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Little Media Lies About ObamaCare (1 Viewer)


May 11, 2013
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Bias: Heard the one about how House Republicans have passed 40-plus bills to repeal or defund ObamaCare, all of which went nowhere? It's not true. Yet the mainstream press continues to peddle this blatant falsehood.

In the run-up to Friday's House vote to defund ObamaCare, the media tried to portray it as part of some deranged anti-ObamaCare syndrome. As evidence, they claim Republicans have already tried this dozens of times before, all to no avail. Some examples:

• "The House of Representatives has voted 40 times to repeal or curtail the Affordable Care Act since Republicans took control of the chamber in 2011 — and each time the Democratic Senate has swatted away their bills." (Los Angeles Times)

• "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. And if you're a House Republican, be sure to repeat that process another 40 times." (MSNBC)

• "Last week House Republicans voted for the 40th time to repeal ObamaCare. Like the previous 39 votes, this action will have no effect whatsoever." (New York Times)

• "It'll mark the 40th vote by the Republican-controlled House to repeal some or all of the law. Such measures have died in the Democratic-controlled Senate." (Associated Press)

• "House Republicans have now voted 41 times to repeal ObamaCare, knowing each time that those bills would go nowhere in the Senate." (Huffington Post)

Just one problem: Twenty percent of those bills made it to Obama's desk and secured his signature.

Obama signed House bills to kill a costly ObamaCare reporting rule, terminate its long-term care insurance program and repeal the "free choice voucher" program. He also signed bills cutting funds for the so-called CO-OP program, a public health slush fund and other ObamaCare programs.

Read More:
The Little Lies The Media Tell About ObamaCare - Investors.com

Bias? What Bias?
Dr. Ben Carson: ObamaCare not for and by the people

Dr. Ben Carson & Greta Van Susteren
Sept 20, 2013

CARSON:...the founders of the Soviet Union ran into opposition, as well. And they felt that they knew better than the people did, and if they could force upon the people their way of thinking, that the people would eventually come to accept it. And this is basically what's going on with ObamaCare. ...I thought that America was supposed to be for, of and by the people. I thought it was supposed to be people-centric and not government-centric. And I think there are a lot of other Americans who agree with me on that.

And you know, if we sit by quietly and don't challenge the expansionist philosophy of this government, then pretty soon, we will have something very similar to the Soviet Union, where the government is in every aspect of our lives, controlling everything that we do. And we simply sit there and watch. We can't do that. And I don't think we're going to do it, quite frankly.


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Dr. Carson has voiced the opinion a majority of Americans have. The original reason for the supposed Obama Care was that 30 million Americans would be included. See:

Daniel Kessler: The Coming ObamaCare Shock - WSJ.com
online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142412788732487420457844 1032081716170...

In The Wall Street Journal, Daniel Kessler writes that millions of Americans will pay more for health insurance, lose their coverage, or have their hours of work cut ...
'45 Million Americans' without healthcare - another Obama lie!

by Larry Elder

'45 Million Americans' -- Who Are Those Guys?

About 45 million Americans lack health care insurance. Or do they?

A pro-"universal health care" television host recently cited this widely accepted "fact." The number is bogus.

Here's the skinny.

Start with the math. We have 300 million Americans. Subtract the 45 million -- 15 percent of us -- with no health insurance. That leaves 255 million Americans, or 85 percent, with it.

And the insurance is lousy, right? Not according to a 2006 ABC News/Kaiser Family Foundation/USA Today survey. It found that 89 percent of Americans were satisfied with the quality of their own health care.

Nearly half of the 45 million fall in the category of my 26-year-old nephew. He smokes cigarettes, dates, eats out, goes to movies and, like all young people, lives through his cell phone. With a slight change in priorities, he could afford health insurance, the cost of which at his age and health starts at about $100 a month. Take a look at a Reason Foundation video of interviews with a bunch of non-health-insured 20-somethings.

These Gen Xers copped to dropping money on clothes, booze, nightlife, the latest tech gizmos and other things of interest to them. With a change in priorities, these young folks -- far more representative of those without insurance than the forlorn husband and wife sitting on a porch swing -- could both afford and qualify for health insurance. They simply consider it a low priority.

Millions more can access health care -- through SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program), Medicaid or other government programs. But for whatever reason, 11 million people simply refuse to take advantage of them.


Read more:
'45 Million Americans' without healthcare - another Obama lie! - Page 4

Of course others on welfare are already covered by Medicaid. BTW Larry Elder is a proud conservative Black man.
Dr. Ben Carson: ObamaCare not for and by the people

Dr. Ben Carson & Greta Van Susteren
Sept 20, 2013

CARSON:...the founders of the Soviet Union ran into opposition, as well. And they felt that they knew better than the people did, and if they could force upon the people their way of thinking, that the people would eventually come to accept it. And this is basically what's going on with ObamaCare. ...I thought that America was supposed to be for, of and by the people. I thought it was supposed to be people-centric and not government-centric. And I think there are a lot of other Americans who agree with me on that.

And you know, if we sit by quietly and don't challenge the expansionist philosophy of this government, then pretty soon, we will have something very similar to the Soviet Union, where the government is in every aspect of our lives, controlling everything that we do. And we simply sit there and watch. We can't do that. And I don't think we're going to do it, quite frankly.


Read more

Dr. Carson has voiced the opinion a majority of Americans have. The original reason for the supposed Obama Care was that 30 million Americans would be included. See:

Daniel Kessler: The Coming ObamaCare Shock - WSJ.com
online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142412788732487420457844 1032081716170...

In The Wall Street Journal, Daniel Kessler writes that millions of Americans will pay more for health insurance, lose their coverage, or have their hours of work cut ...

On your second link this is what I got


Bias: Heard the one about how House Republicans have passed 40-plus bills to repeal or defund ObamaCare, all of which went nowhere? It's not true. Yet the mainstream press continues to peddle this blatant falsehood.

In the run-up to Friday's House vote to defund ObamaCare, the media tried to portray it as part of some deranged anti-ObamaCare syndrome. As evidence, they claim Republicans have already tried this dozens of times before, all to no avail. Some examples:

• "The House of Representatives has voted 40 times to repeal or curtail the Affordable Care Act since Republicans took control of the chamber in 2011 — and each time the Democratic Senate has swatted away their bills." (Los Angeles Times)

• "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. And if you're a House Republican, be sure to repeat that process another 40 times." (MSNBC)

• "Last week House Republicans voted for the 40th time to repeal ObamaCare. Like the previous 39 votes, this action will have no effect whatsoever." (New York Times)

• "It'll mark the 40th vote by the Republican-controlled House to repeal some or all of the law. Such measures have died in the Democratic-controlled Senate." (Associated Press)

• "House Republicans have now voted 41 times to repeal ObamaCare, knowing each time that those bills would go nowhere in the Senate." (Huffington Post)

Just one problem: Twenty percent of those bills made it to Obama's desk and secured his signature.

Obama signed House bills to kill a costly ObamaCare reporting rule, terminate its long-term care insurance program and repeal the "free choice voucher" program. He also signed bills cutting funds for the so-called CO-OP program, a public health slush fund and other ObamaCare programs.

Read More:
The Little Lies The Media Tell About ObamaCare - Investors.com

Bias? What Bias?

Your link has zero linked citations.
Your link has zero linked citations.

And the Lies coming from the White House and dedicated Progressives are giving us the truth? So you claim the one link has no citations while you negate the original post.
Last edited:
And the Lies coming from the White House and dedicated Progressives are giving us the truth? So you claim the one link has no citations while you negate the original post.


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