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Media bias is all about $$$ (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
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Yesterday I did something i haven't done in some time and that is to watch cable news which is the biggest crock of bovine excrement ever invented. I wanted to see the coverage of the Argentine situation so I chose to watch it on MSNBC. Why MSNBC? No real reason. These channels are all the same. The coverage was done by "The Shouter", Chris Matthews. Here are a few examples I saw that show how the "media monkeys" try to use what Vance packard called something like "thought control". The media wants us to get emptional and angered at these "crazy foreigners" who don't appreciate us. More BS. In a recent polling (several) it was found that not only is Argentina the most "pro"-American nation in South America but one of the most pro-American nations (the people not the government) in the world. The Argentines relate well to us and we have many things in comon in our respective histories. Anyway here are a couple of comments.

"Chavez is a Castro wannabe."
This is meant to inflame us. Castro being the our arch enemy. But it's nonsense. Chavez, if he is a wannabe is an "Allende wannabe" if anything. Castro doesnt have enough cachè for Chavez to want to immitate him. Chavez is way beyound the man who for 20 years has been seen as a fake communist and is to most simply another Latin American despot. But you can see what Matthews is aluding to here. His vocal inflection, unreproducible here, also carried part of the weight.

"Look at this gang of rioters."
This rather than "crowd of demonstrators" serves to again inflame the people who don't care to think much, maybe just get angry. Mar de Plata was anything but a "riot". Nothing at all like Seattle but we still have today to go. All in all only a little violence but Matthews tried to turn it into the Chicago Democratic Convention of 1968. Anything for a few more rating points. Truth has nothing to do with it. Too bad he wasn't on the radio. He might have gotten away with it.

Bias in the media? You bet your sweet @ss. But not the kind you usually think of. This crap is far worse. It is a cause of poarization where there really doesn't need to be any. On top of it I'll bet the few and very few rable rousers were probably "insurgents" from Denver.
I agree the media is just about :twocents: and yes that is :toilet: and yes I enjoy using smilies :blah: but about these three things there is absolutly nothing you nor I can do about it we are just stupid run of the mill citizens and nothing will ever become of us except that we discuss the awesome corruption of our interesting government. We don't have much hope of changing it but man o' man is it fun to talk about!!
goligoth said:
I agree the media is just about :twocents: and yes that is :toilet: and yes I enjoy using smilies :blah: but about these three things there is absolutly nothing you nor I can do about it we are just stupid run of the mill citizens and nothing will ever become of us except that we discuss the awesome corruption of our interesting government. We don't have much hope of changing it but man o' man is it fun to talk about!!

Bingo........and what more need be said. That's the long and the short of it. But like you say "It sure is fun."
Umm....I've been saying the media is all about ratings, which give them money!!!! But hopefully this time more will read it!
Inuyasha said:
"Look at this gang of rioters."

Not surprised, I was watching FOXNEWS for a few minutes, and caught what an anchor said, I believe she said, "They're all a bunch of anarchists".

But anyways, yes I do agree its all about money, most media outlets are owned by large corporations (some 26 control a considerable amount), and thus being corporations will make them say anything for a larger wallet.
Comrade Brian said:
Not surprised, I was watching FOXNEWS for a few minutes, and caught what an anchor said, I believe she said, "They're all a bunch of anarchists".

But anyways, yes I do agree its all about money, most media outlets are owned by large corporations (some 26 control a considerable amount), and thus being corporations will make them say anything for a larger wallet.
Yep, you see my signature. Those are a few of the parent companies!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Sometimes they're willing to sacrifice money for the sake of their political agenda. One obvious example is Newsweek sitting on the Monica Lewinsky story. NBC almost did the same thing with Juanita Broadrick. They eventually aired the interview, but partially from outside pressure.

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