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Members with the most posts. must have at least 2000 (1 Viewer)


Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego
Political Leaning
Postwhores are welcome. Tell us all how long you have been a member here and how many posts per day you average?

I am just curious to find out how many people we have on the forum with at least 2000posts.
Why don't you just click "Members List" under "Quick Links" and add them up?...:doh
cnredd said:
Why don't you just click "Members List" under "Quick Links" and add them up?...:doh

Because I am too dam lazy to do that to like 500something memebers we have on the forum. Besides I am just curious too. :rofl
Because I am too dam lazy to do that to like 500something memebers we have on the forum. Besides I am just curious too. :rofl
Currently, there are 14 members over 2000...2 more are within 200...

You must be lazy...It took me 4 clicks to get the answer...:roll:

1) Quick Links
2) Members list
3) Posts(so the members show up in descending order)
4) Grab the side-bar to scroll down and count


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