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Look here, angry moderators..... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
shitcanned my mellow 'who are the angriest people' post. Hope some of you finally wake up to see just what a joke this moderation team really is. And to think the reason for canning the thread was because I said 'liberal scourge'. Wow, talk about thin skinned busy bodies.
It appers you have had your share injury from these mods. So have I. Join me! Together we can make them pay!
ptsdkid said:
shitcanned my mellow 'who are the angriest people' post. Hope some of you finally wake up to see just what a joke this moderation team really is. And to think the reason for canning the thread was because I said 'liberal scourge'. Wow, talk about thin skinned busy bodies.

Its true Kid, I saw that and was like, what?!?! I needed it to be a real debate, I had taken time off from debating. lol.
ptsdkid said:
shitcanned my mellow 'who are the angriest people' post. Hope some of you finally wake up to see just what a joke this moderation team really is. And to think the reason for canning the thread was because I said 'liberal scourge'. Wow, talk about thin skinned busy bodies.
Actually, the reason the thread was canned was:
shuamort said:

Please, take some time to look around the board upstairs. Then take some time to look around the basement. Take in the similarities and differences between the style, content, and characters of the threads.
shuamort said:
Actually, the reason the thread was canned was:

Please, take some time to look around the board upstairs. Then take some time to look around the basement. Take in the similarities and differences between the style, content, and characters of the threads.

Errr I resemble that remark, and I think a few of us were having a very good discussion, so choose those words carefully my friend. Personally, I am glad you moved the thread here, now I can tell you I think you jumped the gun again, and not fear your wrath!;)
Feel free to carry on the discussion down here. The thread wasn't a debate though. And here you can call me an ***hole for moving it. :mrgreen:
shuamort said:
Feel free to carry on the discussion down here. The thread wasn't a debate though. And here you can call me an ***hole for moving it. :mrgreen:

ok. Your an asshole for moving the thread!!!!!!!!! There, I said it... whew, that felt good!!!:mrgreen:
shuamort said:
Feel free to carry on the discussion down here. The thread wasn't a debate though. And here you can call me an ***hole for moving it. :mrgreen:
Can we call you an ***hole for other reasons?...:2wave:
cnredd said:
Can we call you an ***hole for other reasons?...:2wave:
You are what you eat from your head down to your feet things like meat and fish and eggs you need to build up muscle tissue Uh Oh! Appetite control? More Protein! We need energy. All the motors in your body need a lot of fuel to go on! Things like carbohydrates fats and proteins, vitamins and so on. What's left over forms the building blocks you need, indeed, to grow on! Yes you are what you swallow so the next time you feel hollow don't just fill your face with any old kind of treat This goes for every kid or 6 foot at the least Yes what you really are is what you eeeeeeeeat!
ptsdkid said:
shitcanned my mellow 'who are the angriest people' post. Hope some of you finally wake up to see just what a joke this moderation team really is. And to think the reason for canning the thread was because I said 'liberal scourge'. Wow, talk about thin skinned busy bodies.

Are you gonna post that abstract? Let's see some evidence of your PhD.
ptsdkid said:
shitcanned my mellow 'who are the angriest people' post. Hope some of you finally wake up to see just what a joke this moderation team really is. And to think the reason for canning the thread was because I said 'liberal scourge'. Wow, talk about thin skinned busy bodies.

So you join this site, read the rules and agreed to them, then complain because you are not bright enough to play within the rules. I've been banned a couple of times, been warned multiple times. Don't see me whining. Something to think about also pstkid. It's not always what you say, sometimes it's how you say it. You are a right wing Nazi. We all know it. Funny one of the angriest persons is the one to ask that question. Talk about thin skinned. Even me, what with my charming personality, manages to get by here. The mods here are very fair. It's just that I have figured out how to play. What's your problem?
teacher said:
So you join this site, read the rules and agreed to them, then complain because you are not bright enough to play within the rules. I've been banned a couple of times, been warned multiple times. Don't see me whining. Something to think about also pstkid. It's not always what you say, sometimes it's how you say it. You are a right wing Nazi. We all know it. Funny one of the angriest persons is the one to ask that question. Talk about thin skinned. Even me, what with my charming personality, manages to get by here. The mods here are very fair. It's just that I have figured out how to play. What's your problem?

What the fuk is that AV.. Looks like monkey man...lol
Deegan said:
Errr I resemble that remark, and I think a few of us were having a very good discussion, so choose those words carefully my friend. Personally, I am glad you moved the thread here, now I can tell you I think you jumped the gun again, and not fear your wrath!;)

You resemble that remark? That doesn't make any sense at all. :confused:
Kandahar said:
Are you gonna post that abstract? Let's see some evidence of your PhD.

***Sorry Kandy...no forthcoming abstract unless I see a complete forum change with the moderators. You see, my abstract consists of research and personal opinion that would undoubtedly get misconstrued here as being something totally partial and..heaven forbid....debatable. I will not have my masterpiece ridiculed to basement status from a group of nincompoop moderators....savvy?
You saw yourself how many people felt that my 'angry people' post was just getting up a head of steam...only to be shot down here by the ***** contingency.
ptsdkid said:
***Sorry Kandy...no forthcoming abstract unless I see a complete forum change with the moderators. You see, my abstract consists of research and personal opinion that would undoubtedly get misconstrued here as being something totally partial and..heaven forbid....debatable. I will not have my masterpiece ridiculed to basement status from a group of nincompoop moderators....savvy?
You saw yourself how many people felt that my 'angry people' post was just getting up a head of steam...only to be shot down here by the ***** contingency.

This seems like a lot of hand-waving. Frankly, I think you're an idiot, and I highly doubt that you could ever write something worthy of receiving a Ph.D.. Until you provide any proof of it, don't expect anyone to believe your claim. Your unwillingness to provide even an abstract (which probably shouldn't be containing much personal opinion if it is for a doctorate) hints at you not having a thesis.
teacher said:
So you join this site, read the rules and agreed to them, then complain because you are not bright enough to play within the rules. I've been banned a couple of times, been warned multiple times. Don't see me whining. Something to think about also pstkid. It's not always what you say, sometimes it's how you say it. You are a right wing Nazi. We all know it. Funny one of the angriest persons is the one to ask that question. Talk about thin skinned. Even me, what with my charming personality, manages to get by here. The mods here are very fair. It's just that I have figured out how to play. What's your problem?

***Let me call you a left wing Communist so that we can get onto an even playing field.
You say the mods here are very fair. Get a clue Castro. All you need to do is to read the posts from others here to see that they agree with me on this one.
teacher said:
It's a French surrender monkey. I lost a bet with Billo on the Colture/Lidell fight. Yuck it up while you can laughing boy.

Who won the Colture/Lidell III fight? I missed it cause I don't have pay per view.
Engimo said:
You resemble that remark? That doesn't make any sense at all. :confused:

Somehow........ that does not surprise me.:doh
Deegan said:
Somehow........ that does not surprise me.:doh

What? It's true. Perhaps you meant resent? In what way are you like the remark? :confused:
Engimo said:
What? It's true. Perhaps you meant resent? In what way are you like the remark? :confused:

Read it again, it was a mix of humor, and seriousness, it's obviously lost on you, but I refuse to walk you through it.:doh
Deegan said:
Read it again, it was a mix of humor, and seriousness, it's obviously lost on you, but I refuse to walk you through it.:doh

The phrase "resemble that remark" is nonsensical. Either you're stealing bad jokes from The Three Stooges or you don't know what the word means. Pick one.
Engimo said:
This seems like a lot of hand-waving. Frankly, I think you're an idiot, and I highly doubt that you could ever write something worthy of receiving a Ph.D.. Until you provide any proof of it, don't expect anyone to believe your claim. Your unwillingness to provide even an abstract (which probably shouldn't be containing much personal opinion if it is for a doctorate) hints at you not having a thesis.

***Thesis: something argued for.
a proposition that a person advances and offers to maintain by

Doesn't the term 'argument' here seem to conjure visions of 'debatable' exercise? Again, I still have to be given proof that the moderators are not one-sided, and that they can live up to allowing 'Debate politics' to take place; otherwise, what's the use of proving my political mastery to the unappreciative, the uninformed and the political cowards among us?
Engimo said:
The phrase "resemble that remark" is nonsensical. Either you're stealing bad jokes from The Three Stooges or you don't know what the word means. Pick one.

I actually remember the joke coming from a Garfield comic strip, but at least now you admit it was over your head.:doh

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