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Malaysia will seek $4.5 bn in damages from Goldman Sachs (1 Viewer)


Land by the Gulf Stream
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Malaysia will seek $4.5 bn in damages from Goldman Sachs | Asia Times

Malaysia’s Attorney General Tommy Thomas is preparing a civil suit against US investment bank Goldman Sachs that will seek US$4.5 billion in damages for the US bank’s role in raising funds that were later misappropriated from the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) fund, official sources familiar with the preparations told Asia Times.

The legal action, soon to be filed in a US court according to the same official sources, will represent the latest legal action taken against Goldman for its dealings with the scandal-plagued sovereign fund. 1MDB is currently the subject of corruption and money-laundering investigations in at least six countries, including the US.

Corruption has been known and reported for a number of years
Just another case where those involved should go to Jail.
And the Banks sanctioned


They will eventually end up paying something and then will continue along their way with business as usual.
They will eventually end up paying something and then will continue along their way with business as usual.

Yes, unfortunately this is how it will likely work out. It's a shame that white collar crime is perceived as being "victimless" and not dealt with harshly.
Yes, unfortunately this is how it will likely work out. It's a shame that white collar crime is perceived as being "victimless" and not dealt with harshly.

Hot dam, mon! If you put all the crooks in jail, who would run the Country?
It would take a lot to get me there, generally the citizens are responsible for their corrupt governments.

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