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Media & some dems will live to regret Libby's indictment (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Oh baby, ...they will for sure! The media, & the democrats have been "creating" what they WANT or HOPE to happen with their alternative reality in destroying Bush's presidency.

This has been so TRANSPARENT ever since the 04' presidential campaign, & the lying medias (CBS' & Dan Rather) introduction of the false forged military documents in order to influence the outcome of the 04' election in order to have Bush appear dishonorable!

It didn't even stop there, ..the democrats idiotic charges of a fixed election, & the phoney stories of mass torture by our soldiers in order to destroy support for the war on terror. (nobody ever died at Gitmo) On & on it went, Bush hates the poor, & hates our fellow black americans, Bush deliberatley witheld help to the New Orleans black victims of the Hurricane.

Just a non-stop shameful display by many democratic leaders, & also by the mainstream media. Same talking points, same allegations, & accusations, & NONE of it true.

The media, & members of the democratic party heirarchy have LONGED to weaken the Bush presidency by tying anything possible to the Iraqi's war legitimacy, & the disingenuine behavior of Joe Wilson, & how he got employed at the CIA with his wifes help, & their DNC ties WILL illuminate them, & put the focus here as WHO really acted in bad faith here with regards to the investigation into Sadaam's intention of "TRYING" to purchase uranium in Niger.

And one of them was the destruction of the Bush presidency, ..& the war in Iraq as being used as a vehicle, ..as was the CIA/Valerie plame's "so called outing".

The end results of the Scooter Libby TRIAL are NOT going to be what the liberal media, ..& what the Harry Reids, Dick Durbins, Chuckie Schumers, have hoped for.

Be assured of this: Media people will be investigated, their e-mails seized, their past editorials, all communication with each other, ..& YES the communication with leading democrats in the senate etc.

At least journalist Andrea Mitchell has spoken the truth in regards to her comments that Valerie Plame's CIA connection was WELL KNOWN BY MOST MEDIA PEOPLE long before others knew of it!

It is amazing that the media STILL refers to Valerie Plame as a "covert" agent, ..& this is NOT fundalmentally true whatsoever.

Big difference between classified, & covert...but the media prefers using the term "covert" in order to make the charge against Libby appear more serious than it really is; not to mention the fact that Libby was NEVER charged with outing Plame's identity!

The defense attorney's for Libby are going to have a field day when they get all the paper trail of the media, ..& get done interviewing media people, Plame & Wilson themselves, & their media inner circle & their politics & friends etc.

The idea that Democratic leaders have about Bush supposidly lying about the reasons of going to war with Iraq is pure sophistry, illusion, & a "hoped" for results have at least for the start have given them Libby, ..all the while THEY lusted for the ruination of Cheney, & Rove to go right up to the top with Bush being in a , "We finally got you now" weakened, & a vulnerable presidency ripe for impeachment, because the democrats CANNOT win elections!

Foolish democratic leaders even thinking the mainstream majority cannot see what the hell is really going on here!

And...how could they ever see,.. as the main base of the democratic party is so saturated by the absolute kook fringe which IS their main party base these days!

So, ..I say YES, lets give the democrats exactly what they hope to see, & that is an investigation into EVERYBODY, The Wilson's, The CIA, & even members of the democratic party leaders to see WHO really was acting in good faith about Libby's prosecution, & the reasons for going to war, ..& those who were hell bent on sabotaging Bush's presidency from the very begining WILL BE EXPOSED as a "side" treat, & the other unexpected treat will be is SEEING how the liberal mainstream media was the most culpable of all in helping to create this whole phoney alternative media that the democrats live, & campaign on.

Oh yea, ..before the court gavel closes on the Libby trial, ..Americans will see exactly what this whole Libby indictment was all about, & what the whole objective of the democratic party, & the liberal media has been ALL about for years.

As for me, ..I'am waiting in anticipation, & I firmly believe before the smoke settles at the end of Libby's trial, the democratic party will have shot itself in its own foot once again! :smile:

The dems wanted to "bring it on", ..so lets bring it on, & I have no doubt the excellent trial lawyers that Libby has retained for his defense are going to rub all the "shyte" right back in the face of the media, & the democratic party,.. where it actually belongs in the first place! :2razz:
I doubt that there will be a trial. He will go for a plea bargain to get a fine and no jail time. The fine will be paid by the Republican party and then the President will pardon him to clear his record.

The Republicans can't afford to have all this dirt exposed.:roll:
Old and wise said:
I doubt that there will be a trial. He will go for a plea bargain to get a fine and no jail time. The fine will be paid by the Republican party and then the President will pardon him to clear his record.

The Republicans can't afford to have all this dirt exposed.:roll:

I think you're wrong. By the time Libby's lawyers have subpoenaed half the Washington Press Corp., demanded their most protected notes and records, and all the people that have talked to any of these people start receiving summons, I think they'll be begging or bribing the judge to throw the case out of court. Rarely has there been a more overreaching indictment or an indictment that was a clearer assault on the First Amendment than this one. And Libby knows it.
Sounds like someone is worried his beloved libby might go to jail or snitch on his boss.
Libby was indicted on charges of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements, that he lied to FBI agents and to the federal grand jury.

NOT outing a CIA agent.
BWG said:
Libby was indicted on charges of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements, that he lied to FBI agents and to the federal grand jury.

NOT outing a CIA agent.

yet the charges against him are harder to prove than 'outing a CIA agent'
not saying he is innocent
but it is probable he will get offf
Old and wise said:
I doubt that there will be a trial. He will go for a plea bargain to get a fine and no jail time. The fine will be paid by the Republican party and then the President will pardon him to clear his record.

The Republicans can't afford to have all this dirt exposed.:roll:

You must have been sleeping during the news..........Libby said he will not go for any plea bargain and he is innocent and will fight the charges against him....

OK you can go back to sleep now........:lol:
Navy Pride said:
You must have been sleeping during the news..........Libby said he will not go for any plea bargain and he is innocent and will fight the charges against him....

OK you can go back to sleep now........:lol:
That's good news. I hope he fights and fusses as much as possible about this.
scottyz said:
That's good news. I hope he fights and fusses as much as possible about this.

He will and he will be exonerated then what will you leftys do?
BWG said:
Libby was indicted on charges of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements, that he lied to FBI agents and to the federal grand jury.

NOT outing a CIA agent.

You are correct for the reasons he was indicted for ...BUT, the prosecutor is only "surmising" that LIbby perjured himself, obstructed justice, & making false statements because Libby simply could not remember exact times, details etc.

He never once ever tried to not co-operate with Fitzgerald, & never took the 5th. Perhaps his recollection of events could simply be wrong!

I think what the tragedy here is, that regardless....so many journalists, & others KNEW damn well who Valerie Plame was & the fact that she was emplyed by the CIA, & the idea that Libby could get upwards of 30 years in prison for a disigenuine couple who were probably out to make Bush's reasons for war with Iraq an empty exercize just frosts my nuts.

Her & hubby Joe Wilson NEVER made an attempt to shun the media hounds; & in fact LOVED the media spotlight & attention. "WHY" write an op-ed piece, & WHY go to Vanity Fair magazine for photo-op shoots, & get their faces plastered all over the magazine etc.....IF ONE IS TRULY CONCERNED ABOUT HAVING THEIR IDENTITY EXPOSED ?

Something is pretty smelly here, ..& I'm gonna tell you; ..but the Libby trial lawyers will probably have some elements of the media "wetting" themselves when they seek their records.

Me thinks the media will be squealing like a hog when that happens...huh huh:smile: ! Its just my opinion but I think the media's culpability in all of this CIA/LEAK is going to go "MUCH" further than what most people presume,..I honestly do; & I honestly believe "some" within the democratic party leadership are going to wish they were on a far away island before its over.
BWG said:
Libby was indicted on charges of perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements, that he lied to FBI agents and to the federal grand jury.

NOT outing a CIA agent.

I am so disappointed that people seem to NOT understand what Fitzgerald was saying when he talked about Libby throwing sand in his (Fitzgerald's) eyes. He was saying that he was unable to make a determination as to whether or not Libby had violated the statuten because Libby's perjury and obstruction of justice was preventing him from being able to make that determination. That is not his saying that he won't indict Libby once he finds out the truth.

Regardless, let's not forget that Gordon Liddy's conviction was only the start of Nixon's downfall.
aps said:
I am so disappointed that people seem to NOT understand what Fitzgerald was saying when he talked about Libby throwing sand in his (Fitzgerald's) eyes. He was saying that he was unable to make a determination as to whether or not Libby had violated the statuten because Libby's perjury and obstruction of justice was preventing him from being able to make that determination. That is not his saying that he won't indict Libby once he finds out the truth.

Regardless, let's not forget that Gordon Liddy's conviction was only the start of Nixon's downfall.

Indeed, & your last paragraph sums up EXACTLY what the democratic party has WISHED for by:

The Abu-ghraib, & Gitmo torture stories, THe follow up w/ the story of a poor muslim terrorist having his Koran flushed down the toilet, the charges that Bush fixed the last election, Halliburton & Cheney & big oil, Rumsfeld sucks, Bush is trying to take away everybody's civil rights, Bush hates the poor, & blacks & is racist (message always there), Bush lied about the war in Iraq, ..& the whitehouse DELIBERATELY outed valerie Plame as a form of "payback" in hopes of her being "marked" for injury!

This IS exactly what it HAS been for quite awhile now, ..it is NO secret that THIS is EXACTLY what the DNC wants, ..& the media that is helping to promote it!

A blind person can see it, ..my God it has been unfolding this way as if it was being followed by script!;)
aps said:
I am so disappointed that people seem to NOT understand what Fitzgerald was saying when he talked about Libby throwing sand in his (Fitzgerald's) eyes. He was saying that he was unable to make a determination as to whether or not Libby had violated the statuten because Libby's perjury and obstruction of justice was preventing him from being able to make that determination. That is not his saying that he won't indict Libby once he finds out the truth.

Regardless, let's not forget that Gordon Liddy's conviction was only the start of Nixon's downfall.

I agree. I was just pointing out to some in this thread that Libbys indictments are not directly about outing a CIA agent, but about muddying the water in that matter. Fitzgerald has not closed this investigation for a reason, as soon as the sand is removed from his eyes, he can then determine if there is a cause to move forward or not. :lol:
aps said:
I am so disappointed that people seem to NOT understand what Fitzgerald was saying when he talked about Libby throwing sand in his (Fitzgerald's) eyes. He was saying that he was unable to make a determination as to whether or not Libby had violated the statuten because Libby's perjury and obstruction of justice was preventing him from being able to make that determination. That is not his saying that he won't indict Libby once he finds out the truth.
If Libby wasn't hiding something why would he obstruct justice and lie?
scottyz said:
If Libby wasn't hiding something why would he obstruct justice and lie?

do you remember teh details of every conversation of every meeting you had 1 month ago? 1 year ago? 2 years ago?

could he be guilty, sure
could he be innocent, sure
only time willl tell
scottyz said:
If Libby wasn't hiding something why would he obstruct justice and lie?

Libby says he didn't hide anything and didn't obstruct justice. And in our system of government he gets a chance to prove it.

If this case stands, there will be a totally chilling effect on the First Amendment in this country. Nobody will be able to say anything for fear it may contradict what somebody else said and thus create a charge of perjury or obstruction of justice. We need to put the brakes on right now before a trend to get people on 'something' becomes a satisfactory policy if we can't get them on the charge we want to get them on.

Any one of us can witness or participate in any given event and remember details of that event differently, even including what people say or how they say it. Because every one of our written reports will contain differences, is everybody lying? Because I remember something incorrectly, does that make me guilty of perjury?

I hope the American people can put aside their vindictive partisanship long enough to see the much larger issue here.

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