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Making It Bad For 2008 (1 Viewer)

Nov 1, 2005
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After all that has taken place with this current administration...The Republicans are making it awefully hard on them for 2008. With all the scandals brewing about Libby, Rove, and now they're saying Cheaney also knew about this (although he denied it back in July, and now info has come out that he lied about it) and the American people showing a strong urgency to end the war in Iraq and bring our troops home. Bush was quoted as saying that we could be there for another ten years...or in his words, "until hell freezes over". Now the Senate goes into a closed session to pose the questions of why went in the first place. And the House is pissed too. This does not bode well. To date over 100 billion dollars has been spent for this war. And where have we gotten? I don't know about you people, but I am tired of seeing my tax dollars go towards this endless affair. I actually voted for Bush, but knowing what I know now, I would take that back in a heart beat. The same is to be said about a lot of my own friends that voted for him. And I wonder just how many more in America feel the same way. Back in 1999, a man from Texas who was part of congress named George W. Bush made a statement..."In order to go to war, there must first be an exit strategy". He now has refused to give one to the American people. What a difference 6 1/2 years make. Another quote from a conservative back in the early 1900's stated "Consciousness and cautiousness must be exercised when dealing with the shedding of blood." How quickly we were to rush into this war, and now it seems it has served no purpose. To all you republicans who think you'll have another lock in '08, here is one vote you have just lossed. Even if it is Hilary Clinton on the other side. I wonder how many other Americans feel the same way as I do? This man has ran our country into the ground. He has misinformed people, and tricked people into thinking that this is what was best for our country. War is never good, for any country. Back in August the head man that is training the Iraqi soldiers to defend themselves stated that they were at a level 3. Which is the stage where they are able to fight for themselves. In October this man has stated that the soldiers are a level 1. That they have no training at all. How can you misinform people in the span of two months? How is our information that screwed up? I don't think our intelligence is that incompetent. I think we were just given the basic reasons on why we should fight this war. This war makes no sense. Our president makes no sense. Thank God the American people have a voice. At least we know now that it will not take 2 or more weeks to count the votes this next election. That was the first thing that made we raise a question about the man I voted for. That had never happened in the history of America. This happened twice with the same President in back to back terms. I would like any Republicans on here to please explain a rational explanantion for this. And an explanantion on why this man has made such a good President. I guarantee none of you come up with any kind of real answer. You'll probably just start bashing liberals, because that is all any of you ever seem to do. I have never seen one of you on this forum, make an intelligent remark about your party or President. I have now become an Independant who will vote Democratic in 2008!
GeorgeDumbyaBush said:
After all that has taken place with this current administration...The Republicans are making it awefully hard on them for 2008. With all the scandals brewing about Libby, Rove, and now they're saying Cheaney also knew about this (although he denied it back in July, and now info has come out that he lied about it) and the American people showing a strong urgency to end the war in Iraq and bring our troops home. Bush was quoted as saying that we could be there for another ten years...or in his words, "until hell freezes over". Now the Senate goes into a closed session to pose the questions of why went in the first place. And the House is pissed too. This does not bode well. To date over 100 billion dollars has been spent for this war. And where have we gotten? I don't know about you people, but I am tired of seeing my tax dollars go towards this endless affair. I actually voted for Bush, but knowing what I know now, I would take that back in a heart beat. The same is to be said about a lot of my own friends that voted for him. And I wonder just how many more in America feel the same way. Back in 1999, a man from Texas who was part of congress named George W. Bush made a statement..."In order to go to war, there must first be an exit strategy". He now has refused to give one to the American people. What a difference 6 1/2 years make. Another quote from a conservative back in the early 1900's stated "Consciousness and cautiousness must be exercised when dealing with the shedding of blood." How quickly we were to rush into this war, and now it seems it has served no purpose. To all you republicans who think you'll have another lock in '08, here is one vote you have just lossed. Even if it is Hilary Clinton on the other side. I wonder how many other Americans feel the same way as I do? This man has ran our country into the ground. He has misinformed people, and tricked people into thinking that this is what was best for our country. War is never good, for any country. Back in August the head man that is training the Iraqi soldiers to defend themselves stated that they were at a level 3. Which is the stage where they are able to fight for themselves. In October this man has stated that the soldiers are a level 1. That they have no training at all. How can you misinform people in the span of two months? How is our information that screwed up? I don't think our intelligence is that incompetent. I think we were just given the basic reasons on why we should fight this war. This war makes no sense. Our president makes no sense. Thank God the American people have a voice. At least we know now that it will not take 2 or more weeks to count the votes this next election. That was the first thing that made we raise a question about the man I voted for. That had never happened in the history of America. This happened twice with the same President in back to back terms. I would like any Republicans on here to please explain a rational explanantion for this. And an explanantion on why this man has made such a good President. I guarantee none of you come up with any kind of real answer. You'll probably just start bashing liberals, because that is all any of you ever seem to do. I have never seen one of you on this forum, make an intelligent remark about your party or President. I have now become an Independant who will vote Democratic in 2008!

You go girl....:rofl :roll:
Calm2Chaos said:
You go girl....:rofl :roll:

sounds like she is trying to convince herself rather than us:roll:
TurtleDude said:
sounds like she is trying to convince herself rather than us:roll:

It just amazes me how selective the memory gets with the..... :rofl
Calm2Chaos said:
It just amazes me how selective the memory gets with the..... :rofl

Trying to convince you of what? You guys are funny! I would like to know where your teaching at, so I will not send my children there. This just in, Bush's approval rating 31%!! Cheaney 19%!!! It's like I said, 2006 and 2008 are right around the corner. The republicans will lose in both elections. Sounds like they better get on the ball, to accomplish whatever they have planned for the future. I wonder how many more wars Bush will rush into before he's out of office, based on misinformation. Time is quickly running out on your party.
GeorgeDumbyaBush said:
Trying to convince you of what? You guys are funny! I would like to know where your teaching at, so I will not send my children there. This just in, Bush's approval rating 31%!! Cheaney 19%!!! It's like I said, 2006 and 2008 are right around the corner. The republicans will lose in both elections. Sounds like they better get on the ball, to accomplish whatever they have planned for the future. I wonder how many more wars Bush will rush into before he's out of office, based on misinformation. Time is quickly running out on your party.


I would love to here your recent examples of flawless democratic presidencies?

Whom exactly do you have to run? The democratic party as a whole has nothing, no plan, no decision. There greatest attribute is calling the President of the United States names. O and pulling pathetic stunts to grab news cycles, I know you can't see that far in advance but you just got to try and keep looking.
GeorgeDumbyaBush said:
Trying to convince you of what? You guys are funny! I would like to know where your teaching at, so I will not send my children there. This just in, Bush's approval rating 31%!! Cheaney 19%!!! It's like I said, 2006 and 2008 are right around the corner. The republicans will lose in both elections. Sounds like they better get on the ball, to accomplish whatever they have planned for the future. I wonder how many more wars Bush will rush into before he's out of office, based on misinformation. Time is quickly running out on your party.

I don't think they're teachers...
Kelzie said:
I don't think they're teachers...

Okay I'm new at this but what is the stuff people put under their names...such as professor, and educator? Are they trying to make people think that they are educators?
GeorgeDumbyaBush said:
Okay I'm new at this but what is the stuff people put under their names...such as professor, and educator? Are they trying to make people think that they are educators?

That's where you got it. ;)

It has to do with the number of posts you have. Once you get a certain number, your title changes. At a certain point (I don't remember, forgive me) you can make up your own title. Or if you donate to the site *cough, cough* you can change it immediately.
Calm2Chaos said:

I would love to here your recent examples of flawless democratic presidencies?

Whom exactly do you have to run? The democratic party as a whole has nothing, no plan, no decision. There greatest attribute is calling the President of the United States names. O and pulling pathetic stunts to grab news cycles, I know you can't see that far in advance but you just got to try and keep looking.

Like I said before if you would read instead of jumping to conclussions like all of you republicans do. I am not a Democrat. I was a republican until George W. Bush came along. I still have not found any of you on here that will make a case as to why he is so good for this country. I would love to hear your insight. I've come to find that every one on this site that claims to be republican, doesn't even know why they are. None of you ever state anything, except to say that liberals are idiots and republicans rule congress. That's all you guys ever come up with. The last guy I posed the question to just stated that "it's too far over your head." again I posed the question and he would not respond. What does that tell you? Again I am not a democrat, but I will vote for whoever they put up against Cheaney, or whoever the rejects ( I mean Repub's ) decide to put on the ballot. I have come to the conclusion that the rest of America will do the same. I didn't vote for Clinton. But I beleive this country was in way better shape, when he was in office. He actually had a 70% approval rating. So please tell me what makes Bush such a great leader...he's definately the most incompetent president we've ever had.
GeorgeDumbyaBush said:
Like I said before if you would read instead of jumping to conclussions like all of you republicans do. I am not a Democrat. I was a republican until George W. Bush came along. I still have not found any of you on here that will make a case as to why he is so good for this country. I would love to hear your insight. I've come to find that every one on this site that claims to be republican, doesn't even know why they are. None of you ever state anything, except to say that liberals are idiots and republicans rule congress. That's all you guys ever come up with. The last guy I posed the question to just stated that "it's too far over your head." again I posed the question and he would not respond. What does that tell you? Again I am not a democrat, but I will vote for whoever they put up against Cheaney, or whoever the rejects ( I mean Repub's ) decide to put on the ballot. I have come to the conclusion that the rest of America will do the same. I didn't vote for Clinton. But I beleive this country was in way better shape, when he was in office. He actually had a 70% approval rating. So please tell me what makes Bush such a great leader...he's definately the most incompetent president we've ever had.

I don't understand this fasination people have with Clinton. It was a predency filled with indictments and purgery. Multiple terrorist attacks with no viable response. Many would say that if Clinton had actually taken action against them when they occured 9/11 may never have hapened. Or that if he would have taken Osama when he was offered by the Sudanese none of this would have ever happened.

I am not one to think that President Bush has made every decision correctly. But the economy seems to be doing good, unemployment even with Katrina is steady, the CPI is doing good. We're in a tough situation, but everybody knew this was not going to happen over night.
Calm2Chaos said:
I don't understand this fasination people have with Clinton. It was a predency filled with indictments and purgery. Multiple terrorist attacks with no viable response. Many would say that if Clinton had actually taken action against them when they occured 9/11 may never have hapened. Or that if he would have taken Osama when he was offered by the Sudanese none of this would have ever happened.

I am not one to think that President Bush has made every decision correctly. But the economy seems to be doing good, unemployment even with Katrina is steady, the CPI is doing good. We're in a tough situation, but everybody knew this was not going to happen over night.

The economy is good? Are you serious? And when our troops come home and have no jobs to go to, do you think the economy will be good then? What terroist attacks happened to the U.S. while Clinton was president? Indictments and purgory? What indicments did Clinton have besides the Monica Lewinsky scandal? His indictments were based on sexual acts. This administrations indictments are stemming from lying to Congress, and the American people. Those two are far apart in regards to being serious allegations. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but this administration is not making themselves look very good. And Clinton at the time had no reason to take Bin Laden. He had no proof that Bin Laden was going to do anything. When it comes to diplomatics, you cannot act on heresay, or someone else's thoughts. I agree Clinton should have checked it out, but Bush had a year and 9 months to do something about Bin Laden also. That is what's wrong with this country. Instead of trying to work together...Republicans and Democrats spend too much time trying to discredit one another, and bad mouth the other party. It's absolutely rediculous. I beleive this country needs a change, and that it will come first in 2006 with congress going back to either half democrat and republican, or more democrat. And then the next president, depending on who runs for both parties, will probably be a democrat also. But to me it doesn't really matter who the president is. As long as he is compentent enough to know that you must be cautious when dealing with foreign affairs. We need to defend our country from home. Against invasion only, and quit trying to rule the world. There are too many issues here that need to be dealt with. There's over 10 million americans that can't even afford health insurance. But we'll spend over 100 billion dollars trying to help out another country who has expressed that they don't want us there in the first place. We also need better education, and funding for schools and Social Security. Quit worrying about the rest of the world.
In answer to the OP....I was republican as well...Voted for His Dad. But, I need to say I am also relatively disgusted with the level of incompetence in this administration. Hell the only actual bright spots have resigned in what has been termed disgust. I disliked Clinton the Man....and was embarassed by his actions as President (though he actually did his "Job" pretty well), Imagine my embarassment now. At the very least, Clinton met my #1 criteria for becoming President:

He Was Smarter Than I Am
tecoyah said:
In answer to the OP....I was republican as well...Voted for His Dad. But, I need to say I am also relatively disgusted with the level of incompetence in this administration. Hell the only actual bright spots have resigned in what has been termed disgust. I disliked Clinton the Man....and was embarassed by his actions as President (though he actually did his "Job" pretty well), Imagine my embarassment now. At the very least, Clinton met my #1 criteria for becoming President:

He Was Smarter Than I Am

I liked clinton, if for no other reason then he is a very personable guy. But i'm not sure how well he did his job with allowing terrorist attacks, selling China secret MIRV technology, and battling constant lawsuits and indictments...I just can't see hanging him as a poster boy for what the democratic party can bring to the table. Who do they have thats going to do a better job?
Calm2Chaos said:
I liked clinton, if for no other reason then he is a very personable guy. But i'm not sure how well he did his job with allowing terrorist attacks, selling China secret MIRV technology, and battling constant lawsuits and indictments...I just can't see hanging him as a poster boy for what the democratic party can bring to the table. Who do they have thats going to do a better job?

I assume you mean Better than Bush?
I do not know...as I am not a Dem, and really see little difference between the two parties. But I honestly do not see how we could vote in someone worse than Bush, unless we tried very hard to do so.
Calm2Chaos said:

I would love to here your recent examples of flawless democratic presidencies?

Whom exactly do you have to run? The democratic party as a whole has nothing, no plan, no decision. There greatest attribute is calling the President of the United States names. O and pulling pathetic stunts to grab news cycles, I know you can't see that far in advance but you just got to try and keep looking.

The fact of the matter is the American people have rejected the left wing mantra of the Democratic Party.........Since 1968 there have only been 2 democratic presidents compared to 5 Republicans.......By 2008 that wiill be 40 years with 28 as Republicans and 12 as Dems........
Calm2Chaos said:
I liked clinton, if for no other reason then he is a very personable guy. But i'm not sure how well he did his job with allowing terrorist attacks, selling China secret MIRV technology, and battling constant lawsuits and indictments...I just can't see hanging him as a poster boy for what the democratic party can bring to the table. Who do they have thats going to do a better job?

I hope your criteria for a good president isn't one that doesn't allow terrorist attacks. Bush kinda dropped the ball on that one.
Kelzie said:
I hope your criteria for a good president isn't one that doesn't allow terrorist attacks. Bush kinda dropped the ball on that one.

Yeah President Bush allowed one terrorist attack and Clinton allowed a dozen......:roll:
GeorgeDumbyaBush said:
The economy is good? Are you serious? And when our troops come home and have no jobs to go to, do you think the economy will be good then? What terroist attacks happened to the U.S. while Clinton was president? Indictments and purgory? What indicments did Clinton have besides the Monica Lewinsky scandal? His indictments were based on sexual acts. This administrations indictments are stemming from lying to Congress, and the American people. Those two are far apart in regards to being serious allegations. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but this administration is not making themselves look very good. And Clinton at the time had no reason to take Bin Laden. He had no proof that Bin Laden was going to do anything. When it comes to diplomatics, you cannot act on heresay, or someone else's thoughts. I agree Clinton should have checked it out, but Bush had a year and 9 months to do something about Bin Laden also. That is what's wrong with this country. Instead of trying to work together...Republicans and Democrats spend too much time trying to discredit one another, and bad mouth the other party. It's absolutely rediculous. I beleive this country needs a change, and that it will come first in 2006 with congress going back to either half democrat and republican, or more democrat. And then the next president, depending on who runs for both parties, will probably be a democrat also. But to me it doesn't really matter who the president is. As long as he is compentent enough to know that you must be cautious when dealing with foreign affairs. We need to defend our country from home. Against invasion only, and quit trying to rule the world. There are too many issues here that need to be dealt with. There's over 10 million americans that can't even afford health insurance. But we'll spend over 100 billion dollars trying to help out another country who has expressed that they don't want us there in the first place. We also need better education, and funding for schools and Social Security. Quit worrying about the rest of the world.

The CPI is doing good and unemployment is only at 5% and has been dropping. All that with massive job loss because of Katrina. So ya the economy is doing good. Not great but good.

What terrorist attacks? Are you kidding..

1993 World Trade Center Bombing

1996 Khobar Towers Bombing

1998 Embassy Bombings

2000 USS Cole Bombing

Lets not forget Mogadishu. Not a terrorist attack but a waste of American lives when we cut and run

Your jumping all over the place with healthcare and everything else. None of which were taken care of under your poster boy.

As far lying and other things to tarnish a presidency. Your looking at impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice... Thats lying for y'all in the cheap seats. Although acquitted he agreed to a 5 year law suspension to end the investigation.

Multiple sexual attack accusations 3-4 i believe

Lets also remember that Clinton's approval rating was as low as 36% at one time in his first term.

None of them are going to be perfect. But until the Dem's can come with anything better your chances of a ouster are mighty slim.
Navy Pride said:
Yeah President Bush allowed one terrorist attack and Clinton allowed a dozen......:roll:

Quality over quantity my dear righty. What were the death tolls under Clinton?
Kelzie said:
I hope your criteria for a good president isn't one that doesn't allow terrorist attacks. Bush kinda dropped the ball on that one.

LMAO... BUSH? The sudanese offered him Osama and they didn't want him..
How bout the USS Kole. Guess an attack on a US millitary ship is no big deal. OOO the embassy bombing and the base bombing and the WTC bombings...... If he would have handled any of them correctly this may have never have happened. I think your definition of dropping a ball is completely screwed. Considering also that the information gathered by able danger and ignored by the clinton white house would have essentially cut the heart out of the 9/11 attackers. OOPPS guess thats another thing they missed.
Kelzie said:
Quality over quantity my dear righty. What were the death tolls under Clinton?

We lost 3,000 on 9/11/01 becasue Clinton ignored Able Danger.....The left wing media is ignoring this story but it is coming up in the Congress for hearings and it will be instrument in showing the Clinton administration incompetence when it comes to handling terrorism

The left wing media will not be able to ignore that.........
Kelzie said:
Quality over quantity my dear righty. What were the death tolls under Clinton?

OOOO it doesn't count because not enough people died.. OO i'm sorry I was unaware that there was a number of dead americans that you use to make something ok....

Maybe if he did his job in the first place 9/11 and 3000 americans don't die. So how about we tack them onto Clintons total also.
Calm2Chaos said:
LMAO... BUSH? The sudanese offered him Osama and they didn't want him..
How bout the USS Kole. Guess an attack on a US millitary ship is no big deal. OOO the embassy bombing and the base bombing and the WTC bombings...... If he would have handled any of them correctly this may have never have happened. I think your definition of dropping a ball is completely screwed. Considering also that the information gathered by able danger and ignored by the clinton white house would have essentially cut the heart out of the 9/11 attackers. OOPPS guess thats another thing they missed.

Calm down there. Don't have a coronary. I never said that Clinton was perfect.

And there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute OBL at that time. Or so I heard. It's on another thead...don't really feel like looking. Was Clinton's rating really at 36%? What year? I thought it was such a big deal that Bush is at 36% cause the last president to go that low was Nixon?

Regardless. 9/11 happenned on Bush's watch. If OBL was so bad and Clinton was just ignoring the evidence, Bush had 6 months to do something about it. He didn't. Guess nobody really knew what he was capable of.
Kelzie said:
Calm down there. Don't have a coronary. I never said that Clinton was perfect.

And there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute OBL at that time. Or so I heard. It's on another thead...don't really feel like looking. Was Clinton's rating really at 36%? What year? I thought it was such a big deal that Bush is at 36% cause the last president to go that low was Nixon?

Regardless. 9/11 happenned on Bush's watch. If OBL was so bad and Clinton was just ignoring the evidence, Bush had 6 months to do something about it. He didn't. Guess nobody really knew what he was capable of.

**Taking Deep Breaths**

36% IN 93 i believe

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