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Lincoln Project: Protect (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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These guys just nail it.
The Lincoln Project is all Biden has going for him, since he won’t get off his ass and hold SAFE events in the 17 swings states.

There are 17 swing Senate seats also, with an overlap of 13 with potus. GOP Senators carried trump in 2016.
The Lincoln Project is all Biden has going for him, since he won’t get off his ass and hold SAFE events in the 17 swings states.

Not sure why you'd want this other than you'd be hoping for Biden to show the same negligence and self-centeredness that are Donnie Dirtbag's trademarks and then criticizing him for it. IOW, you aint foolin' nobody.
Not sure why you'd want this other than you'd be hoping for Biden to show the same negligence and self-centeredness that are Donnie Dirtbag's trademarks and then criticizing him for it. IOW, you aint foolin' nobody.

plus, i think he will be doing safe events.
Not sure why you'd want this other than you'd be hoping for Biden to show the same negligence and self-centeredness that are Donnie Dirtbag's trademarks and then criticizing him for it. IOW, you aint foolin' nobody.

IOW, give up on SAFE events and throw the election to Trump. That’s what third partiers and non voters do.
IOW, give up on SAFE events and throw the election to Trump. That’s what third partiers and non voters do.

Where do you get what seems like inside information on how Biden is going to campaign? Or do you just make up **** as you go along?
Where do you get what seems like inside information on how Biden is going to campaign? Or do you just make up **** as you go along?

Where’s Waldo? With friends like you, Biden doesn’t need any enemies.
I'm sure there will be some. But those probably won't satisfy "Linc."

You’ve seen me call for SAFE events over and over. So, why are you lying, digitusmedius?
You’ve seen me call for SAFE events over and over. So, why are you lying, digitusmedius?

Why are you pretending to be a Dem who has secret campaign information on Biden? Whenever I see people like you I immediately suspect a Russian bot.

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