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May-September (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Oct 13, 2014
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Political Leaning
Just saw a picture of Burt Lancaster from Field of Dreams. What a cutie. :)

There was never a time from when Field of Dreams was released in 1989 when I was 26 until now that I didn't think 75-year-old Burt Lancaster was a babe.

And so it continues ... my husband is younger than I am by a year but some of my biggest real life crushes (almost always unspoken) have been on older men, even octogenarians. Even one gay octogenarian -- he was simply the best man I have ever met. :)
Just saw a picture of Burt Lancaster from Field of Dreams. What a cutie. :)

There was never a time from when Field of Dreams was released in 1989 when I was 26 until now that I didn't think 75-year-old Burt Lancaster was a babe.

And so it continues ... my husband is younger than I am by a year but some of my biggest real life crushes (almost always unspoken) have been on older men, even octogenarians. Even one gay octogenarian -- he was simply the best man I have ever met. :)

Hmm never saw that movie.
Confused by the title; May-December refers to partners where there is a significant age difference......
Confused by the title; May-December refers to partners where there is a significant age difference......

I'm referring to the crushes I've had on much older men ... though I was never more than friends with such a man. :)
Oh. Now I see. You had a different month in mind. Okay. Took me a bit to actually read your words.


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