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Life on Mars? Doubtful. (1 Viewer)


Sophisticated man-about-town
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Mar 31, 2013
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Interesting story. The Mars rover has been sampling Mars' atmosphere and soil, and has come up with absolutely no trace of methane.

This is considered pretty strong evidence that life (at least abundant microbial life which was speculated to be underground) doesnt exist there.

Low Upper Limit to Methane Abundance on Mars


This doesnt eliminate the possibility, but boy.... methane in PPB concentrations sure suggests its pretty doubtful.
Interesting story. The Mars rover has been sampling Mars' atmosphere and soil, and has come up with absolutely no trace of methane.

This is considered pretty strong evidence that life (at least abundant microbial life which was speculated to be underground) doesnt exist there.

Low Upper Limit to Methane Abundance on Mars


This doesnt eliminate the possibility, but boy.... methane in PPB concentrations sure suggests its pretty doubtful.

I would think if there is life on other planets then it would not have developed or function the same way as life on earth does.
Yes they made a search with Curiosity Rover and found too little. This is strange because methane is persistent and would not leave the atmosphere as easily.

I was hoping that the findings would somehow suggest that there never was life on Mars also. That way I could have at least put it in one of my threads about "Origins of Life." Since it did not and only speaks of current findings alone though I did not find much merit for I did not expect much life there.


Webster, C. R., Mahaffy, R. P., Atreya, S. K., Flesch, G. J., & Farley, K. A. (2013). Low upper limit to methane abundance on Mars. Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.1242902; Retrieved from: NASA Curiosity rover detects no methane on Mars .
I would think if there is life on other planets then it would not have developed or function the same way as life on earth does.

It is too distant from the sun so as the water to be liquid. Lacks a strong enough atmosphere to trap heat also. So contrary to Venus.

If there are area spots that are locked away from the heat, wind, and acid, in the deep medium to cold depths of Venus' crust, it would have more chance of life I think. It would be in dark but it would have water.
Europa, a moon of Jupiter.

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