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May leave this board for a while (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
I live in Housston and looks like Hurricane Rita is coming this way. if it hits, will probably lose electricity for a few weeks, which means no internet until power is restored. Not complaining. If Galveston is hit, it most likely will end up the same as New Orleans, and we will have more evacuees on our hands.

Galveston, Freeport, Kemah, Seabrook, Texas City, Deer Park, the Southeast part of Houston, and other areas, will be under mandatory evacuation tomorrow. Am hoping that Rita hits further south, hopefully in an area with not much population. The part of Houston I am in is not in the flood plain, so I will OK, if probably a bit uncomfortable for a while.

My last post here for a while will likely be this Friday. Hopefully, I will be back here next week. If I am not, I will be back eventually. Once I am back, I will sock the first person in the nose who offers me a glass of water. LMAO.

Cya all later. :)

If anyone else from Houston is on this board, best wishes to you, and see you back here soon. We can trade stories about our lousy day. Hehe.
Our thoughts are with you. Hope everything turns out okay.
I am glad I live in Big D, the only thing we worry about is tornado's.

Prayers and fingers are crossed for you and yours - as well as anyone whom lives in the path.
vauge said:
I am glad I live in Big D, the only thing we worry about is tornado's.

Prayers and fingers are crossed for you and yours - as well as anyone whom lives in the path.

You probably will get a few tornados in Dallas. Most of Texas is going to get something out of this. Channel 13 is telling us that sustained hurricane force winds will exist all the way to Huntsville. It may still be a tropical storm by the time it gets to you, so do take some precautions. You are going to get a crapload of rain up there.

This is one big <insert expletive deleted here> storm, but I am not too worried for myself. I am on pretty solid ground, and have 2 weeks worth of water and MRE's. The thing that worries me the most is having to eat the damn things. Better than C rations though. My little brother was in during and after the Gulf war, and kept telling me about how he hated the four fingers of death meal when MRE's first came out. Luckily, I couldnt find any of those. Must have been discontinued. I wonder why. LMAO.

Galveston and Freeport are going to get the worst winds and storm surge. Parts of Galveston and Freeport are below sea level, so what worries me is another New Orleans style fiasco. However, the mayors of those cities, along with the mayor of Houston, and Governor Rick Perry are running the playbook on this perfectly. The National Guard is lined up already, and hospitals and nursing homes are all being evacuated tomorrow morning, with the rest of the areas under evacuation orders moving out tomorrow night. There wont be many deaths here. As much of a butthead I think Perry is, I have to give him credit on this. Still hope Rylander beats him in the primary though. LOL.
I hope you stay safe, I'll keep my fingers crossed and my prayers on Texas.
Scary stuff these hurricanes. But the coffee pot is on in Albuquerque if you escape this far.
May adversity never visit you. My thoughts and fervent prayers to you and yours dan... and to everyone in the ravaged Gulf region.

I will be thinking of you and keep you in my prayers. I hope that you stay safe and that nothing like what happened in new orleans visits you and yours.
Where will you be evacuating to?
danarhea said:
I live in Housston and looks like Hurricane Rita is coming this way. if it hits, will probably lose electricity for a few weeks, which means no internet until power is restored. Not complaining. If Galveston is hit, it most likely will end up the same as New Orleans, and we will have more evacuees on our hands.

Galveston, Freeport, Kemah, Seabrook, Texas City, Deer Park, the Southeast part of Houston, and other areas, will be under mandatory evacuation tomorrow. Am hoping that Rita hits further south, hopefully in an area with not much population. The part of Houston I am in is not in the flood plain, so I will OK, if probably a bit uncomfortable for a while.

My last post here for a while will likely be this Friday. Hopefully, I will be back here next week. If I am not, I will be back eventually. Once I am back, I will sock the first person in the nose who offers me a glass of water. LMAO.

Cya all later. :)

If anyone else from Houston is on this board, best wishes to you, and see you back here soon. We can trade stories about our lousy day. Hehe.

get a generator now, they're pretty cheap and they're indespensible during hurricanes, don't put it in the basement though put it on the roof or as high as you can.

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