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Liz Cheney says she strongly opposes Trump on Syria, Afghanistan (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Wow. This nuts. It's like the Trump Presidency is crashing down right before his eyes. But of course, now he thinks the Cheney's are liburals!!!!!!!!

"I am deeply, deeply concerned, and I oppose strongly the president's decision to apparently withdraw troops from Syria," Cheney said in a "Face the Nation" interview on Sunday. "I think the president has done a lot of very good things," but "these two decisions would be disastrous."

Cheney said Mr. Trump's decision was a "very dangerous path to go down."

Liz Cheney says she strongly opposes Trump on Syria, Afghanistan
You guys are just too funny. Don't you remember? Republicans are the party of never ending trigger happy war and you would blast Cheney for it, unless of course she is badmouthing Trump then, all of a sudden, wars are just fine.

Actually without our troops there, it will likely escalate war.
Seemingly, the only US Congress critter that supports the immediate pullout of US forces from Syria is the Senator from Russia ... Rand Paul.

Oh yeah, why did he go to Russia again? Did Vlad need his eyes checked?

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