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Lynch to Remove Herself From Decision Over Clinton Emails, Official Says [W:225] (1 Viewer)

And to top it all off here is what we get from our Attorney General; she will not recuse herself but, she will leave the decision-making about potential charges to non-political subordinates! Oh, right Loretta. So Loretta looks at her staff, the people who report to her, her subordinates and loudly declares, "Do what you wanna." Voila! Impartial justice. Just like that. :2rofll: Not bloody likely.

I am somewhat amazed that there are people who blindly accept this blatant, less than artful dodging. Lynch isn't recusing herself. She is deflecting the acrimony that will soon follow Hillary's hand slapping. Loretta Lynch is "offering the sleeves out of her vest." Such a deal! And yet both ruling parties are unable to understand why the nation is fed the hell up with them.

the whole lot of them need to be charged with collusion and obstruction of justice.
And to top it all off here is what we get from our Attorney General; she will not recuse herself but, she will leave the decision-making about potential charges to non-political subordinates! Oh, right Loretta. So Loretta looks at her staff, the people who report to her, her subordinates and loudly declares, "Do what you wanna." Voila! Impartial justice. Just like that. :2rofll: Not bloody likely.

I am somewhat amazed that there are people who blindly accept this blatant, less than artful dodging. Lynch isn't recusing herself. She is deflecting the acrimony that will soon follow Hillary's hand slapping. Loretta Lynch is "offering the sleeves out of her vest." Such a deal! And yet both ruling parties are unable to understand why the nation is fed the hell up with them.

Both parties think they're ****ing brilliant, but the fact is they're as dumb as a brick wall.
Absolutely! One thing people - including Lynch - seem to overlook is that Bill Clinton too, head of the Clinton Foundation, is under investigation. There is a clear conflict of interest meeting with Lynch in my opinion.

Of course Bill Clinton is smart enough to have known better than to meet Lynch for a little friendly chat when his wife is being investigated and may well face indictment. Bill Clinton damn sure knows that his foundation, and by extension he and his wife, are being investigated. But the Clintons have never played by the rules the rest of us must accept. Rules are for the little people, not for the Clintons. Bill in essence thumbed his nose at the nation when he met with Lynch on the flight line in Phoenix.

Yup ... and what did the DOJ do relative to emails between State and the Clinton Foundation the day after the news broke about the Clinton-Lynch meeting?
your concession is noted thanks.

No need to concede to you. You claim victory at the drop of a hat.

Don't get me wrong...I think it is cute the way you do it.

Glad Lynch did what she did...although I doubt it will stop the Hillary Haters from second guessing whatever happens next.
From what I have seen former federal prosecutors say, the FBI that would not be responsible for indicting Mrs. Clinton, but rather Justice Department prosecutors. The FBI shows them its evidence and consults with them about how strong it is, and if the prosecutors agree it is strong enough, they proceed on it.

It's possible that Lynch, acting for Obama, has already told Justice Dept. prosecutors not to proceed against Mrs. Clinton. This meeting with Bill Clinton might have been arranged to give her a pretext for appearing to stand aside and let the prosecution start, when things had already been arranged to make sure it never would start. Now it looks to the public like Lynch (and by implication, Obama too) has properly stood aside to avoid any appearance that they are protecting Mrs. Clinton from prosecution.

Only by the thinnest of possible veils. The motives for this move appear to be overly transparent, and, well, Obama has promised / claimed to have the most transparent government in history, but I don't think he meant transparent motives.

So if there is no prosecution, voters are likely to think it means the evidence against her was trumped up, the real reason is that the whole thing has been secretly rigged. That's how she could commit federal felonies and get away with it--even be elected president.

I'd say that some voters would claim this and others would claim what you just outlined.

I suppose it's possible Mr. Comey and maybe others in the FBI might resign and expose the skulduggery, but I wouldn't bet on that happening.

The other possibility would be that the most damming of the FBI investigation evidence would be leaked, perhaps to WikiLeaks?

Regardless, should the Hillary presidency come to pass, it'll be a disaster. All of these pre-election scandals, her long standing track record of corruption, bad decisions, and bad judgement, and her very high negatives, they all have the impact of watering down, if not eliminating, her political capital, political capital that presidents use to actually govern and accomplish anything. So the course is already pretty much set that hers will be a disastrous presidency, ineffectual in the extreme, due to this lack of political capital. I doubt that she'd be able to overcome that.
Well, there goes the conservative conspiracy theory that Obama was pulling strings to protect Hillary....

I suppose now it'll have to be that instead of secretly directing Lynch to do nothing, it will be to secretly direct the FBI not to indict.
Only by the thinnest of possible veils. The motives for this move appear to be overly transparent, and, well, Obama has promised / claimed to have the most transparent government in history, but I don't think he meant transparent motives.

I'd say that some voters would claim this and others would claim what you just outlined.

The other possibility would be that the most damming of the FBI investigation evidence would be leaked, perhaps to WikiLeaks?

Regardless, should the Hillary presidency come to pass, it'll be a disaster. All of these pre-election scandals, her long standing track record of corruption, bad decisions, and bad judgement, and her very high negatives, they all have the impact of watering down, if not eliminating, her political capital, political capital that presidents use to actually govern and accomplish anything. So the course is already pretty much set that hers will be a disastrous presidency, ineffectual in the extreme, due to this lack of political capital. I doubt that she'd be able to overcome that.

If she can cover up and avoid accountability for all her activities now imagine what she'll be able to do at the top of the Federal Government sigh.
Well, there goes the conservative conspiracy theory that Obama was pulling strings to protect Hillary....

I suppose now it'll have to be that instead of secretly directing Lynch to do nothing, it will be to secretly direct the FBI not to indict.

The FBI doesn't indict sigh.
I do not do "believing."

It is my opinion that Hillary Clinton will be a very good president.

What would my being wrong mean? I cannot put her into office myself.

If she is elected and is not a good president...we will survive, just like we survived lots of terrible presidents...like George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, for instance.

What would be wrong if you are wrong? All you have to do is take a look at the damage Obama has done to our economy, the debt generated and then look at Hillary's past and incompetence to see that problem doubled or worse. Look at her relationship with our foreign allies and the world Obama is leaving us. guess I have a lot higher standards than you do. tell me how much debt is enough for you? How many people dependent on the taxpayers is enough for you? Who pays for all those social programs Hillary wants and Obama has created?

I find it interesting how you signal out Bush and Reagan, both of whom understand the private sector unlike you. Reagan doubled GDP and Bush increased it 4.5 trillion dollars. to you apparently that is a failure but then again actual results are trumped by your feelings.
Well, there goes the conservative conspiracy theory that Obama was pulling strings to protect Hillary....

I suppose now it'll have to be that instead of secretly directing Lynch to do nothing, it will be to secretly direct the FBI not to indict.

LOL two days after a secret meeting with Clinton she recuses herself? LOL yea right. if this isn't the biggest political stunt in the world I don't know what is.
It isn't up to the FBI to indict it is up to the FBI to make the recommendations to the DOJ.

The DOJ then is supposed to bring the charges. there were all the hints that the FBI is getting ready to release a ton of data that they found that pretty much
would stuff Clinton in a box for a while.

everything from mishandling of top secret information to lying to investigators.
she should have never met with Clinton to begin with.

her stepping down is a hugely poor and blatant attempt to clear her when the hammer falls that her replacement
who will be a partisan hack and told not to prosecute will take the blame.

most corrupt administration ever in current history.
If she can cover up and avoid accountability for all her activities now imagine what she'll be able to do at the top of the Federal Government sigh.

Indeed. (*sigh*)

Still completely baffles me how some can still support her for office. It's as if there was a mental block of the mere idea that Hillary isn't as corrupt and duplicitous as she so quite clearly is.
And to top it all off here is what we get from our Attorney General; she will not recuse herself but, she will leave the decision-making about potential charges to non-political subordinates! Oh, right Loretta. So Loretta looks at her staff, the people who report to her, her subordinates and loudly declares, "Do what you wanna." Voila! Impartial justice. Just like that. :2rofll: Not bloody likely.

I am somewhat amazed that there are people who blindly accept this blatant, less than artful dodging. Lynch isn't recusing herself. She is deflecting the acrimony that will soon follow Hillary's hand slapping. Loretta Lynch is "offering the sleeves out of her vest." Such a deal! And yet both ruling parties are unable to understand why the nation is fed the hell up with them.

I agree - you can't complain about government if you don't complain about this situation.

I don't know if anything nefarious happened here, but that's not the point. The appearance of special treatment, special access, is so strong that it calls into question the integrity of the Justice Department. The integrity of the Justice Department, in my view, is more important than the Attorney General herself. I don't fault Bill Clinton, at least not for this. I fault Loretta Lynch for utter stupidity and allowing herself and her department to be so compromised.
LOL two days after a secret meeting with Clinton she recuses herself? LOL yea right. if this isn't the biggest political stunt in the world I don't know what is.
It isn't up to the FBI to indict it is up to the FBI to make the recommendations to the DOJ.

The DOJ then is supposed to bring the charges. there were all the hints that the FBI is getting ready to release a ton of data that they found that pretty much
would stuff Clinton in a box for a while.

everything from mishandling of top secret information to lying to investigators.
she should have never met with Clinton to begin with.

her stepping down is a hugely poor and blatant attempt to clear her when the hammer falls that her replacement
who will be a partisan hack and told not to prosecute will take the blame.

most corrupt administration ever in current history.

Well, like I said, your lot will simply move on to the next conspiracy theory. Before it was that Lynch was protecting Clinton, and now that Lynch says they'll follow the FBI recommendation, it's that THAT change of course is the conspiracy. Somehow.

Well, there goes the conservative conspiracy theory that Obama was pulling strings to protect Hillary....

I suppose now it'll have to be that instead of secretly directing Lynch to do nothing, it will be to secretly direct the FBI not to indict.

The FBI doesn't indict.....are you people really that generally uniformed ???
Well, like I said, your lot will simply move on to the next conspiracy theory. Before it was that Lynch was protecting Clinton, and now that Lynch says they'll follow the FBI recommendation, it's that THAT change of course is the conspiracy. Somehow.


She is protecting Clinton and herself.
there is no conspiracy.

If she was to not prosecute then there would be public outrage.
Her stepping down was no coincidence after she met with bill Clinton.

Now she will see it wasn't me that chose not to prosecute I took myself out of it. LOL what a joke and the liberals will eat it up like
hot cakes.

yes it is sad that instead up upholding our laws as should be done that Obama and his corrupted administration refuses to do that.
that they set special laws for people. what is worse is that liberals actually support this type of corruption.

Lynch can say whatever she wants she isn't in charge anymore. what she says has no bearing on the person that will handle it.
I agree - you can't complain about government if you don't complain about this situation.

I don't know if anything nefarious happened here, but that's not the point. The appearance of special treatment, special access, is so strong that it calls into question the integrity of the Justice Department. The integrity of the Justice Department, in my view, is more important than the Attorney General herself. I don't fault Bill Clinton, at least not for this. I fault Loretta Lynch for utter stupidity and allowing herself and her department to be so compromised.

Hmmm, I'm not sure. Could Lynch have been naive and overimpressed/ridiculously flattered? Shouldn't the former President have really been the one to have known better?

From National Review:

...it's not as if these two randomly bumped into each other shopping atht ehe grocery store or picking up dry cleaning. People don't have a lot of 'impromptu meetings" in private jets sitting on airport tarmacs. As ABC15 Arizona reported, Clinton arrived at the airport to depart, heard that Lynch was en route to that airport, and then waited for her arrival. Maybe it was just dumb luck that this happened only a day before the Benghazi report was released by Congress, and a few days after the Associated Press published another 165 pages of e-mails then-Secretary-of State Hillary Clinton sent via her unsanctioned and unsecure private e-mail server and did not want anyone to see. Loretta Lynch Bill Clinton Meeting -- Not Just a Problem of Optics | National Review
What would be wrong if you are wrong? All you have to do is take a look at the damage Obama has done to our economy, the debt generated and then look at Hillary's past and incompetence to see that problem doubled or worse. Look at her relationship with our foreign allies and the world Obama is leaving us. guess I have a lot higher standards than you do. tell me how much debt is enough for you? How many people dependent on the taxpayers is enough for you? Who pays for all those social programs Hillary wants and Obama has created?

I find it interesting how you signal out Bush and Reagan, both of whom understand the private sector unlike you. Reagan doubled GDP and Bush increased it 4.5 trillion dollars. to you apparently that is a failure but then again actual results are trumped by your feelings.

IF I...or anyone else is wrong...and we end up with an ineffective president...WE WILL SURVIVE.

Like I said, we've survived people like Reagan and Bush...we certainly can survive the likes of Clinton or Trump.

We're going to choose a president...and I will wish the winner the best of luck in moving the country forward. If it is Donald Trump, I will wish him the best of luck in moving our country forward; if it is Hillary Clinton I will wish her the best of luck in moving our country forward.

You will do the same...right?
You know what I meant sigh. She's following their recommendation.

Talk about pointless nitpicking.

yeah I knew but you know how it goes around here ... gotta play the game sigh
Well, like I said, your lot will simply move on to the next conspiracy theory. Before it was that Lynch was protecting Clinton, and now that Lynch says they'll follow the FBI recommendation, it's that THAT change of course is the conspiracy. Somehow.


That is exactly what they will do. Benghazi, emails...and whatever comes next.

Trying to satisfy them is useless.

So...let 'em moan and groan.

I think Hillary Clinton will be elected president in November...and I think she will end up being a popular president.

After all, she has been voted the most admired woman in the United States something like 20 times.

She will be again.
Hmmm, I'm not sure. Could Lynch have been naive and overimpressed/ridiculously flattered? Shouldn't the former President have really been the one to have known better?

From National Review:

...it's not as if these two randomly bumped into each other shopping atht ehe grocery store or picking up dry cleaning. People don't have a lot of 'impromptu meetings" in private jets sitting on airport tarmacs. As ABC15 Arizona reported, Clinton arrived at the airport to depart, heard that Lynch was en route to that airport, and then waited for her arrival. Maybe it was just dumb luck that this happened only a day before the Benghazi report was released by Congress, and a few days after the Associated Press published another 165 pages of e-mails then-Secretary-of State Hillary Clinton sent via her unsanctioned and unsecure private e-mail server and did not want anyone to see. Loretta Lynch Bill Clinton Meeting -- Not Just a Problem of Optics | National Review

Yes, the former President absolutely should have known better and likely did know better. That's not the point, however. To my knowledge, Bill Clinton has no active role in government and certainly no active role in the Justice Department. That's the Attorney General's responsibility and she's accountable to the current President and to the American people for any impropriety on her part. The former President, as far as the Justice Department is concerned, is a private citizen no more privileged than any other. Courtesy, yes - special access, no - and since this has the appearance of special access, she must resign.
That is exactly what they will do. Benghazi, emails...and whatever comes next.

Trying to satisfy them is useless.

So...let 'em moan and groan.

I think Hillary Clinton will be elected president in November...and I think she will end up being a popular president.

After all, she has been voted the most admired woman in the United States something like 20 times.

She will be again.

If hillary wins there will be 30 conservative state seceding and province alberta will secede from canada and join them .. WELCOME TO THE CONSERVATIVE STATES OF AMERICA.. and this will make liberalism end in misery world wide
Well, like I said, your lot will simply move on to the next conspiracy theory. Before it was that Lynch was protecting Clinton, and now that Lynch says they'll follow the FBI recommendation, it's that THAT change of course is the conspiracy. Somehow.


Well you must admit, the old girl and her co-conspirators have always left more iccky trails than a diarrhetic snail.
If hillary wins there will be 30 conservative state seceding and province alberta will secede from canada and join them .. WELCOME TO THE CONSERVATIVE STATES OF AMERICA.. and this will make liberalism end in misery world wide

Now that's something I hadn't considered.
Would that be CREXIT or USEXIT?

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