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Looks like Mark Warner will put his hat in the ring for 2008 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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I am thrilled that Mark Warner is planning to run for prez in 2008. He is a moderate Democrat. He was the first governor of Virginia in 12 years (Virginia allows only one term for governor). With a republican legislature, he was able to tackle some serious financial problems the State had. Apparently, Time magazine listed him one of the top 5 governors in the United States.


Please don't let Hillary Clinton be the nominee. I can't stand the woman!
Mark Warner is a cool guy, he spoke to the Young Democrats at our school and I went to see him. Hes certainly not the wet blanket that Kerry was.
aps said:
I am thrilled that Mark Warner is planning to run for prez in 2008. He is a moderate Democrat. He was the first governor of Virginia in 12 years (Virginia allows only one term for governor). With a republican legislature, he was able to tackle some serious financial problems the State had. Apparently, Time magazine listed him one of the top 5 governors in the United States.


Please don't let Hillary Clinton be the nominee. I can't stand the woman!

aps, I will defintely check Warner out but sadly I think he has no chance to get the nomination unless he runs as a Republican........He is way to moderate for the base of the Democratic party
Navy Pride said:
aps, I will defintely check Warner out but sadly I think he has no chance to get the nomination unless he runs as a Republican........He is way to moderate for the base of the Democratic party

Clinton was a moderate. The dems need to remember that. And Warner did a great job working with a republican legislature. I have hopes for him. He is not a veteran, though.
aps said:
Clinton was a moderate. The dems need to remember that. And Warner did a great job working with a republican legislature. I have hopes for him. He is not a veteran, though.
So he won't be saluting and telling us that he's "reporting for duty"?...:doh

aps said:
Clinton was a moderate. The dems need to remember that. And Warner did a great job working with a republican legislature. I have hopes for him. He is not a veteran, though.

Clinton ran as a moderate but ruled as a liberal......He fooled everyone including Zell Miller who made his keynote speech at the 1992 democratic convention......Do you know what Clinton's first act was on entering office......Trying to get gays to serve openly in the military....With all respect aps that is not the act of a moderate.......

Besides the democratic party of 1992 is not the same party of 2005......A moderate has no chance.......
Navy Pride said:
Clinton ran as a moderate but ruled as a liberal......He fooled everyone including Zell Miller who made his keynote speech at the 1992 democratic convention......Do you know what Clinton's first act was on entering office......Trying to get gays to serve openly in the military....With all respect aps that is not the act of a moderate.......

Besides the democratic party of 1992 is not the same party of 2005......A moderate has no chance.......

I don't see allowing gay people to serve in the military as being indicative of a liberal; rather, I see it as someone being a human being and realizing that all human beings should be treated equally. Allowing gay people to openly serve in the military should not be partisan.

I work with members of the opposite sex every single day. Does that mean that I am attracted to the men with whom I work? NOPE. When men in the military say that they are uncomfortable thinking that another man is looking at them sexually, do you know what my response is? Don't flatter yourself. Gay men are not attracted to every male. If there shouldn't be any attraction within the military, then men and women should not be serving together. It's a ridiculous argument, and I look forward to the day where gay people can openly serve in the military. I do believe that day will come.

Time will tell what will happen in 2008.

cnredd, good one!
aps said:
I don't see allowing gay people to serve in the military as being indicative of a liberal; rather, I see it as someone being a human being and realizing that all human beings should be treated equally. Allowing gay people to openly serve in the military should not be partisan.

I work with members of the opposite sex every single day. Does that mean that I am attracted to the men with whom I work? NOPE. When men in the military say that they are uncomfortable thinking that another man is looking at them sexually, do you know what my response is? Don't flatter yourself. Gay men are not attracted to every male. If there shouldn't be any attraction within the military, then men and women should not be serving together. It's a ridiculous argument, and I look forward to the day where gay people can openly serve in the military. I do believe that day will come.

Time will tell what will happen in 2008.

cnredd, good one!

The problem with gays serving in the military is the feminism aspect. While not *all* gays have a lisp or cry during Happy Days reruns - the perception remains. When getting fired upon, the reduction of that feminism aspect is neccessary. This is why ladies are not allowed on the front line as well.

I wouldn't mind requiring a psycological evaluation before men or women are allowed on the front line. This could potentially negate the argument.
aps said:
I don't see allowing gay people to serve in the military as being indicative of a liberal; rather, I see it as someone being a human being and realizing that all human beings should be treated equally. Allowing gay people to openly serve in the military should not be partisan.

I work with members of the opposite sex every single day. Does that mean that I am attracted to the men with whom I work? NOPE. When men in the military say that they are uncomfortable thinking that another man is looking at them sexually, do you know what my response is? Don't flatter yourself. Gay men are not attracted to every male. If there shouldn't be any attraction within the military, then men and women should not be serving together. It's a ridiculous argument, and I look forward to the day where gay people can openly serve in the military. I do believe that day will come.

Time will tell what will happen in 2008.

cnredd, good one!

You may not think allowing gays to serve openly in the military is a liberal act but you would be in the minority.........That is why "Don't ask don't tell" was instituted..........You have to equate it with a straight man serving on a ship with all women...Living, sleeping, showering, etc.........I don't think I could do that and I know from my own experience of seeing many gays kicked out of the Navy for making sexual advances to straight men at sea gays can't either..........Its easy for a person who has not been in the military and not served aboard a ship to have your opinion........

You work with men of the opposite sex but you don't live with them, change clothes with them, shower with them, sleep in the same space with them......There is a huge difference......Aboard a ship about the size of your living room 100 men live......

Anyhow that was just and example.........I don't want to hijack this thread......

I hope your right about Warner but I doubt if you are.......As long as you have far left libs like Kennedy, Dean, Kerry and Pelosi running your party Warner has no chance.......
Navy Pride said:
You may not think allowing gays to serve openly in the military is a liberal act but you would be in the minority.........That is why "Don't ask don't tell" was instituted..........You have to equate it with a straight man serving on a ship with all women...Living, sleeping, showering, etc.........I don't think I could do that and I know from my own experience of seeing many gays kicked out of the Navy for making sexual advances to straight men at sea gays can't either..........Its easy for a person who has not been in the military and not served aboard a ship to have your opinion........

You work with men of the opposite sex but you don't live with them, change clothes with them, shower with them, sleep in the same space with them......There is a huge difference......Aboard a ship about the size of your living room 100 men live......

Anyhow that was just and example.........I don't want to hijack this thread......

I hope your right about Warner but I doubt if you are.......As long as you have far left libs like Kennedy, Dean, Kerry and Pelosi running your party Warner has no chance.......

That's an interesting point. I hadn't thought of it that way.

Again, you really have no idea how Warner will be received by the dems on the hill.
I have honestly never heard of this man, this does not bode well for his chances in 08, he better get his name out there now, if he's to have a chance against Mrs. Clinton.
Deegan said:
I have honestly never heard of this man, this does not bode well for his chances in 08, he better get his name out there now, if he's to have a chance against Mrs. Clinton.

You will learn about him soon enough. The advantage he has is that he doesn't have all the negativity associated with him like Hillary does. I am friends with a lot of democrats and no one I know would support her being the nominee. Yuck! I can barely stand to look at her.

Her whole stupid flag burning is a joke. Even Justice Scalia says that the burning of the flag is a protected right. Sheesh.
aps said:
You will learn about him soon enough. The advantage he has is that he doesn't have all the negativity associated with him like Hillary does. I am friends with a lot of democrats and no one I know would support her being the nominee. Yuck! I can barely stand to look at her.

Her whole stupid flag burning is a joke. Even Justice Scalia says that the burning of the flag is a protected right. Sheesh.

I am not against voting for a democrat, should one present him/herself a superior choice. I a lot of you may be surprised at that statement, but it's very true, just has not happened as of yet.;)
Deegan said:
I am not against voting for a democrat, should one present him/herself a superior choice. I a lot of you may be surprised at that statement, but it's very true, just has not happened as of yet.;)

I'm not against voting for a republican, particularly if Hillary is the democratic nominee. :lol:
aps said:
That's an interesting point. I hadn't thought of it that way.

Again, you really have no idea how Warner will be received by the dems on the hill.

Your right I don't but all I have to go by is what happened in 2004 and who the leaders of your party are......Hey I hope I am wrong because I like Warner I just don't see people like Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid and Dean letting him win any primary except maybe the one in Va.
Navy Pride said:
Your right I don't but all I have to go by is what happened in 2004 and who the leaders of your party are......Hey I hope I am wrong because I like Warner I just don't see people like Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid and Dean letting him win any primary except maybe the one in Va.

Just yesterday, Mark Warner amended an executive order that bans Virginia state agencies from discriminating against gays in hiring and promotions.


Come on, Navy Pride, why says that the left won't like him? :)

Atta boy, Marky!
aps said:
Just yesterday, Mark Warner amended an executive order that bans Virginia state agencies from discriminating against gays in hiring and promotions.


Come on, Navy Pride, why says that the left won't like him? :)

Atta boy, Marky!

Well we know how far moderates like Edwards and Leibeman got in the primarys in 2004 don't we..........I hope he gets the nomination, I would love the option to vote for a dem for president for the first time since 1964......
Navy Pride said:
Clinton ran as a moderate but ruled as a liberal......He fooled everyone including Zell Miller who made his keynote speech at the 1992 democratic convention......Do you know what Clinton's first act was on entering office......Trying to get gays to serve openly in the military....With all respect aps that is not the act of a moderate.......

Besides the democratic party of 1992 is not the same party of 2005......A moderate has no chance.......

At the moment... allowing gays to serve openly in the military doesn't sound like a bad Idea considering the retention and recruitment problems they are having in the Army......

If gays want to fight, let em fight.
Caine said:
At the moment... allowing gays to serve openly in the military doesn't sound like a bad Idea considering the retention and recruitment problems they are having in the Army......

If gays want to fight, let em fight.

If you were ever in the military you would know that gays being in the military is not the issue....................Its whether they can serve openly and don't ask don't tell took care of that........
Navy Pride said:
If you were ever in the military you would know that gays being in the military is not the issue....................Its whether they can serve openly and don't ask don't tell took care of that........
Technically it is still is an issue in the courts whether "don't ask don't tell" took care of that.

Warner is someone that I have been pushing for nearly a year. He thinks clearly, he speaks articulately, and he is a moderate liberal. He guided Virginia well, and frankly raised taxes in a very conservative state, all while maintaining above a 60% approval rating. He is the fricking man, politically speaking...he did not pick his protege in Kaine well though.

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