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Lindsay Lohan Will Dodge Jail Bullet (1 Viewer)

The Giant Noodle

DP Veteran
Mar 22, 2010
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Northern Illinois
Political Leaning
Lindsay Lohan will not have to spend the next 30 days in jail ... sources connected with the case tell TMZ.


There was a buzz in the case that Judge Elden Fox would have Lindsay jailed tomorrow -- without giving her bail -- and make her sit behind bars for 30 days until the next hearing. The danger for Lindsay -- she would have to serve the full 30 days and would not be released early because of jail overcrowding.

But insiders tell TMZ ... if Judge Fox remands Lindsay into custody he must set bail, because the underlying offenses are all misdemeanors.

So here's the way it will go down ... Our sources say tomorrow's hearing will be extremely short. There won't be any arguments over the case. Judge Fox will schedule the formal probation violation hearing, and almost certainly remand Lindsay into custody and then set bail. But you can bet a bail bondsman will be right there in the courtroom to take care of business on the spot. So Lindsay will walk out a free woman tomorrow.

When the probation violation hearing is held next month, it's likely Judge Fox will sentence Lindsay to 30 days in jail based on the failed drug test for cocaine. As we first reported, the Probation Department will not recommend jail time for the second failed drug test because of an ambiguity in the paperwork.

But this 30-day sentence would be subject to the realities of jail overcrowding, which means Lindsay would go to jail for booking and probably be released an hour or two later.

The upshot -- looks like Lindsay will dodge another bullet.
It's sad for her parents; I'll bet they sleep better when she's in jail.
At least they know where she is, and that she's alive and safe.
I do, it shows their is a tiered judicial system. She should sit in jail just like the poorest person would have to.

Actually, it really doesn't have much to do with her wealth or 'celebrity' status. It's more to do with the fact that she's a non-violent offender and the prisons are horribly overcrowded. Most people, rich or poor, would get the same treatment.
Actually, it really doesn't have much to do with her wealth or 'celebrity' status. It's more to do with the fact that she's a non-violent offender and the prisons are horribly overcrowded. Most people, rich or poor, would get the same treatment.

Not only that, but she has to be kept in special segregation- in a private cell, actually.
That's how Los Angeles county deals with celebrities.
They can't risk her being assaulted or harming herself on their watch.
It costs the taxpayers far more than it's actually worth.
Yet I agree that it's the right thing to do; put in with the gen pop, she would undoubtedly be a target simply because of who she is.

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