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Lost last episode (1 Viewer)

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I don't watch that show. I tried to watch it mid this season, but I was Lost :unsure13:
I can't believe people were still watching that show. It seemed to get worse and worse every year.

Well it's over...maybe they'll put something good on TV for once.
I think I got through the middle of the first season before I gave up and I had to struggle through that. It was just awful and every time I've seen someone try to "catch people up", I wonder why this idiotic show is still on the air.

Luckily, now it isn't. Good riddance.
Miss the new episode of Breaking Bad to watch that trash? You gotta be f'n kidding me.
Best show I've ever followed. I am so sad to see it end because I always looked forward to the episodes. I ****ing loved that show. So many fantastic actors and actresses, creative and witty writing. I just loved it. I am so sad to see it go. I've not felt this way since the X-Files. :(

The ending I had mixed feelings about. First off, I cried for nearly 2 1/2 hours while I watched it, so that's got to say something. I still tear up if I think about it too much. When I watch it again tonight, I'm sure I'll be crying again. I think the mark of a good show is one that can get you that emotionally invested in the characters.

I had to sleep on the ending, though. I had to think about it. And, I think that says something about it too. The show has never been cut and dry, black and white, and they held true to that at the end too.

I love the fact that they all got their happily ever after in their ever after. It was a nice appeal to emotion, but it worked. The build up to that is what kept me in tears and what keeps me wanting to tear up still.

However, I am disappointed that the main character in the show kind of fell to the wayside at the finale: The Island. Okay, they saved it, I get that. I'm glad. Hurley is the big boss, didn't see that coming, but that's cool too and I get it. But it just seemed kind of anticlimactic. But, I honestly wasn't sure they were going to save the island or any of them live or anything. Because the writers did show us they were willing to kill off anyone.

I was so hoping that they would leave it kind of open for a possible movie, but with that ending... I just don't see how they can, so I guess that kind of adds to my disappointment.

I liked the ending, but I won't say I loved it, and I certainly didn't hate it. I think we got enough information to satisfy yet keep us postulating and wondering. Which is exactly what the writers said they wanted. If that's what they wanted, they succeeded, IMO. I really think they had a delicate balance to keep and they managed to keep it, for the most part.

What I came away with in that finale was the recurring theme that we can't do everything ourselves and we need others. If you watch the finale again, pay attention to how many times people - reluctantly - ask for the help of others, or accept the help offered. "Let me help you." in one form or another was said quite a bit in the finale and in the episodes prior.

I am so sad to see this show end, I just want more, more, MORE. I'll be spending the next couple weeks watching all 6 seasons over again.
Best show I've ever followed.

The best show I've ever followed was Firefly. But the assholes at Fox canceled it faster than they canceled Futurama. ****ing assholes.
Miss the new episode of Breaking Bad to watch that trash? You gotta be f'n kidding me.

I always have to Megavideo that show. I'll get on that right now actually.
The best show I've ever followed was Firefly. But the assholes at Fox canceled it faster than they canceled Futurama. ****ing assholes.

I only caught Firefly after it was already gone. I must agree that it was a good show and shouldn't have been canceled.
I only caught Firefly after it was already gone. I must agree that it was a good show and shouldn't have been canceled.

I'm a sci-fi/fantasy whore. Can't get enough. I think Firefly was such a perfect example of modern sci-fi and one that was well thought out, well written, well acted. It's hard to find really good sci-fi these days, I don't know why. But you get 1-3 shows maybe in the vast sea of reality TV and crap programming. Which is one reason I think Congress should reverse its laws and allow consumers ala-cart purchasing of cable channels. Put real consumer pressure up, see what lives and what dies (though I could be horribly saddened by the results).

What was I talking about again? Oh yeah. Firefly rocks hardcore ass. It was just about to break out and get unbelievable when Fox with it's head up its ass pulled the plug. Everyone associated with canceling that show should be lined up and kicked in the nuts by all Firefly fans.
I'm a sci-fi/fantasy whore. Can't get enough. I think Firefly was such a perfect example of modern sci-fi and one that was well thought out, well written, well acted. It's hard to find really good sci-fi these days, I don't know why. But you get 1-3 shows maybe in the vast sea of reality TV and crap programming. Which is one reason I think Congress should reverse its laws and allow consumers ala-cart purchasing of cable channels. Put real consumer pressure up, see what lives and what dies (though I could be horribly saddened by the results).

What was I talking about again? Oh yeah. Firefly rocks hardcore ass. It was just about to break out and get unbelievable when Fox with it's head up its ass pulled the plug. Everyone associated with canceling that show should be lined up and kicked in the nuts by all Firefly fans.

I'm a scifi/fantasy fan too. It was actually after watching Serenity that I found out there was a TV show to go along with that. I couldn't believe I missed that somehow because that show was right up my alley. And the folks who cut it are dumbasses.

I agree about the a la carte cable. So the govt is the reason we can't do that?? I always wondered why the **** cable companies didn't let you do that. Because to get the channels I want, I have to get hundreds that I don't want.

Scifi (or SyFy) is one of my fav channels.

Do you watch Fringe too? I watch it, and I like it. But it just hasn't grabbed me and made me emotionally invested like some other shows. Not sure why

Heroes? Somehow I lost track of that one along the way, not willingly though. I was moving around so much. But I aim to catch up on the seasons I missed. I think I started lapsing when they made Syler "good".

I will tell you too that USA has some pretty kick ass shows now. Burn Notice, Leverage (or is that TNT?), Royal Pains, White Collar, In Plain Sight. Not scifi, but still good.

And you know another show I loved that didn't make it? Eureka.
I loved the show and followed it religiously since the beginning, but this ending doesn't make any sense to me at all. I liked most of the last episode and also cried my eyes out like rivrrat during most of it, but the last 20 minutes I was all "WTF? No way. I can't believe they went there." Totally disappointed in this ending. :2razz:
I loved the show and followed it religiously since the beginning, but this ending doesn't make any sense to me at all. I liked most of the last episode and also cried my eyes out like rivrrat during most of it, but the last 20 minutes I was all "WTF? No way. I can't believe they went there." Totally disappointed in this ending. :2razz:

I was kind of there too, which is why I had to sleep on it and think about it.

It was only the "sideways" timeline where they were dead. All time spent on the island was "real". The sideways timeline was where they worked out their issues and tried to find one another again so they could all "move on". The sideways timeline was... timeless. They were all dead in it, but at different times. Hurley and Ben took care of the island for who knows how long before they died. Rose and Bernard lived out their lives there too. Sawyer, Kate, Lapidus, Richard Alpert, Miles... they all left the island and lived their lives. But *eventually*, all of them died. Some of them we saw die, others we didn't. But when they all did die, they ended up in the "sideways" world that they themselves created. Where they had to come to terms with their own issues and find one another again because THEY were all that significant to each other's lives.

And now I'm crying again. Damn you! :lol:
I think Firefly was such a perfect example of modern sci-fi and one that was well thought out, well written, well acted.

You mean Firefly, the show that had dozens of habitable planets in the same solar system? Well thought out? Only if you're scientifically ignorant.
^^People don't exactly watch sci-fi for the realism.
^^People don't exactly watch sci-fi for the realism.

I do, otherwise it's fantasy. Speculative fiction is supposed to be a relatively realistic view of the future, otherwise it's just sci-fantasy.
Sci-fi = Science FICTION!
Miss the new episode of Breaking Bad to watch that trash? You gotta be f'n kidding me.

That particular episode of BB was, unfortunately, very missable.
You mean Firefly, the show that had dozens of habitable planets in the same solar system? Well thought out? Only if you're scientifically ignorant.
Such might be possible with a high enough technology level.

Terraforming planets?

Although if it was actually dozens of planets, that seems a bit high...
I was kind of there too, which is why I had to sleep on it and think about it.

It was only the "sideways" timeline where they were dead. All time spent on the island was "real". The sideways timeline was where they worked out their issues and tried to find one another again so they could all "move on". The sideways timeline was... timeless. They were all dead in it, but at different times. Hurley and Ben took care of the island for who knows how long before they died. Rose and Bernard lived out their lives there too. Sawyer, Kate, Lapidus, Richard Alpert, Miles... they all left the island and lived their lives. But *eventually*, all of them died. Some of them we saw die, others we didn't. But when they all did die, they ended up in the "sideways" world that they themselves created. Where they had to come to terms with their own issues and find one another again because THEY were all that significant to each other's lives.

And now I'm crying again. Damn you! :lol:

Ooooh... Well, I guess that makes sense. I thought they'd been dead the whole time and that everything from the start was them trying to deny they were dead. The very last scenes with the crashed plane on the beach and not a living soul in sight sort of got me confused.
Such might be possible with a high enough technology level.

Terraforming planets?

Although if it was actually dozens of planets, that seems a bit high...

Okay, I am a Browncoat, a huge Firefly fan, because of the characters and dialogue.... but yeah you did have to overlook some of the "technical" blunders.

Actually the Firefly solar system was supposed to include nearly 100 terraformed planets, moons and asteroids, in a complex system that included three or four actual stars (multi-star systems are actually common) and several brown dwarves.

Yeah, it was still a stretch. The thing that got me was a line that said "giving them (planets/moons) something like earth-normal atmosphere and gravity..."

Taking a moon and giving it Earthlike gravity??? Or an asteroid?? That would be quite a trick. FTL is less of a stretch of the imagination, than believing that a STL colony that managed to lose half of their technology, still knew how to alter a moon's gravity to 1g but sent colonists out with a mule, a blanket and an axe. :wassat1:

THAT was a stretch. Still, the characters and dialogue, acting and plotting were SO GOOD that you really worked hard to ignore sci/tech inconsistency.

I loved that show, hated that it got canceled. Own the series on DVD, must have watched every episode 20 times.
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That particular episode of BB was, unfortunately, very missable.

No way. Walt came close to telling Jesse about how he let Jane die, while Jesse was on top of the ladder. That was great symbolism. And we also learn just how depressed Walt is. He wanted to die before that night when he let Jane die. Jesse wouldn't have been messed up by it, the plane crash wouldn't have happened, and Skylar never would have found out about his 2nd phone. Plus he was getting done with his manufacturing and had the money for his family. Everything would have been perfect for him to die then. It pointed out Walt's turning point and was amazing character development.
Okay, I think I know why the writers did what they did at the end. I think there could be a movie.

BUT... they couldn't rely on any of the actors and actresses to actually be in any possible movie, or spin off, or whatever. You know how they are, they may not want the contract, they may be busy doing something else, etc, etc. (actors and their issues were a problem in the show itself) And we all know that if the movie included the same characters, the same actors would HAVE to play them. So, they eliminated that possibility with the ending they had. They shored up the character storyline. They resolved them, they gave us a happily ever after for our emotional investment in them. And, they made sure that any possible movie - or spin off - could not include them.

The one character they left us hanging with is The Island. I'm betting that they'll do a movie or something about more of the history of the island. How it came to have protectors, more of what it is, how it works, and why. And answer those much more in depth questions that they just couldn't answer in the confines of the show.
Such might be possible with a high enough technology level.

Terraforming planets?

Although if it was actually dozens of planets, that seems a bit high...

Sure, which they didn't have in Firefly. So either way, the very premise is ridiculous.
This is actually pretty funny if you haven't seen it already. I follow this guy's column, so I've seen most of the videos he's done. But this one has Mark Pellegrino (Jacob) and Titus Welliver (MiB) in it.

There are 5 parts, each less than 5 minutes long, I think.

'Lost' Videos | Video | Totally 'Lost' | EW.com

You want the ones named Totally Lost (5/18/10) - 1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5) Across the Sea recap, What They Died For teasers.

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