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McConnell keeps his head down as government shutdown drags on (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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McConnell keeps his head down as government shutdown drags on


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

With the partial government shutdown closing in on two weeks and no end in sight, Mitch McConnell says Democrats are privately urging him to help find a way out of the impasse. Not going to happen, says the Senate majority leader. “I don’t see how that leads to an outcome. And I want to get an outcome,” McConnell said in a brief hallway interview on Thursday. “That will be determined by the president and Senate Democrats.” The Kentucky Republican’s portrayal of himself as secondary to both President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the bitter dispute over Trump’s border wall is an unusual role for him, and he knows it. McConnell, after all, says he’s the guy that gets the government out of shutdowns, not into them. McConnell might be the Republican Democrats love to hate, but he knows how to make deals, and he can deliver the votes he promises.

But this time around Democrats are claiming the GOP leader has abandoned his central role in resolving the shutdown despite his control of the Senate floor, all while undercutting Congress’ independence from the executive branch. As Schumer, the Senate minority leader, put it: “The power to end the shutdown is in two people's hands: Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell.” “The pressure will build on McConnell,” said Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). “Because right now he has contracted out the whole Senate Republican caucus to President Trump and the White House. They’re violating their constitutional duty.” “The pressure will build on McConnell,” said Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). “Because right now he has contracted out the whole Senate Republican caucus to President Trump and the White House. They’re violating their constitutional duty.”“The pressure will build on McConnell,” said Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). “Because right now he has contracted out the whole Senate Republican caucus to President Trump and the White House. They’re violating their constitutional duty.”

If you think Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell works primarily for the people of the United States, you are mistaken.

It seems McConnell's primary Senate Majority Leader function is to protect President Trump from President Trump.
McConnell has no choice, here. He is in the hotseat, and the Dems are putting him in their crosshairs. He's had two defections so far, and we'll have to see if others follow.
McConnell has no choice, here. He is in the hotseat, and the Dems are putting him in their crosshairs. He's had two defections so far, and we'll have to see if others follow.

IMO what is really going to hurt him is if he doesn't bring the House bills to vote.
IMO what is really going to hurt him is if he doesn't bring the House bills to vote.

He says he will put no House funding bill(s) to Senate vote unless he knows passage is certain and Trump will sign.

In other words, McConnell is allowing Trump to control the Senate gas/brake pedals.
He says he will put no House funding bill(s) to Senate vote unless he knows passage is certain and Trump will sign.

In other words, McConnell is allowing Trump to control the Senate gas/brake pedals.

^^ This. He is allowing the president to literally tell him what to do.

What ever happened to checks and balances?
McConnell will not put anything in front of Trump that doesn't fit McConnell's agenda. Trump is/was a useful fool for the last 2 years. If the GoP wanted to give Trump his wall, what stopped them from giving it to him during the last 2 years when they controlled everything?

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