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Medal for hero dog Kuno which saved soldiers' lives in Afghanistan (1 Viewer)

TU Curmudgeon

B.A. (Sarc), LLb. (Lex Sarcasus), PhD (Sarc.)
DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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Lower Mainland of BC
Political Leaning
From the BBC

Medal for hero dog Kuno which saved soldiers' lives in Afghanistan

A military dog who charged through enemy gunfire to save the lives of British soldiers fighting al-Qaeda in Afghanistan is to be awarded the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross.

During a raid, the Belgian Malinois named Kuno tackled a gunman and was hit by bullets in both back legs.

After losing one of his paws as a result, he became the first UK military dog to get custom-made prosthetics.

The four-year-old will receive the Dickin Medal from vet charity the PDSA.

Now retired and rehomed, Kuno - who was trained to detect explosives, weapons and incapacitate enemies - will be awarded the medal for valour at a virtual ceremony in November.

Kuno and his handler had been deployed to support elite Special Boat Service (SBS) forces during a night raid targeting al-Qaeda extremists in Afghanistan last year when they came under attack.The forces, pinned down by grenade and machine-gun fire from an insurgent, were unable to advance.

Kuno was sent in to break the deadlock. Without hesitation, he charged through a hail of bullets while wearing night vision goggles to tackle the gunman, wrestling him to the ground and halting his attack.


Tough call here, but the story is a story about "The War on Terror" and it is a story about heroism (neither of which is "weird" or "odd ball") so I opted for posting it someplace were people might actually see it.

Besides, people DO need a little bit of "Good News" in their lives so that they can forget slandering "The Republicans/Democrats" for a moment of two on a Sunday.
I believe in the words of Will Rogers.


[h=1]“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”[/h]
Will Rogers
I believe in the words of Will Rogers.

View attachment 67293444

[h=1]“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”[/h]
Will Rogers

Back atcha

"Of course there are dogs in Heaven. No one who would want to keep them out can get if."


"Of course there are cats in Heaven. You can't keep the landlord out."

[both from "Agent X89A"]

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