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Listening to Stupidity and Ignorance every day is a Negative to the Country (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
Listening to Stupidity and Ignorance coming from Trump every day is a huge negative to the country.

I have always believed that what you believe and think affects you and everyone around you and listening to stupidity and ignorance helps makes each person a bit more stupid and a bit more ignorant. It is like a sales fact that states: "If you mention something to a person 7 or 8 times, they start believing it, no matter how ridiculous it is. Repetition has always been a form of education".

Trump is making us all more stupid and ignorant. Everything that comes out of his mouth is based on his own beliefs, his own mind, his own education, and his own personality and character. He is biased (against everything and everyone that does not believe what he believes), he is incompetent (has shown that repeatedly during his business life with 13 failed businesses), is ignorant to a certain degree (given that he has never believed in reading or learning), and is stupid (given that he never learns from his mistakes because his personality does not allow him to accept he is ever wrong).

It is frustrating to the nth degree to see him say things that are patently wrong. In fact, I am starting to believe that he does not lie anywhere as much as the fact that he actually believes what he is saying, even though it is totally wrong. He actually believes the crowds at his inauguration were the biggest ever, he believed he could make Mexico pay for the wall, he believes the virus will simply go away without doing anything.

What is even more upsetting and worrisome is how many people believe what Trump believes and says. It makes us a nation of ignorant and stupid people that have learned nothing in our lifetimes.

Trump is literally making us less of a nation than we have ever been before. He believes that he is Making America Great Again but what needs to be considered is what he believes will make America great again. Is it regression to the lack of education we had before? Is it a lack of science that we had before? Is it a return to when we were ruled by a king (not Democracy) that he believes will make us great again.

If this continues, he may end up making us all into the kind of a person he is. Dumb, ignorant, biased, and not accepting any of our own weaknesses and therefore not trying to become better people.
Listening to Stupidity and Ignorance coming from Trump every day is a huge negative to the country.

I have always believed that what you believe and think affects you and everyone around you and listening to stupidity and ignorance helps makes each person a bit more stupid and a bit more ignorant. It is like a sales fact that states: "If you mention something to a person 7 or 8 times, they start believing it, no matter how ridiculous it is. Repetition has always been a form of education".

Trump is making us all more stupid and ignorant. Everything that comes out of his mouth is based on his own beliefs, his own mind, his own education, and his own personality and character. He is biased (against everything and everyone that does not believe what he believes), he is incompetent (has shown that repeatedly during his business life with 13 failed businesses), is ignorant to a certain degree (given that he has never believed in reading or learning), and is stupid (given that he never learns from his mistakes because his personality does not allow him to accept he is ever wrong).

It is frustrating to the nth degree to see him say things that are patently wrong. In fact, I am starting to believe that he does not lie anywhere as much as the fact that he actually believes what he is saying, even though it is totally wrong. He actually believes the crowds at his inauguration were the biggest ever, he believed he could make Mexico pay for the wall, he believes the virus will simply go away without doing anything.

What is even more upsetting and worrisome is how many people believe what Trump believes and says. It makes us a nation of ignorant and stupid people that have learned nothing in our lifetimes.

Trump is literally making us less of a nation than we have ever been before. He believes that he is Making America Great Again but what needs to be considered is what he believes will make America great again. Is it regression to the lack of education we had before? Is it a lack of science that we had before? Is it a return to when we were ruled by a king (not Democracy) that he believes will make us great again.

If this continues, he may end up making us all into the kind of a person he is. Dumb, ignorant, biased, and not accepting any of our own weaknesses and therefore not trying to become better people.

Curious does listening to stupidity and negativity from the left count as well?
Curious does listening to stupidity and negativity from the left count as well?

Listening to stupidity from anywhere is bad but then again, if in school we listen a lot more to the teacher than to our neighbors. The teacher is the one that is supposed to know and supposed to teach us. Trump being the president and the head person of the nation, is the teacher and therefore we listen a lot more to the teacher than to our neighbors (the Democrats). Simply speaking, the Democrats are not in charge and we are not listening to them or trying to do what they say.
Curious does listening to stupidity and negativity from the left count as well?

Try hard to understand how you just made the OP's point. Try very hard.
Listening to stupidity from anywhere is bad but then again, if in school we listen a lot more to the teacher than to our neighbors. The teacher is the one that is supposed to know and supposed to teach us. Trump being the president and the head person of the nation, is the teacher and therefore we listen a lot more to the teacher than to our neighbors (the Democrats). Simply speaking, the Democrats are not in charge and we are not listening to them or trying to do what they say.

Interesting, I haven't needed anyone to tell me what to do or say in a very very long time......
Does that mean you do not support Trump?

No, it means unlike you, I don't need someone to tell me what to say or do, you apparently need to take your cues from politicians, that's pretty sad in my book, but if it works for you, go for it.
There is only one solution and it has to happen this year. If it doesn't, we might as well jump off a cliff into an abyss.

He is jockeying to be permanent president and he has Barr and many Senators and Representatives that will back him up. I fear if we don't get rid of his ass this November this will be the last Presidential election we EVER have.
Listening to stupidity from anywhere is bad but then again, if in school we listen a lot more to the teacher than to our neighbors. The teacher is the one that is supposed to know and supposed to teach us. Trump being the president and the head person of the nation, is the teacher and therefore we listen a lot more to the teacher than to our neighbors (the Democrats). Simply speaking, the Democrats are not in charge and we are not listening to them or trying to do what they say.

If you consider politicians to be teachers, then you've got some serious problems.
No, it means unlike you, I don't need someone to tell me what to say or do, you apparently need to take your cues from politicians, that's pretty sad in my book, but if it works for you, go for it.

If you support Trump, it means you have believed his words. He had no experience being a president or even being a senator, congressman, governor or even mayor so you could not check on his ability to run the country, meaning you believed his words when he said he could.

As such, do not tell me that you don't need someone to tell you what to do. He did.
A teacher is the same thing as a leader. The show you what is right and what is wrong.

Again, if you're looking to government to show you right and wrong, then you've got serious mental problems.

anne frank.jpg
If you support Trump, it means you have believed his words. He had no experience being a president or even being a senator, congressman, governor or even mayor so you could not check on his ability to run the country, meaning you believed his words when he said he could.

As such, do not tell me that you don't need someone to tell you what to do. He did.

That makes absolutely zero sense......and considering you started this thread, at least you are staying on point.

Believing's one words and having those words tell you what to do, think, say or feel, are completely two different things.....but you wouldn't understand that.
I didn't finish reading this rant

Bc I do agree with thread title
That makes absolutely zero sense......and considering you started this thread, at least you are staying on point.

Believing's one words and having those words tell you what to do, think, say or feel, are completely two different things.....but you wouldn't understand that.

So if my words make no sense, why don't you tell me in your own words why you voted for Trump. What made you believe he would be a good president and what has kept you believing after 4 years that you were right in your original assessment?
So if my words make no sense, why don't you tell me in your own words why you voted for Trump. What made you believe he would be a good president and what has kept you believing after 4 years that you were right in your original assessment?

Why are you making assumptions with facts not in evidence? Just because I think this thread is misguided, all of a sudden, I support Trump, or I voted for Trump? Trump is a dumbass whose main problem is he can't keep his mouth shut, I watched 3 questions of the town-hall last night, as soon as he said no no no, I up played it....I turned it off.... he's his own worst enemy. But his policies for the most part, are correct. If he had't said a word in 4 years, he'd be in a much better position.....but he likes to play with fools, and everyone buys right in.
Why are you making assumptions with facts not in evidence? Just because I think this thread is misguided, all of a sudden, I support Trump, or I voted for Trump? Trump is a dumbass whose main problem is he can't keep his mouth shut, I watched 3 questions of the town-hall last night, as soon as he said no no no, I up played it....I turned it off.... he's his own worst enemy. But his policies for the most part, are correct. If he had't said a word in 4 years, he'd be in a much better position.....but he likes to play with fools, and everyone buys right in.

So, does that mean you are not "for Trump"?
Listening to Stupidity and Ignorance coming from Trump every day is a huge negative to the country.

I have always believed that what you believe and think affects you and everyone around you and listening to stupidity and ignorance helps makes each person a bit more stupid and a bit more ignorant. It is like a sales fact that states: "If you mention something to a person 7 or 8 times, they start believing it, no matter how ridiculous it is. Repetition has always been a form of education".

Trump is making us all more stupid and ignorant. Everything that comes out of his mouth is based on his own beliefs, his own mind, his own education, and his own personality and character. He is biased (against everything and everyone that does not believe what he believes), he is incompetent (has shown that repeatedly during his business life with 13 failed businesses), is ignorant to a certain degree (given that he has never believed in reading or learning), and is stupid (given that he never learns from his mistakes because his personality does not allow him to accept he is ever wrong).

It is frustrating to the nth degree to see him say things that are patently wrong. In fact, I am starting to believe that he does not lie anywhere as much as the fact that he actually believes what he is saying, even though it is totally wrong. He actually believes the crowds at his inauguration were the biggest ever, he believed he could make Mexico pay for the wall, he believes the virus will simply go away without doing anything.

What is even more upsetting and worrisome is how many people believe what Trump believes and says. It makes us a nation of ignorant and stupid people that have learned nothing in our lifetimes.

Trump is literally making us less of a nation than we have ever been before. He believes that he is Making America Great Again but what needs to be considered is what he believes will make America great again. Is it regression to the lack of education we had before? Is it a lack of science that we had before? Is it a return to when we were ruled by a king (not Democracy) that he believes will make us great again.

If this continues, he may end up making us all into the kind of a person he is. Dumb, ignorant, biased, and not accepting any of our own weaknesses and therefore not trying to become better people.
And yet you continue to create threads like this one. :roll:

By the way Thomas Edison once said he had 1000 failures of every success and he's considered a genius - that elevates Trump to the stratosphere. :cool:

I'd also refer you to your second paragraph. Change the Trump references to Luckyone and most of the paragraph remains true.

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