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Liberal's Hate America (1 Viewer)


Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
They think your stupid. They think all freedom loving Americans are stupid. They think patriotism is stupid. They think chruchgoing is stupid. They think having big families is stupid. They are sure that where you live - anywhere but near or in a few major cities - is a insipid cultural wastland.
They think your SUV is evil, although theirs is absolutely necessary. They think owning a gun is criminal, though some have armed body guards. They think George W. Bush is an idiot. They even think it's wrong for us to protect our nation & our loved ones. Worst of all, they think our abiding belief in the goodness of America & its founding principles is naive & misguided.
Notice that the Liberal elites want America to be torn down, tradition by tradition, how Hollywood is politically moronic. The Liberal elites are theophobic & bent on eradicating religion from American life. Notice how the anti-war crowd is really anti-Americanism is disguise, how our current immigration policies border on insanity, how our schools try to brainwash students with political correctness & anti-Americanism. Ask yourself why is it that Liberals are for all this & more.
A reporter asked John Kerry, "Are you for or against gay marriage? As usual, his answer was, "Yes."
Want to make a liberals angry? Defend the United States.
Got a bit of a sugar-rush from eating too much Pez? ;)

But seriously, I've rarely seen so much gross generalisation in one little post.

Oh, and before you suggest that I might be a liberal, I'm not. I'm a socialist.
tr1414 said:
They think your stupid. They think all freedom loving Americans are stupid. They think patriotism is stupid. They think chruchgoing is stupid. They think having big families is stupid. They are sure that where you live - anywhere but near or in a few major cities - is a insipid cultural wastland.
They think your SUV is evil, although theirs is absolutely necessary. They think owning a gun is criminal, though some have armed body guards. They think George W. Bush is an idiot. They even think it's wrong for us to protect our nation & our loved ones. Worst of all, they think our abiding belief in the goodness of America & its founding principles is naive & misguided.
Notice that the Liberal elites want America to be torn down, tradition by tradition, how Hollywood is politically moronic. The Liberal elites are theophobic & bent on eradicating religion from American life. Notice how the anti-war crowd is really anti-Americanism is disguise, how our current immigration policies border on insanity, how our schools try to brainwash students with political correctness & anti-Americanism. Ask yourself why is it that Liberals are for all this & more.
A reporter asked John Kerry, "Are you for or against gay marriage? As usual, his answer was, "Yes."
Want to make a liberals angry? Defend the United States.

And ladies and gentleman, this is why there is so much polarization in this country. people cannot simply disagree on ideas. It's the belief that one party is superior to the other, and frankly, disgusts me beyond all reason. Though, next time warn me before reading such comedic prose. I nearly choked on my coffee from laughing so hard. :2wave:
Let me say this about them,


...so there!
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Liberal's are cultlike in their behavior, vicious in their attacks on Republicans & in almost complete control of the mainstream national media, the left has been merciless in portraying all conservatives as dumb, racist, power hungry, homophobic & downright scary. This despite the many Republican accomplishments of the last decades, as well as the Bush administration's expert handling of the country's affairs in the wake of the worst attacks on American soil & of the war that followed. Perhaps if conservatives had total control over every means of news dissemination for a quarter century, they would have forgotten how to debate, too, and would just call liberals stupid & meean. But that's an alternative universe. In this universe, the public square is wall-to-wall liberal propaganda.
tr1414 said:
... the left has been merciless in portraying all conservatives as dumb...
To be fair, they get some help from the right side of the aisle.
tr1414 said:
Liberal's are cultlike in their behavior, vicious in their attacks on Republicans & in almost complete control of the mainstream national media, the left has been merciless in portraying all conservatives as dumb, racist, power hungry, homophobic & downright scary. This despite the many Republican accomplishments of the last decades, as well as the Bush administration's expert handling of the country's affairs in the wake of the worst attacks on American soil & of the war that followed. Perhaps if conservatives had total control over every means of news dissemination for a quarter century, they would have forgotten how to debate, too, and would just call liberals stupid & meean. But that's an alternative universe. In this universe, the public square is wall-to-wall liberal propaganda.

LMAO Republican's aren't vicious in their attacks? Hmmm I bet John McCain, at the hands of Karl Rove and HIS mean streaks, would beg to differ with you? Before you try to be superior... The republican party is made up of.. oh yes.. HUMANS... and just like the "liberal's" you so claim to hate, can be just as caniving and vengeful.
tr1414 said:
the left has been merciless in portraying all conservatives as dumb

Interesting, then, that you appear to be going all-out to prove them right!
Good post tr1414, you forgot a few things...

Conservatives hate what people do, Liberals hate who people are

Liberals preach tolerance and open-mindedness but have none when faced with opinions that differ from theirs

Liberals preach peace but riot at peace protests?

They expect trust with a "choice" but won't trust conservatives with a gun (guns kill people but abortion clinics don't)

If you celebrate gay pride you are proud, if you celebrate hetero-pride you are a bigot
Bluestateredneck said:
Good post tr1414, you forgot a few things...

Conservatives hate what people do, Liberals hate who people are

Liberals preach tolerance and open-mindedness but have none when faced with opinions that differ from theirs

Liberals preach peace but riot at peace protests?

They expect trust with a "choice" but won't trust conservatives with a gun (guns kill people but abortion clinics don't)

If you celebrate gay pride you are proud, if you celebrate hetero-pride you are a bigot

Well said... if liberals had their way, we'd all be bowing to the east.
tr1414 said:
They think your stupid. They think all freedom loving Americans are stupid. They think patriotism is stupid. They think chruchgoing is stupid. They think having big families is stupid. They are sure that where you live - anywhere but near or in a few major cities - is a insipid cultural wastland.
They think your SUV is evil, although theirs is absolutely necessary. They think owning a gun is criminal, though some have armed body guards. They think George W. Bush is an idiot. They even think it's wrong for us to protect our nation & our loved ones. Worst of all, they think our abiding belief in the goodness of America & its founding principles is naive & misguided.
Notice that the Liberal elites want America to be torn down, tradition by tradition, how Hollywood is politically moronic. The Liberal elites are theophobic & bent on eradicating religion from American life. Notice how the anti-war crowd is really anti-Americanism is disguise, how our current immigration policies border on insanity, how our schools try to brainwash students with political correctness & anti-Americanism. Ask yourself why is it that Liberals are for all this & more.
A reporter asked John Kerry, "Are you for or against gay marriage? As usual, his answer was, "Yes."
Want to make a liberals angry? Defend the United States.
Hmmm...I am patriotic. I like gay marriage. I hate suvs. I like the environment. I come from a big family. George Bush is an idiot. I think it is wrong to start a war on bad principles and information. I think hollywood can be moronic. I am anti-war. I cry sometimes when I get news back from Iraq from my cousin's boyfriend. I like Mexicans. I defend the honor of the united states.

Yeah, I must hate America. You seem to be the one who is filled with hate...but tell me one bloody thing....WHAT THE HELL IS THIS DOING IN THIS AREA! IT BELONGS NOT IN THIS SECTION, BUT IN US POLITICS. GET A F-ING CLUE. That ends my shouting match.
ShamMol - pacifism hasn't been patriotic since 9/11

I defend the honor of the united states.
I am anti-war.
You can't be or do both my friend, defending our honor and freedoms unfortunately require war at times.

You can not prepare for war and peace at the same time
Original quote by NaughtyNurse
Interesting, then, that you appear to be going all-out to prove them right!
You go girl!
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tr1414 said:
They think your stupid. They think all freedom loving Americans are stupid. They think patriotism is stupid. They think chruchgoing is stupid. They think having big families is stupid. They are sure that where you live - anywhere but near or in a few major cities - is a insipid cultural wastland.
They think your SUV is evil, although theirs is absolutely necessary. They think owning a gun is criminal, though some have armed body guards. They think George W. Bush is an idiot. They even think it's wrong for us to protect our nation & our loved ones. Worst of all, they think our abiding belief in the goodness of America & its founding principles is naive & misguided.
Notice that the Liberal elites want America to be torn down, tradition by tradition, how Hollywood is politically moronic. The Liberal elites are theophobic & bent on eradicating religion from American life. Notice how the anti-war crowd is really anti-Americanism is disguise, how our current immigration policies border on insanity, how our schools try to brainwash students with political correctness & anti-Americanism. Ask yourself why is it that Liberals are for all this & more.
A reporter asked John Kerry, "Are you for or against gay marriage? As usual, his answer was, "Yes."
Want to make a liberals angry? Defend the United States.
Not ONE point you made is based in fact, it is all your emotional supposition, and IMHO it is all bullshit, sorry.

You have zero proof for anything you're ranting about.

It is PATHETIC for anyone to believe that Liberals or Conservatives hate America, it's just plain dumb to think that. Some people cannot grasp that when someone disagrees with you that does not mean they hate you or that they hate America.

The really sad thing is that no matter how many times someone tells them that Liberals love America as much or more than they do they will never accept it due to THEIR prejudices.
Bluestateredneck said:
ShamMol - pacifism hasn't been patriotic since 9/11

You can't be or do both my friend, defending our honor and freedoms unfortunately require war at times.

You can not prepare for war and peace at the same time
There are ways to be patriotic besides being war mongering. I am anti-war, true, but I was for war against the taliban because of their direct involvment in 9-11. There are times when war is acceptable, but it should not always or even usually be used for convinience.

I prepare for peace and hope that we don't have to go to war because it causes so much death and destruction. That is the essence of my belief on war.

Pacifism is patriotic, saving American lives is patriotic, they aren't mutually exclusive.
Originally Posted by Bluestateredneck
ShamMol - pacifism hasn't been patriotic since 9/11

You can't be or do both my friend, defending our honor and freedoms unfortunately require war at times.

You can not prepare for war and peace at the same time
The following is part of an encyclopedia definition on Patriotism.
Yet many of the invading Nazi soldiers doubtless felt, too, that they were engaged in a patriotic act, in this case on behalf of the German nation. Many of them had been indoctrinated in a form of unquestioning patriotism during their teenage years, while they were members of the Hitler Youth. Very few people today, even in Germany, would consider the unprovoked German attack on Holland to have been justified, and to the extent that patriotism facilitated it, then patriotism could be considered, in this case, a bad thing. Throughout history, various governments have invoked patriotic feelings to support military aggression, arbitrary imprisonment of aliens, and even murder, acts considered evil by most individuals.
In addition, many politicians have exploited patriotism in attacking their opponents, accusing them of betraying the nation. In the view of many, the nature of these comments harm political discussion and provide less opportunity for deliberative democracy to flourish, because it appeals only to a visceral negative emotion (that is, angry patriotism), rather than to voters’ reasoned views on policy.
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26 X World Champs said:
Not ONE point you made is based in fact, it is all your emotional supposition, and IMHO it is all bullshit, sorry.

You have zero proof for anything you're ranting about.

It is PATHETIC for anyone to believe that Liberals or Conservatives hate America, it's just plain dumb to think that. Some people cannot grasp that when someone disagrees with you that does not mean they hate you or that they hate America.

The really sad thing is that no matter how many times someone tells them that Liberals love America as much or more than they do they will never accept it due to THEIR prejudices.

Another typical liberal makes my point for me.... remember when I said that they think your dumb? As far as zero proof goes... have you ever been to a "anti-war" rally? It's not anti-war as much as it's anti-American & anti Bush. Where were YOU on 9/11? I'm from NYC & lost my anut in the towers. I don't care why they hate us, we need to kill as many of them as posible.
Originally quoted by Teacher:
You blew (like that Nurse?) that one too. I'll give you one thing, your consistant.
Oh, shut-up!

Originally quoted by Teacher:
You blew (like that Nurse?) that one too. I'll give you one thing, your consistant
Oh, shut-up!

tr1414 said:
Another typical liberal makes my point for me.... remember when I said that they think your dumb? As far as zero proof goes... have you ever been to a "anti-war" rally? It's not anti-war as much as it's anti-American & anti Bush. Where were YOU on 9/11? I'm from NYC & lost my anut in the towers. I don't care why they hate us, we need to kill as many of them as posible.
Where was I on 9-11? Scared shitless in a government building before being evacuated. I was 14. I didn't know where my cousin was. She ended up being dead. Don't lecture me about loses and how I am unpatriotic for protesting a war that I know she wouldn't have supported. You lost someone, but so did I.

I have been to anti-war rally. Several, all about the Iraq war. We stopped traffic, we protested the fact there was no international support, that bush wasn't going to try all avenues before war. Weren't we right...

You know, you should go, it isn't all anti-bush. There are pockets of us who have actual ideas besides Bush is evil. There are so many types of protestors, but in your eyes there is only one. Perfect example of a typical conservative thinking on protesting isn't it? No of course master, I am wrong, and you will tell me why right about....now.
tr1414 said:
Another typical liberal makes my point for me.... remember when I said that they think your dumb? As far as zero proof goes... have you ever been to a "anti-war" rally? It's not anti-war as much as it's anti-American & anti Bush.
I said that thinking that way is dumb, not that you are dumb, so please do not "Rove" my words, OK? To write that anyone anti-war is Anti-American proves my point beautifully. No one of any creditability would ever believe such drivel. Ask your boy Bush what he thinks? You can even ask Karl Rove who actually is the puppetmaster behind Bush, pulling all of his strings.

tr1414 said:
Where were YOU on 9/11?I'm from NYC & lost my anut in the towers. I don't care why they hate us, we need to kill as many of them as posible.
I was in my apartment on 87th Street on the UWS. My kids were in school on 17th St. One of my best friends from college worked for Canter Fitzgerald and was also killed. I am sincerely and truly sorry about your aunt, it is an awful, horrible thing. I get tears in my eyes often when I think of 9-11.

The thing is, however, that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9-11, surely you know that? I feel that it is misdirecting one's anger when people use the Iraq War as revenge for 9-11. What your man Bush failed to do after 9-11 was to go after the people responsible with all the might of the USA. He turned his back on my friend and your aunt by diverting all of our resources to Iraq.

It's only a matter of time until NYC is hit again, that is for certain. Our risk today is greater than it's ever been, and the Iraq war is a major contributor to the danger you and I must live with everyday. Iraq has become both the undergraduate and graduate school for terrorists, training in Iraq today is much more than it was in Afghanistan before 9-11 and before we invaded Iraq.

I do want you to know I understand the pain of your loss, and I too want retribution for those who died 9-11, but I do not want to kill people just because their Muslim, which is what we're doing in Iraq.
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Originally posted by tr1414:
Another typical liberal makes my point for me.... remember when I said that they think your dumb?
The only thing that is dumb, is you trying to think for them. Just think for yourself. And speak for yourself. Instead of creating a fantasy world in which you always whined up on top.
If people had your mind set in world war 2, we'd be speaking German.

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