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Lines vs Circles (1 Viewer)


May 19, 2016
Reaction score
Political Leaning
So where are all the big brains at?

Is everybody so linear now they can't hit a curve ball?


C the other part of the equation yet?

Why are progressives bunched with neo-liberals?

These charts are getting more and more ridiculous.
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Why are progressives bunched with neo-liberals?

These charts are getting more and more ridiculous.

You took the words right out of my mouth. This is an absolutely stupid chart that doesn't make sense for a lot of reasons.
Why are progressives bunched with neo-liberals?

These charts are getting more and more ridiculous.

Shhh!!! It's a secret circle.

Thanks to all the "Communications" and "Journalism" losers the "Liberal Arts/Humanities" Depts have been dumping out they've effectively clusterfuked and confused any of the actual political science media that now apparently only a certain few have access and are privy to. Seems elitist to me...

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It's like a silent drum circle and they don't want to "trigger" anyone...

Ohkayyy... sooo like everyone sit in a circle ohkayyy? Now get your drums out ohkayyy?

Now lets just shhhhh...

ohkay? no more capital letters... capital is bad...

shhhhhh... lets be quietly poor, ohkay? shhhh...


Freedom is the absence of foreign domination. This is how the word is used by Herodotus in his book "Histories".

Liberty is the ability to vote. This is also how the word is used by him.

Americans are the most free liberated people in the world.

We have been liberated and free from the English Kings for 240 years now, exactly.

We can vote for our own leadership.

I hope we have close to 99% voter turnout in November in celebration.
Noam's a wordsmith but I don't think he has helicopters...

Shhh!!! It's a secret circle.

Thanks to all the "Communications" and "Journalism" losers the "Liberal Arts/Humanities" Depts have been dumping out they've effectively clusterfuked and confused any of the actual political science media that now apparently only a certain few have access and are privy to. Seems elitist to me...


I wonder if they realize they're the people guilty of harassment.
You ever heard of the Khan Academy?...

I still got apples btw...;)
What is this? A music thread?

Still don't see no helicopters...

Okay!!!, so we got any smart people around here?...


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