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Massacre of the Innocents (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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In the Christmas story its told. How Herod tried to make sure he killed the Messiah. By killing every boy chlld under 2 in Bethlehem. The Ultimate form of abortion one might say.
We are now fighting about partial birth abortion.The killing of a baby as its beng born.We are aproaching the Herod idea .
The pro abortion people want abortion on demand.
They want to be able to kill the child, if its handicapped,wrong gender, wrong eye color, what ever. Who can say where it will end.
The Ultimate form of abortion

Yeah except nothing was aborted.

These posts in the abortion forum make me laugh. Okay so conservatives say liberals act purely on emotion? Well now isn't that interesting cause all I see the conservatives doing here is acting on emotion.
JOHNYJ said:
In the Christmas story its told. How Herod tried to make sure he killed the Messiah. By killing every boy chlld under 2 in Bethlehem. The Ultimate form of abortion one might say.
We are now fighting about partial birth abortion.The killing of a baby as its beng born.We are aproaching the Herod idea .
The pro abortion people want abortion on demand.
They want to be able to kill the child, if its handicapped,wrong gender, wrong eye color, what ever. Who can say where it will end.

Ahhh, but the one baby that God wanted to keep He kept from being aborted. God makes these decision, and works in mysterious ways.
Liberals only act on emotion in other threads. I would think that they would at least be consistent and oppose the slaughter of babies.
JOHNYJ said:
In the Christmas story its told. How Herod tried to make sure he killed the Messiah. By killing every boy chlld under 2 in Bethlehem. The Ultimate form of abortion one might say.
We are now fighting about partial birth abortion.The killing of a baby as its beng born.We are aproaching the Herod idea .
The pro abortion people want abortion on demand.
They want to be able to kill the child, if its handicapped,wrong gender, wrong eye color, what ever. Who can say where it will end.

Yay! More supposedly Christian crap I'm exempt from!
JOHNYJ said:
In the Christmas story its told. How Herod tried to make sure he killed the Messiah. By killing every boy chlld under 2 in Bethlehem. The Ultimate form of abortion one might say.
And if "one" actually said that, it would be blabbering nonsense, as infanticide is not abortion. Such a claim shows extreme ignorance of what an abortion is, and is an indication that sucha eprson needs to read up on the subject before making any more such ignorant claims.
We are now fighting about partial birth abortion.
There really isn't such a thing outher than in the overheated mind of some emotionally-burdened prolifers who are adverse to facts and reality.
The killing of a baby as its beng born.
No such thing occurs.
We are aproaching the Herod idea .
The pro abortion people want abortion on demand.
Who are the "pro-abortion people"? You are not deliberately misrepresenting people here, are you? No, you wouldn't be THAT dishonest, would you?
They want to be able to kill the child, if its handicapped,wrong gender, wrong eye color, what ever. Who can say where it will end.
I have not seen anybody here advocating the killing of children, so that seems a rather silly claim.
Some_Guy said:
Liberals only act on emotion in other threads.
fascinating claim, given that prolife arguments on abortion are all emotionally driven falsehoods of moral fervor.
I would think that they would at least be consistent and oppose the slaughter of babies.
And liberals do indeed oppose the slaughter of babies, so your claim is just silly.
vergiss said:
Yay! More supposedly Christian crap I'm exempt from!
You do know it was Jewish children that were slaughtered?....Jesus was a Jew. I'm just pointing this out to let you know that your statement is ....ironic?...
steen said:
And if "one" actually said that, it would be blabbering nonsense, as infanticide is not abortion. Such a claim shows extreme ignorance of what an abortion is, and is an indication that sucha eprson needs to read up on the subject before making any more such ignorant claims.
There really isn't such a thing outher than in the overheated mind of some emotionally-burdened prolifers who are adverse to facts and reality.
No such thing occurs.
Who are the "pro-abortion people"? You are not deliberately misrepresenting people here, are you? No, you wouldn't be THAT dishonest, would you?
I have not seen anybody here advocating the killing of children, so that seems a rather silly claim.

Words can be used to hide anything. Pro-choice is in reality pro-abortion on demand. If you can kill a child as its being born than why not after its born. If there is no such procedure as Partial birth abortion,than why do pro choice groups oppose its being outlawed.
In Germany They first started with the mentaly ill,killing 200,000 of them and they moved on from their. Many people died because they couldn't believe that a country as civillised as Germany. could do some of the things itwas later shown they did.
JOHNYJ said:
Words can be used to hide anything.
Yes, prolifers use that all the time in their dishonest claims to hide that their main goal is to control and oppress women.
Pro-choice is in reality pro-abortion on demand.
really? What a revelation. Your "just because I say so" postulation surely have convinced millions of people who didn't know this.
If you can kill a child as its being born than why not after its born.
Well, first you need to show that a child actually is being killed as it is being born.
If there is no such procedure as Partial birth abortion,
than why do pro choice groups oppose its being outlawed.
We are not objecting to legislation against a non-existing procedure. We are objecting against these laws also targeting real, legitimate abortion procedures.
In Germany They first started with the mentally ill,killing 200,000 of them and they moved on from their. Many people died because they couldn't believe that a country as civillised as Germany. could do some of the things itwas later shown they did.
Ah, abortion=holocaust. yes, the prolifers like that offensive, degrading, anti-semitic argument a lot.
Felicity said:
You do know it was Jewish children that were slaughtered?....Jesus was a Jew. I'm just pointing this out to let you know that your statement is ....ironic?...

1. Yes.
2. Your point?
3. Not really. I don't give a sod about Jesus and the stories about him.
JOHNYJ said:
In the Christmas story its told. How Herod tried to make sure he killed the Messiah. By killing every boy chlld under 2 in Bethlehem. The Ultimate form of abortion one might say.
We are now fighting about partial birth abortion.The killing of a baby as its beng born.We are aproaching the Herod idea .
The pro abortion people want abortion on demand.
They want to be able to kill the child, if its handicapped,wrong gender, wrong eye color, what ever. Who can say where it will end.

This is....without a doubt...one of the more pointless threads on this forum....congratulations for making a fool of yourself.
JOHNYJ said:
In the Christmas story its told. How Herod tried to make sure he killed the Messiah. By killing every boy chlld under 2 in Bethlehem. The Ultimate form of abortion one might say.
We are now fighting about partial birth abortion.The killing of a baby as its beng born.We are aproaching the Herod idea .
The pro abortion people want abortion on demand.
They want to be able to kill the child, if its handicapped,wrong gender, wrong eye color, what ever. Who can say where it will end.

1. Bible speak aside, that's not abortion....you can't abort something that has already been born.

v. a·bort·ed, a·bort·ing, a·borts
v. intr.
To give birth prematurely or before term; miscarry.
To cease growth before full development or maturation.
To terminate an operation or procedure, as with a project, missile, airplane, or space vehicle, before completion.

2. There is no such thing as "partial birth" abortion. That would imply that the child is killed during the actual labor and delivery process, after a full term pregnancy, which is incorrect. The procedure you're talking about is intact dilation and extraction, or a D&X. If you don't know what the procedure actually involves...please do some research.

3. I don't know anyone that is "pro abortion". Persons who are pro choice do not necessarily advocate abortion, but more so a woman's right to that option if she so chooses.

4. Ok, aborting a child because of handicaps I can buy....but a majority of abortions take place before that sort of information would be determinable. Same goes with gender. And wrong eye color? Umm....eye color cannot be determined in the womb. A baby's true eye color doesn't normally develop until they are a few months old.
steen said:
Yes, prolifers use that all the time in their dishonest claims to hide that their main goal is to control and oppress women.
really? What a revelation. Your "just because I say so" postulation surely have convinced millions of people who didn't know this.
Well, first you need to show that a child actually is being killed as it is being born.
We are not objecting to legislation against a non-existing procedure. We are objecting against these laws also targeting real, legitimate abortion procedures.
Ah, abortion=holocaust. yes, the prolifers like that offensive, degrading, anti-semitic argument a lot.
How is the argument anti-semitic ? It is a bit of a slippery slope argument .Which liberals are usualy using but who knows. How far the pro-abortion people would go f they could?
JOHNYJ said:
How is the argument anti-semitic ? It is a bit of a slippery slope argument .Which liberals are usualy using but who knows. How far the pro-abortion people would go f they could?
No such thing, I don't know anyone who goes around advocating or Demanding that women get abortions.

Its called Pro-Choice.
JOHNYJ said:
How is the argument anti-semitic ? It is a bit of a slippery slope argument .Which liberals are usualy using but who knows. How far the pro-abortion people would go f they could?

1. It's anti-Semetic, whether that's the intention or not, in that it cheapens the memory of all who died or suffered in the Holocaust. Millions of gypsies, homosexuals and others died as well, and it cheapens their memory too.

2. The "pro-abortion" people don't go anywherel, let alone "far". We don't resort to desperate, cheap insults, unlike the pro-lifers who thow "murderer", "babykiller", "irresponsible" and the like around as every third word.

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