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LSD relieves anxiety (1 Viewer)

I'd love to try acid some day. By the time i was brave enough to try it, it had kind of gone out of style and was impossible to find.

Maybe the government will legalize it some day but, yeah, I’m done looking for it
Yeah, I was a music producer and DJ in the regional scenes here, I dabbled in MDMA. They don’t call it the Love Drug for no reason. It makes you love everyone and everything about them. There are plenty of dark sides to the illicit drug game and it’s wise of your to head back through the door you opened. Still, I would love to see the government loosen laws regarding both MDMA and LSD. Because mature use is rewarding and can help you find out things about yourself you are repressing
The biggest problem with X back in the day was what it was laced with. The first time i tried it was almost my last - got a hit off a friend that was sketchy af, didn't like it at all. I told another friend about the experience, and he said, oh, you got some bad stuff, try this. It would have been 2001, and he gave me a Green Euro.... hehe What a night... lol

As it turned out, this guy was the plug for basically the whole city... lol He dealt in 10s of thousands of pills at a time. He had a kit that would analyze the contents of the pills, so i always trusted what he gave me, and i never had a bad trip after that.
The biggest problem with X back in the day was what it was laced with. The first time i tried it was almost my last - got a hit off a friend that was sketchy af, didn't like it at all. I told another friend about the experience, and he said, oh, you got some bad stuff, try this. It would have been 2001, and he gave me a Green Euro.... hehe What a night... lol

As it turned out, this guy was the plug for basically the whole city... lol He dealt in 10s of thousands of pills at a time. He had a kit that would analyze the contents of the pills, so i always trusted what he gave me, and i never had a bad trip after that.

Yeah, that is the problem. Here Fentanyl is being laced with everything and it’s killing people. Tragic
The pioneers..1979 reunion,

Maybe the government will legalize it some day but, yeah, I’m done looking for it
It's actually easier to find now.

But i think the next drug to be legalized will be mushrooms. You can already buy them on the native reserves up here, and the police don't do anything about it. Good ones, too!

Haven't bought any yet, but i see them all the time at the weed shops on the reservation. I go there for a break from the stuff i grow because it's good and cheap - $50 ounces... and that's Canadian dollars, so probably like 35 bucks American, give or take?
Yeah, that is the problem. Here Fentanyl is being laced with everything and it’s killing people. Tragic
Yup, we've got that problem up here as well. My son's 11... I'm nervous about what he'll be walking into when he goes to high school. Lots of talks ahead on that front.
Yup, we've got that problem up here as well. My son's 11... I'm nervous about what he'll be walking into when he goes to high school. Lots of talks ahead on that front.

Just educate him on the risks. Make sure he knows he can come to you in sketchy situations and trust he has enough wits about him.

He may not even be into experimenting when that day comes

It’s very personality dependent I’ve noticed
Definitely agree with the "some people are built for it" bit. It would be interesting to understand what the difference is.

I can tell you it has nothing to do how they are sober. I've seen the biggest, toughest guys whimpering on the fetal position after 3g of mushrooms, and the tiniest, most timid girls taking heroic doses that even made me say damn, and be totally OK with their journeys - although the latter is rare. I'm not sure what drives it, but i have noticed within my circles that women have more bad trips than men... purely anecdotal, but that's been my experience.

Do you like eating them or drinking them better? I'm a tea guy myself.

I always ate them. Didn't want to use too much heat and destroy the psilocybin (I knew someone who suggested smoking them. wtf.) And, I didn't want anything to go to waste since

Besides, from what I've heard shroom tea tends to hit faster, and I liked the slower waltz over to that feeling of euphoric and childhood magic.
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I've been too afraid of it to try it because my anxiety is generally high. I wanted to try it to expand my writing, but I did that anyway. I think that you have to be a bit chiller of a person than I am to not risk some bad shit.
I've been too afraid of it to try it because my anxiety is generally high. I wanted to try it to expand my writing, but I did that anyway. I think that you have to be a bit chiller of a person than I am to not risk some bad shit.

Wise of you 👍
12 weeks is a long time to wait for relief from crippling anxiety.

I am not sure I would trust a hallucinogenic compound to be medically beneficial.
The study slowed the relief was immediate and lasted 12 weeks (at least, as the study was limited to 12 weeks).
I always ate them. Didn't want to use too much heat and destroy the psilocybin (I knew someone who suggested smoking them. wtf.) And, I didn't want anything to go to waste since

Besides, from what I've heard shroom tea tends to hit faster, and I liked the slower waltz over to that feeling of euphoric and childhood magic.
If you've never tried it, you should. For me, it's a lot less gut rot, especially when taking heroic doses, and it's more enjoyable to consume - my tea tastes great.

I've never noticed any loss of potency, and i cook mine for a long time - minimum 30 minutes, more often 45. I cut them up tiny and put them in a coffee filter, tie it up, and drop it in. I'll also add real tea bags, sometimes ginger for the tummy ache, and a nice splash of orange juice for the way it increases potency. Lemon or lounge juice would work too, but would be too sour at the quantity required. You can then drink it hot or cold - i prefer cold.

Yes, it does come on a little more abruptly, but that suits me, i don't like to wait... hehe.. plus, i always smoked a joint while i was waiting for it to come along, so by the time it hit i was nice and relaxed. Herb and shrooms go wonderfully together.

And, no, i would never smoke them... lol... i don't even know what that would do. I know it's not good for your lungs, that's for sure. And the heat would obviously be much much higher than boiling.

I love psychedelics, but there's two on my bucket list that I've never tried: peyote and DMT. Peyote, because being high as balls for three days hasn't been an option for me, and DMT kinda scares me. The prep for that would have to be serious.
Wise of you 👍
Maybe. I can't speculate beyond my fear of what could go wrong, as I haven't tried the drug. I do know enough about me that I don't like my chances, though.
Maybe. I can't speculate beyond my fear of what could go wrong, as I haven't tried the drug. I do know enough about me that I don't like my chances, though.

If you really want to take it, start small, and if you feel yourself starting to slip away remind yourself that you took a drug, because of that it's normal to feel this way, and that it will end eventually.
Just educate him on the risks. Make sure he knows he can come to you in sketchy situations and trust he has enough wits about him.

He may not even be into experimenting when that day comes

It’s very personality dependent I’ve noticed
Yeah, that's the strategy. He's exactly like me when i was his age, though, I'm not so out of touch to think he won't be as curious as i was. :) And while I'd rather he wait to experiment until his brain is fully developed, around 18, i know that's probably unlikely, so talking about it now seems the better decision. I was sound 14 when i started experimenting. Too young.. but i wasn't getting talked out of it, so i probably should be realistic with my own kid and at least make sure he's safe as possible.
If you really want to take it, start small, and if you feel yourself starting to slip away remind yourself that you took a drug, because of that it's normal to feel this way, and that it will end eventually.
Maybe at some point, but I'm thinking probably not.

That being said, John and George got dosed by a dentist and made it home in a Mini. That must have been quite a night.
I've never taken LSD. Have you, and what are your thoughts on these results?

Yes I have taken it and this is complete and utter hogwash.
Maybe at some point, but I'm thinking probably not.

That being said, John and George got dosed by a dentist and made it home in a Mini. That must have been quite a night.

certainly lol
Maybe. I can't speculate beyond my fear of what could go wrong, as I haven't tried the drug. I do know enough about me that I don't like my chances, though.
First rule of psychedelics: never forget you're on psychedelics. That's the main thing. As long as you can hold onto that you can take the rest in stride.

But, yeah, as @Winston said, start slow, and increase incrementally. You'll either find out quickly that it's not for you, or you'll discover an insatiable curiosity that you never knew you had. It's not a party thing, it's a discovery thing. Right place and time is very important. And fearlessness. If you think you'll have a bad trip, you probably will. 😉
My friend put on a piece of classical music, and it was like, wow!

My first time it was Led Zeppelin I. I could not believe how delicious it tasted.

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