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Man's feet catch on fire during Portland Protests (1 Viewer)


King of Videos
DP Veteran
Jan 11, 2008
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Political Leaning

What a crazy world we are living in.

What a crazy world we are living in.

Well apparently there was an incendiary device involved.

You can see the limit of the flames in a sort-of "spill" line...and his lower legs are also aflame. We see people had a difficult time putting them out.

Anyone think this was a case of "spontaneous combustion?" ;)

Second video in this twitter post shows another guy running in the opposite direction also burning a little:


Could it be..... :fueltofir
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It looks like he deliberately ran through the fire. If he'd been caught in an explosion, it'd be more than just his feet. But then, the video starts with him right in the middle of it.

If he set himself on fire because he was trying to burn something . . . . :shrug: . . . . . I suppose he might not be trying that again any time soon.
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Here come the hot stepper...
I noticed none of the BLM a-holes complained when the police officers who were present broke ranks and came over with fire extinguishers to put out the mental retard's burning feet.

I think if I were a cop there in Portland after all of the attacks on the police by these BLM dirtbags, I would just let the guy burn. Probably the only justice he will ever have levied against him.
I noticed none of the BLM a-holes complained when the police officers who were present broke ranks and came over with fire extinguishers to put out the mental retard's burning feet.

That's probably because the cops were doing their job instead of beating/killing someone who needn't be beaten/killed. But don't let the complete and utter difference between two situations stop you from attempting to analogize them for partisan ends.

I think if I were a cop there in Portland after all of the attacks on the police by these BLM dirtbags, I would just let the guy burn. Probably the only justice he will ever have levied against him.

That's why Trumpists shouldn't be cops.

Nobody should burn.
And we're supposed to be intimidated by these clowns? :lamo
I noticed none of the BLM a-holes complained when the police officers who were present broke ranks and came over with fire extinguishers to put out the mental retard's burning feet.

That's probably because the cops were doing their job instead of beating/killing someone who needn't be beaten/killed.

Well, maybe so called "peaceful BLM protestors" who would use lethal incendiary devices during their "peaceful protests" need to be beaten? Maybe that it is what is missing in this equation, the guarantee of a necessary and appropriate reaction to violence sufficient enough to alter their will to commit criminal acts?

And if it turns out that a beating doesn't do the trick, and they attempt to escalate further--- then sure, maybe they might be killed justifiably so in the process of regaining law and order. I have no problem with that; I wonder why it hasn't already happened?

I think if I were a cop there in Portland after all of the attacks on the police by these BLM dirtbags, I would just let the guy burn. Probably the only justice he will ever have levied against him.

That's why Trumpists shouldn't be cops.

I didn't vote for Trump; I am not even a huge fan of cops. But in this situation I have to side with the group (the police) who are NOT out burning, looting, destroying, and driving innocent business out of business. Sometimes you have to make a choice, and in this situation it is NOT with the BLM assholes who hate America, hate law and order, and are using a few unfortunate law enforcement incidents as a pretext for their Marxist anarchist goals. They have to be stopped one way or another.

Nobody should burn.

BLM wants to light themselves on fire I ain't bringing a fire extinguisher to that party.... maybe some marshmallows.

That video pleased me. I just wish I could have heard his screams too.

Karma is a beautiful thing.

I mean I felt bad for the burning feet guy. I was screaming in my living room "Take your shoes off dumbass!"

But that video you posted is kinda funny, he deserved that ass beating for blocking traffic for political reasons.

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