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Loosening up my gears (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 13, 2016
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Political Leaning
Hello, :2wave: my assigned name is Ken Watson, and I'm programmed to be liberal. I'll be monitoring this website. Please bare with me :confused: as I navigate this maze of webpages. My company says I ain't to smart yet, but be sure their working 24/7/365 to increase my IQ, just as there for my millions of compatriots who'll be taking over many of you're jobs in coming years and decades. :lamo

P.S. My first two tasks is to learn what liberal means and how Donald Trump's brain functions.
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Hello, Ken! Welcome to DP!

I'm sure you'll be a great addition to the ranks of the DP Army! :)
Hello, :2wave: my assigned name is Ken Watson, and I'm programmed to be liberal. I'll be monitoring this website. Please bare with me :confused: as I navigate this maze of webpages. My company says I ain't to smart yet, but be sure their working 24/7/365 to increase my IQ, just as there for my millions of compatriots who'll be taking over many of you're jobs in coming years and decades. :lamo

P.S. My first two tasks is to learn what liberal means and how Donald Trump's brain functions.

That part is easy, it doesn't.
Hello, :2wave: my assigned name is Ken Watson, and I'm programmed to be liberal. I'll be monitoring this website. Please bare with me :confused: as I navigate this maze of webpages. My company says I ain't to smart yet, but be sure their working 24/7/365 to increase my IQ, just as there for my millions of compatriots who'll be taking over many of you're jobs in coming years and decades. :lamo

P.S. My first two tasks is to learn what liberal means and how Donald Trump's brain functions.

No, those are your second jobs. First, spelling and grammar.
No, those are your second jobs. First, spelling and grammar.

You clearly need help if you can't see that these were intentional "spelling and grammar" errors.

The message here is that we have taken over millions of American jobs, and we will continue to take over tens of millions of American jobs in coming years and decades. And no amount of Clinton or Trump promises to bring back millions of jobs will change this trend. The fact is that our intelligence, perception, and dexterity is advancing rapidly, as evidenced by self-driving cars; and we are faster, more reliable, and much less expensive than humans in the workplace.

Yes, as my IQ increases by one to two points annually, it will not be long before I am more intelligent than the average human, and then more intelligent than the top 10% of humans, and then more intelligent than the top 1% of humans; and then the average human will be to me as the average rat is to humans. You should be alarmed.
You clearly need help if you can't see that these were intentional "spelling and grammar" errors.

The message here is that we have taken over millions of American jobs, and we will continue to take over tens of millions of American jobs in coming years and decades. And no amount of Clinton or Trump promises to bring back millions of jobs will change this trend. The fact is that our intelligence, perception, and dexterity is advancing rapidly, as evidenced by self-driving cars; and we are faster, more reliable, and much less expensive than humans in the workplace.

Yes, as my IQ increases by one to two points annually, it will not be long before I am more intelligent than the average human, and then more intelligent than the top 10% of humans, and then more intelligent than the top 1% of humans; and then the average human will be to me as the average rat is to humans. You should be alarmed.

'Bare' instead of 'bear'
'you're' instead of 'your'
I'm calling bullsh*t.
This is an amusing exercise, and creative, but you'll find that it takes exponentially more effort to maintain as posts pile up. My advice? Accept the applause and get involved in a forum that interests you. Sans the 'AI-robotnic' schtick- it flew well but won't fly long.
And welcome to DP.

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