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Liberals Are Vietnaming Us, And I'm Sick Of It! (1 Viewer)


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May 31, 2005
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Liberals Are Vietnaming Us, And I'm Sick Of It!
By: Edward Daley
RightConservative.com 06-16-05

Remember when John F. Kerry testified before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations back in 1971? Just in case you forgot, or never knew about it in the first place, here's a taste of what he said. "They [American soldiers] told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam."

It turns out that most of the claims Kerry was reiterating had come from men who never actually fought in Vietnam. In fact, most of them had never even been in the military. Still, that didn't stop him from trying to convince Congress, as well as everyone in America, that our troops serving in Vietnam were generally rapists, torturers, and psychotic murderers.

Thanks to the efforts of Lt. Kerry and his fellow communist sympathizers in the anti-war movement, popular support for our efforts in Southeast Asia steadily declined, and by 1973 the United States had pulled its combat forces out of Vietnam. However, in spite of the fact that we were no longer sending troops to that country, the liberal "peace at all costs" crowd still wasn't satisfied. You see, even though President Nixon had reached an agreement with North Vietnam to withdraw our troops, he had also agreed to continue giving financial assistance to the South Vietnamese military.

Of course, by the fall of 1974, his administration was coming to an end, due to the Watergate scandal, and liberal Democrats in Congress refused to go along with the Nixon plan for the future security of Southeast Asia. They continued to ignore the pleas of the South Vietnamese for much needed aid until, in April of 1975, Saigon fell to the forces of the north and was renamed ** Chi Minh City. In the days and weeks which followed that event, tens of thousands of refugees fleeing for the coast were murdered by the advancing communist army.

By the middle of May, communist governments had been established in South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, and over the course of the next four years, the Khmer Rouge, under the direction of Pol Pot, would slaughter over 1.9 million Cambodians.

Read the full article
You seem paranoid

Communists for kerry :rofl :rofl

Communist governments :rofl

Cambodia had communist leaders :rofl
Article said:
shot cattle and dogs for fun

Wow we're doing that now in Iraq too!

Is Vietnaming an actual verb? hahaha
Thanks to the efforts of Lt. Kerry and his fellow communist sympathizers in the anti-war movement, popular support for our efforts in Southeast Asia steadily declined, and by 1973 the United States had pulled its combat forces out of Vietnam.
There is a lot of truth in that article. The communist killed millions of people, Comrad, so it isn’t anything to laugh about. There is no honor in killing innocent people. What the article points out is the media and anti-war crowd is trying to do the same thing they did in Viet-Nam. The New York Times has had a story about Abu Ghraib almost every day. When ever they speak of that or Gitmo, they use the word, torture. Senator Durbin compared the treatment of prisoners to the worse mass murders in the history of the world. Al-Jazeera is praising Senator Durbin and spreading his words across the Middle East.
liberal Democrats in Congress refused to go along with the Nixon plan for the future security of Southeast Asia. They continued to ignore the pleas of the South Vietnamese for much needed aid until, in April of 1975, Saigon fell to the forces of the north and was renamed ** Chi Minh City. In the days and weeks which followed that event, tens of thousands of refugees fleeing for the coast were murdered by the advancing communist army.

By the middle of May, communist governments had been established in South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, and over the course of the next four years, the Khmer Rouge, under the direction of Pol Pot, would slaughter over 1.9 million Cambodians.

You tell me who is instigating the hate for us around the world, and who is responsible for the most innocent deaths.
Wasn't viet nam the one that eventually intervened in Cambodia's genocide?
I am not sure I understand what you mean nkgupta80. Would you be more specific?
Arch Enemy said:
Wow we're doing that now in Iraq too!

Is Vietnaming an actual verb? hahaha

War in Iraq is nothing like Vietnam. See the media is liberal and thanks to the liberal media and the help of people like John Kerry Iraq is looking like another Vietnam. The media blew Abu Gharaib way out of proportion and now it's making the whole country look bad because a couple soldiers stepped out of line. This is why our approval rating is so low. Liberal media. :spin:
I was a Vietnam grunt, and was one in Korea, too. Well, in Vietnam, they kicked me slightly upstairs so I told the grunts what to do, but I was a long way from being a REMF. If we went on a combat patrol and they told us to bring back a few ears, why then, we did it. (I'll never admit it in court; no time limitation on atrocities - besides, they didn't actually say 'ears'.)

It seems to me that Iraq is similar, except for the weather, and type of fighting, to Vietnam. Oh, they've got all sorts of new toys, except adequate Humvee armor, and that's catching up. We had to to wrestle with the REMF to get boots which were not penetrable by pungi sticks. (A particularly devilish little pointed object, covered with fecal matter and some intricate Vietnamese poisons - if not caught by the foot, the possibility of penetrating the family jewels was imminent.)

The 'Winter Soldiers' thing. Hmmm. I was kicked out in '69 never to return to active duty again. But, there were atrocities. I've seen 'heads'; yes, heads. And, some of you all think showing a stray 'boob' is vicious. Oh, and the Qu'rans. I would be willing to get together a pyramid of same (at Gitmo), spray on some of my special 'First Sergeant' juice, and burn the lot...
But, there were atrocities.
I don't think anyone said there wasn't. Our press and the left wing in our country blow it way out of proportion for political gain.
guns_God_glory said:
War in Iraq is nothing like Vietnam. See the media is liberal and thanks to the liberal media and the help of people like John Kerry Iraq is looking like another Vietnam. The media blew Abu Gharaib way out of proportion and now it's making the whole country look bad because a couple soldiers stepped out of line. This is why our approval rating is so low. Liberal media. :spin:

Whoa dude, I wasn't talking about the overall situation, I was quoting the whole idea of Americans shooting animals during their free-time in the war. I said that's close to what's happening today, in Iraq.

Next time understand what you're replying to.
No you said that IS what we are doing in Iraq now. Show me one credible source that says anything about american soldiers shooting innocent animals for fun. If anything remotely like that happend even once the liberal media would be on it in a second.
Squawker said:
I am not sure I understand what you mean nkgupta80. Would you be more specific?

He meant that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam kicked out Pol Pot in 1978 wasn't it.
guns_God_glory said:
War in Iraq is nothing like Vietnam. See the media is liberal and thanks to the liberal media and the help of people like John Kerry Iraq is looking like another Vietnam. The media blew Abu Gharaib way out of proportion and now it's making the whole country look bad because a couple soldiers stepped out of line. This is why our approval rating is so low. Liberal media. :spin:

Liberal media? :rofl
Have you ever watched FOXNEWS, they are pretty right-winged, of course they hate anyone who aren't conservative enough.

You're such a joker
Comrade Brian said:
Liberal media? :rofl
Have you ever watched FOXNEWS, they are pretty right-winged, of course they hate anyone who aren't conservative enough.

You're such a joker

If you can't admit that the MSM has a liberal bias, well, thats on you... It doesn't change the fact of it though...
USA not really interested in democracy, freedom & justice

The difference between USA & Pol Pot is you killed twice as many people as he did. All the Vietnamese wanted was liberation from a brutal French colonial rule & you stuck your oars in when they had the French wooped. WTF had it to do with you ?
Liberal.. liberator = liberated from colonial rule so is that why were you against Vietnamese independance.. becuase you hate liberalism & freedom ?
Why bother to support a democracy in the USA if that's how you feel about liberation & liberty.
Truman ignored Minn's plees for good accord with west in 1945. Read some history. You might learn how little the USA really has to do with freedom & justice. Not to mention the right wing tyrants the CIA has installed in the Americas. USA = biggest hypocrytes & most self righteous people on the planet.
Quote from Rightconservative:
...men who never actually fought in Vietnam.
Answer: George Bush!
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COLOR=DarkRed]Iraq is a cowardly war. Started by cowards...fought by cowards...and supported by who?....you guessed it.....COWARDS! And lazy cowards at that![/[/COLOR]

Note: It is also a soldiers duty to disobey illegal orders.
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This war is about as un-American as it gets. The Doctrine "Were the Greatest Country on Earth" does not apply when we commit acts of aggression against a soveriegn nation that did nothing to us.
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