC offices looking for business in every state.

You're intentionally asking for something you know can't be done due to sample size issues. Also, what is with people taking such simplistic views to how one solves social issues?

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