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Me Too Movement (3 Viewers)

Do you support the Me Too movement?

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Umm, eyewitness testimony IS evidence

The weakest kind there is. It is a claim until supported with objectively verifiable evidence.

Eyewitness testimony IS evidence, made stronger when multiple witnesses corroborate the testimony. There are people who have spent, or will spend, their lives in jail based on less eyewitness testimony that exists against Weinstein

That is the way our justice system works. Has history taught you nothing at all?
The weakest kind there is. It is a claim until supported with objectively verifiable evidence.

Says the guy who has to save face after implying it was not evidence at all.

Actually, it is the strongest evidence there is

"Eyewitness testimony?" You mean like the girls who swore they saw Sarah Putnam bewitch a cow into giving sour milk? They said they saw it after all. That's eyewitness testimony, right?

The Me Too movement is a throwback to 17th Century Salem.

And, look at the lynch mob that supports it.


I didn't know there was still this kind of victim-blaming attitude around, less that someone would stand up and express it.
Do you hear yourself? You're saying women should be strong enough to stick up for themselves- well that's what the #metoo movement is about. Women sticking up for themselves. Or are they wrong because they weren't doing it back then, when they were first victimized? Well, tough, it's happening now, and maybe they didn't or couldn't stop it happening to themselves but they're doing what they can to prevent it happening to their daughters.

If it's a throwback to Salem it's the witches protesting. Getting together because they're vulnerable when they're alone.
No, I mean eyewitness testimony that has rightfully put millions of criminals behind bars
No, I mean eyewitness testimony that has rightfully put millions of criminals behind bars

The reason they're behind bars is because a judge or jury listened to all of the evidence and then convicted them. That's different from a lot of people pointing fingers and expecting everyone to buy into the accused's guilt without a trial.

We have a good justice system, if we just remember that a suspect is innocent until proved guilty in that courtroom.

Yes, I support it, because I'm not an asshole.
The reason they're behind bars is because a judge or jury listened to all of the evidence and then convicted them. That's different from a lot of people pointing fingers and expecting everyone to buy into the accused's guilt without a trial.

Says the guy who believes the Nunes memo because a proven liar says it is true. :lamo
The weakest kind there is. It is a claim until supported with objectively verifiable evidence.

A guy and a girl meet at a bar. They hit it off. After a few hours of drinking the guy asks the girl if she needs a ride home. She says that'd be great.

On the way home, the guy pulls over in a secluded area and quickly puts knife to the girls ribs.
He threatens to stab her if she doesn't comply with his demands.
Scared for her life she submits. He forces her to perform oral sex on him.

When it's over she's dropped off at her apartment complex or home and the dude speeds off.

She has no visible marks or cuts on her body.
She calls the police the next day and reports the crime.

It's basically a he said/she said incident with no physical evidence at all.

She claims he sexually assaulted her. He claims he did not.

You're gonna say he goes free, without charge, because she didn't wait for him to stick the knife deep into her side?????

Now, suppose three of five other women over the last 16 months have reported almost the same exact scenario involving this guy.
None of the women know each other at all. They have no connections to each other other than this one guy.

You suggest that without a third party witness, or without actual video footage of the assault, that this guy just goes free without charges?
If it's a throwback to Salem it's the witches protesting. Getting together because they're vulnerable when they're alone.

You just expressed what's wrong with the Me Too movement. They feel "vulnerable when they're alone." That's been my point all along. The idea that women are somehow weaker and unable to stick up for themselves. Keep it up -- you'll get them back under those burqas after all.
Says the guy who believes the Nunes memo because a proven liar says it is true. :lamo

You're reading comprehension is off again, as usual. I never said I "believed" it. It's not a religion that should be judged on "faith." I simply asked why the FBI was throwing such a fit if it was a nothingburger.
You're reading comprehension is off again, as usual. I never said I "believed" it. It's not a religion that should be judged on "faith." I simply asked why the FBI was throwing such a fit if it was a nothingburger.

No, you never said that

And the FBI clearly stated the memo is inaccurate. They also have not thrown a hissy fit. What they did was issue a statement

If issuing a statement is a hissy fit, then president pansy has thrown several every day

Well that's a dumb response. Are you really trying to deny that women are physically weaker then men? Or that they're often in male-dominated circumstances? As for that stupid 'burqa' shot, makes no sense at all.
There's a problem. Denying it won't help the situation, but the #metoo movement will.
For some reason, folks taking matters into their own hands is alarming to some people. You'll just have to get used to being alarmed. This kind of thing is going to happen whenever it needs to.

And there we have it -- women are weaker and can't handle themselves.

The suffragettes must literally be rolling in their graves.
No, you never said that

And the FBI clearly stated the memo is inaccurate. They also have not thrown a hissy fit. What they did was issue a statement

If issuing a statement is a hissy fit, then president pansy has thrown several every day

You're missing the point that there's something in the memo that set the FBI off. And, no, the FBI did NOT say the memo was inaccurate -- they said they wanted to add "context."

I've never actually seen such a big stink over releasing a document as over this memo. If the FBI can show no bias was involved -- let them do so. If they don't do that -- they'll be facing a crediblity problem and the Mueller investigation will be tainted because of it.

Belief doesn't figure in.
And there we have it -- women are weaker and can't handle themselves.

The suffragettes must literally be rolling in their graves.

Women often ARE physically weaker
But I guess we should stop prosecuting muggers because it will convince law-abiding citizens that they cant handle themselves
Women often ARE physically weaker
But I guess we should stop prosecuting muggers because it will convince law-abiding citizens that they cant handle themselves

Mugging is a physical assault -- on either a man or a woman. LOL The Me Too movement is all about women getting together and telling about things that may or may not have happened years ago that they failed to report at the time. Huge difference.

And, acting as if women are weaklings isn't the answer.

It's an insult to strong women everywhere.
You're missing the point that there's something in the memo that set the FBI off. And, no, the FBI did NOT say the memo was inaccurate -- they said they wanted to add "context."

What makes you say the FBI threw a hissy fit? Eyewitness testimony?

And you are lying. The FBI did not say they wanted to add context. They said the memo is inaccurate

Again, here is what the FBI actually said

There is nothing about adding context in that statement.

So because someone claims they saw evidence of bias --aka eyewitness testimony-- you believe the eyewitness testimony unless the FBI disproves it. But if a woman gives eyewitness testimony that she was sexually assaulted, the accused need not disprove it
Poor victimised sexual predators. :roll:

Many of them are. EVERYBODY is entitled to due process and a day in court. It's not right to try them in the court of public opinion. Lynch mob mentality.
The movement has the potential to become an abuse of power itself. How many innocent men are you willing to sacrifice on the altar of female domination?

"Female domination"? Sex and sexuality is in another section of this forum, my female-fearing friend

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