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Margie Taylor Greene...opens her big mouth again... (1 Viewer)


Todays GOP: wrong on EVERYTHING!!!
DP Veteran
Mar 15, 2021
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Washington State
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this woman should be expelled from Congress for many reasons, she is low intelligence and probably low educated as well.

Yesterday she went off on Pete Buttigieg with a homophobic rant about staying out of womens bathrooms. I have no clue what the hell she is talking about.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) went on a twisted rant at Donald Trump’s rally in Georgia Saturday telling Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, to “stay out of our girls bathrooms.”
“You know what?” Greene asked the crowd in Commerce, starting off her bigoted rant. ”Pete Buttigieg can take his electric vehicles and his bicycle, and he and his husband can stay out of our girls bathrooms. Yup.”

She also called Stacey Abrahms a "death star". What the hell is she talking about??

While Greene’s rant was clearly motivated by hate, it is unclear which bigoted conspiracy theory she was drawing on in her attack of the Transportation Secretary and his husband, who are gay.
Greene has been a vocal opponent of transgender people using the bathroom according to their gender identity. Pete Buttigieg is not transgender, though that didn’t seem to stop Greene from lumping him into her general anti-LGBTQ comments.

Greene also attacked collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas, who is a trans woman, misgendering her while she yelled.

In addition, Greene took the opportunity to bash Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as “the Death Star” from the “Star Wars” franchise. But she bungled her sci fi references. Abrams just had a cameo in the Season 4 finale of “Star Trek: Discovery.”
Greene also warned that she’s “coming” for Georgia voters who have filed a complaint to block her reelection because of her role in last year’s insurrection, which they argue disqualifies her. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, passed after the Civil War, states that no person may hold political office who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or “given aid or comfort” to the nation’s enemies.

this woman should be expelled from Congress for many reasons, she is low intelligence and probably low educated as well.

Yesterday she went off on Pete Buttigieg with a homophobic rant about staying out of womens bathrooms. I have no clue what the hell she is talking about.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) went on a twisted rant at Donald Trump’s rally in Georgia Saturday telling Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, to “stay out of our girls bathrooms.”
“You know what?” Greene asked the crowd in Commerce, starting off her bigoted rant. ”Pete Buttigieg can take his electric vehicles and his bicycle, and he and his husband can stay out of our girls bathrooms. Yup.”

She also called Stacey Abrahms a "death star". What the hell is she talking about??

While Greene’s rant was clearly motivated by hate, it is unclear which bigoted conspiracy theory she was drawing on in her attack of the Transportation Secretary and his husband, who are gay.
Greene has been a vocal opponent of transgender people using the bathroom according to their gender identity. Pete Buttigieg is not transgender, though that didn’t seem to stop Greene from lumping him into her general anti-LGBTQ comments.

Greene also attacked collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas, who is a trans woman, misgendering her while she yelled.

In addition, Greene took the opportunity to bash Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as “the Death Star” from the “Star Wars” franchise. But she bungled her sci fi references. Abrams just had a cameo in the Season 4 finale of “Star Trek: Discovery.”
Greene also warned that she’s “coming” for Georgia voters who have filed a complaint to block her reelection because of her role in last year’s insurrection, which they argue disqualifies her. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, passed after the Civil War, states that no person may hold political office who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or “given aid or comfort” to the nation’s enemies.

Using the general rule highlighted above to eject people from our Federal Government would certainly thin out the herd. ;)
Using the general rule highlighted above to eject people from our Federal Government would certainly thin out the herd. ;)
I agree, and using that is unfair to her constituents. That is what they wanted when they voted her in. She is also reprehensible, but again, that is what her constituents wanted. Giving aid and comfort to those who would see our country torn apart though is fodder for expulsion.
this woman should be expelled from Congress for many reasons, she is low intelligence and probably low educated as well.

Yesterday she went off on Pete Buttigieg with a homophobic rant about staying out of womens bathrooms. I have no clue what the hell she is talking about.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) went on a twisted rant at Donald Trump’s rally in Georgia Saturday telling Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, to “stay out of our girls bathrooms.”
“You know what?” Greene asked the crowd in Commerce, starting off her bigoted rant. ”Pete Buttigieg can take his electric vehicles and his bicycle, and he and his husband can stay out of our girls bathrooms. Yup.”

She also called Stacey Abrahms a "death star". What the hell is she talking about??

While Greene’s rant was clearly motivated by hate, it is unclear which bigoted conspiracy theory she was drawing on in her attack of the Transportation Secretary and his husband, who are gay.
Greene has been a vocal opponent of transgender people using the bathroom according to their gender identity. Pete Buttigieg is not transgender, though that didn’t seem to stop Greene from lumping him into her general anti-LGBTQ comments.

Greene also attacked collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas, who is a trans woman, misgendering her while she yelled.

In addition, Greene took the opportunity to bash Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as “the Death Star” from the “Star Wars” franchise. But she bungled her sci fi references. Abrams just had a cameo in the Season 4 finale of “Star Trek: Discovery.”
Greene also warned that she’s “coming” for Georgia voters who have filed a complaint to block her reelection because of her role in last year’s insurrection, which they argue disqualifies her. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, passed after the Civil War, states that no person may hold political office who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or “given aid or comfort” to the nation’s enemies.

Is there a Meth problem in rural Georgia? Because she sure does exhibit some of the delusional habits of a Meth head who's been awake for days. What an ignorant rant. But, she's no different than Trump. He's had a few of those unexplainable rants also.
this woman should be expelled from Congress for many reasons, she is low intelligence and probably low educated as well.

Yesterday she went off on Pete Buttigieg with a homophobic rant about staying out of womens bathrooms. I have no clue what the hell she is talking about.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) went on a twisted rant at Donald Trump’s rally in Georgia Saturday telling Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, to “stay out of our girls bathrooms.”
“You know what?” Greene asked the crowd in Commerce, starting off her bigoted rant. ”Pete Buttigieg can take his electric vehicles and his bicycle, and he and his husband can stay out of our girls bathrooms. Yup.”

She also called Stacey Abrahms a "death star". What the hell is she talking about??

While Greene’s rant was clearly motivated by hate, it is unclear which bigoted conspiracy theory she was drawing on in her attack of the Transportation Secretary and his husband, who are gay.
Greene has been a vocal opponent of transgender people using the bathroom according to their gender identity. Pete Buttigieg is not transgender, though that didn’t seem to stop Greene from lumping him into her general anti-LGBTQ comments.

Greene also attacked collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas, who is a trans woman, misgendering her while she yelled.

In addition, Greene took the opportunity to bash Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as “the Death Star” from the “Star Wars” franchise. But she bungled her sci fi references. Abrams just had a cameo in the Season 4 finale of “Star Trek: Discovery.”
Greene also warned that she’s “coming” for Georgia voters who have filed a complaint to block her reelection because of her role in last year’s insurrection, which they argue disqualifies her. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, passed after the Civil War, states that no person may hold political office who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or “given aid or comfort” to the nation’s enemies.

It still shocks me that that utter retard got elected.

Her constituents must be the most gullible people on the plant.
this woman should be expelled from Congress for many reasons, she is low intelligence and probably low educated as well.

Yesterday she went off on Pete Buttigieg with a homophobic rant about staying out of womens bathrooms. I have no clue what the hell she is talking about.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) went on a twisted rant at Donald Trump’s rally in Georgia Saturday telling Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, to “stay out of our girls bathrooms.”
“You know what?” Greene asked the crowd in Commerce, starting off her bigoted rant. ”Pete Buttigieg can take his electric vehicles and his bicycle, and he and his husband can stay out of our girls bathrooms. Yup.”

She also called Stacey Abrahms a "death star". What the hell is she talking about??

While Greene’s rant was clearly motivated by hate, it is unclear which bigoted conspiracy theory she was drawing on in her attack of the Transportation Secretary and his husband, who are gay.
Greene has been a vocal opponent of transgender people using the bathroom according to their gender identity. Pete Buttigieg is not transgender, though that didn’t seem to stop Greene from lumping him into her general anti-LGBTQ comments.

Greene also attacked collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas, who is a trans woman, misgendering her while she yelled.

In addition, Greene took the opportunity to bash Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as “the Death Star” from the “Star Wars” franchise. But she bungled her sci fi references. Abrams just had a cameo in the Season 4 finale of “Star Trek: Discovery.”
Greene also warned that she’s “coming” for Georgia voters who have filed a complaint to block her reelection because of her role in last year’s insurrection, which they argue disqualifies her. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, passed after the Civil War, states that no person may hold political office who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or “given aid or comfort” to the nation’s enemies.

This must be acceptable in the gop, I don't hear any big backlash from any of her comments by her own party.

This is the wing of the party that is causing all the other 'republicans' to keep their mouths shut. Pathetic.
Using the general rule highlighted above to eject people from our Federal Government would certainly thin out the herd. ;)

I dont know this for certain and have not checked, but I would guess that those in Congress, SCOTUS, etc are far more educated than the average Jerry Springer watching Ameritard.
So I think most are educated, even if they aren't very intelligent...not really very wise I guess is the issue. Its all about dollars and short term gains and feel-good type stuff. Not about the long term good of the nation and the long term well being of the average citizen. By "average" I mean most of us who are not multimillionaires.
this woman should be expelled from Congress for many reasons, she is low intelligence and probably low educated as well.

Yesterday she went off on Pete Buttigieg with a homophobic rant about staying out of womens bathrooms. I have no clue what the hell she is talking about.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) went on a twisted rant at Donald Trump’s rally in Georgia Saturday telling Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, to “stay out of our girls bathrooms.”
“You know what?” Greene asked the crowd in Commerce, starting off her bigoted rant. ”Pete Buttigieg can take his electric vehicles and his bicycle, and he and his husband can stay out of our girls bathrooms. Yup.”

She also called Stacey Abrahms a "death star". What the hell is she talking about??

While Greene’s rant was clearly motivated by hate, it is unclear which bigoted conspiracy theory she was drawing on in her attack of the Transportation Secretary and his husband, who are gay.
Greene has been a vocal opponent of transgender people using the bathroom according to their gender identity. Pete Buttigieg is not transgender, though that didn’t seem to stop Greene from lumping him into her general anti-LGBTQ comments.

Greene also attacked collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas, who is a trans woman, misgendering her while she yelled.

In addition, Greene took the opportunity to bash Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as “the Death Star” from the “Star Wars” franchise. But she bungled her sci fi references. Abrams just had a cameo in the Season 4 finale of “Star Trek: Discovery.”
Greene also warned that she’s “coming” for Georgia voters who have filed a complaint to block her reelection because of her role in last year’s insurrection, which they argue disqualifies her. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, passed after the Civil War, states that no person may hold political office who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” or “given aid or comfort” to the nation’s enemies.

Nancy Pelosi should hold a vote to kick this bigoted **** out of Congress.

It doesn't matter if Pelosi gets the necessary 2/3 majority to remove MTG from Congress. It's smart politics to put a continued spotlight on these GQP cretins and to force the rest of the Republican Party to continue to defend them with a No vote.
I dont know this for certain and have not checked, but I would guess that those in Congress, SCOTUS, etc are far more educated than the average Jerry Springer watching Ameritard.
So I think most are educated, even if they aren't very intelligent...not really very wise I guess is the issue. Its all about dollars and short term gains and feel-good type stuff. Not about the long term good of the nation and the long term well being of the average citizen. By "average" I mean most of us who are not multimillionaires.
Greene has a degree in Business Administration from Georgia University. Her friend Boebart is a high school dropout.
That woman is no good. She fits right in with the Trump crowd, though.

In passing, in your sig line, I see that you have distorted a comment from me to distort and deceive. Classy.
I agree, and using that is unfair to her constituents. That is what they wanted when they voted her in. She is also reprehensible, but again, that is what her constituents wanted. Giving aid and comfort to those who would see our country torn apart though is fodder for expulsion.

You seem to want to condemn her.

Do you condemn her for things she has said or done


Do you condemn her because people who want you to condemn her have told you to condemn her?
I dont know this for certain and have not checked, but I would guess that those in Congress, SCOTUS, etc are far more educated than the average Jerry Springer watching Ameritard.
So I think most are educated, even if they aren't very intelligent...not really very wise I guess is the issue. Its all about dollars and short term gains and feel-good type stuff. Not about the long term good of the nation and the long term well being of the average citizen. By "average" I mean most of us who are not multimillionaires.

Wisdom is one issue, but the foundational issue that undermines our government is that everyone in it is a lying thief.

About half of everything the lying thieves spend is stolen or lost through "mismanagement". "Mismanagement" is just another word for giving stuff to those that bribe them.

If the spending BY THE FEDS had increased since 1999 by the rate of inflation rate defined BY THE FEDS, we would have a $7 Trillion surplus instead of a $30 Trillion debt.

The difference is theft and "mismanagement".
Just an FYI, there was a 4-5 page thread on this started 2 days ago. Now off the front page.
Why does Rep Greene continue to open her mouth?

She gets rewarded with donations from people who support her incendiary rhetoric. Why would she stop when incentivized to keep going…
Pretty sure we have had a thread or two on this, so I'll say here what I said there, at this point MTG's only purpose in the Republican Party is to dumb them down further.

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