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Liberal Logic (1 Viewer)


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Apr 26, 2016
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Liberal Logic:

Anti-gun legislation will stop gun violence, but anti-abortion legislation won't stop abortions.

Yeah, doesn't make sense to me, either.
Liberal Logic:

Anti-gun legislation will stop gun violence, but anti-abortion legislation won't stop abortions.

Yeah, doesn't make sense to me, either.

That's not what the liberal anti-gun position is (at least from what I can see). The anti-gun position is that anti-gun legislation will prevent a good number of gun violence incidents from occurring; it's not going to stop gun violence 100%. Similar to how anti-abortion legislation won't prevent abortions from occurring 100%.
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Liberal Logic:

Anti-gun legislation will stop gun violence, but anti-abortion legislation won't stop abortions.

Yeah, doesn't make sense to me, either.
Where are you getting this crap from?

Show me a liberal that thinks gun regulations will stop all gun violence.

And who knows where you got the abortion nonsense from. Education and access to long term high quality birth control has the best chance of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Preventing unwanted pregnancy is the best way to stop abortions.

Anti-abortion legislation my stop some abortions. But historically abortions occurred in great numbers even when it was illegal. Given the fact that a drug cocktail can induce abortions nowadays, if widespread anti-abortion legislation really passed....an underground for such drugs would pop up very quickly. I would argue that in many areas access to abortions may increase - albeit with the hazards of doing it without medical care. But my gut says many pregnant women are desperate and would take the risk. But yeah, even when abortions were illegal, they were readily accessible.
Liberal Logic:

Anti-gun legislation will stop gun violence, but anti-abortion legislation won't stop abortions.

Yeah, doesn't make sense to me, either.

You might be more credible if you posted an actual quote by a real liberal.
Liberal Logic:

Anti-gun legislation will stop gun violence, but anti-abortion legislation won't stop abortions.

Yeah, doesn't make sense to me, either.

Conservative logic: Restricting access to guns won't stop criminals, but will only punish law-abiding citizens, but restricting access to bathrooms WILL stop criminals and WON'T punish law-abiding citizens.

Yeah, doesn't make any sense to me, either.
That's not what the liberal anti-gun position is (at least from what I can see). The anti-gun position is that anti-gun legislation will prevent a good number of gun violence incidents from occurring; it's not going to stop gun violence 100%. Similar to how anti-abortion legislation won't prevent abortions from occurring 100%.

The problem is, very little actual science backs up the idea that gun legislation prevents ANY gun violence.

as far as the other half, I am not against abortion. Well I am philosophically, but I do not believe it should be illegal.
That's not what the liberal anti-gun position is (at least from what I can see). The anti-gun position is that anti-gun legislation will prevent a good number of gun violence incidents from occurring; it's not going to stop gun violence 100%. Similar to how anti-abortion legislation won't prevent abortions from occurring 100%.

If we allow so many to be killed by abortion, why worry about a few dead by guns?
If we allow so many to be killed by abortion, why worry about a few dead by guns?

If you can't see the difference then there's no use discussing it with you. (which is pretty much how all these abortion threads go)

Also - it's quite apparent that we (all humans) don't really worry about killing other humans in all different kinds of ways.
If you can't see the difference then there's no use discussing it with you. (which is pretty much how all these abortion threads go)

Also - it's quite apparent that we (all humans) don't really worry about killing other humans in all different kinds of ways.

That is why we forbid killing. Otherwise it would happen too often and society would be less functional.
Liberal Logic:

Anti-gun legislation will stop gun violence, but anti-abortion legislation won't stop abortions.

Yeah, doesn't make sense to me, either.

Feel better?
Conservative Logic:

Less government intrusion, more personal freedom - - unless you don't believe everything we believe...
Liberal Logic:

Anti-gun legislation will stop gun violence, but anti-abortion legislation won't stop abortions.

Yeah, doesn't make sense to me, either.
Then there is the lack of logic of which your post is proof.
Liberal Logic:

Anti-gun legislation will stop gun violence, but anti-abortion legislation won't stop abortions.

Yeah, doesn't make sense to me, either.

It probably doesnt make sense to you because your basic premise, starting with political lean, is wrong.

I'm a liberal and dont believe that we should have more gun control and continually tell anti-gun advocates that their proposed 'new laws' wont actually affect criminals or stop gun most violence.

Care to try something with a foundation in reality?
That is why we forbid killing. Otherwise it would happen too often and society would be less functional.

We dont forbid killing. Wrong again.

Since you bring up society, please tell us how abortion harms society? Direct question, please give specifics.

Because it does provide some benefits to society and those are well documented.
That's not what the liberal anti-gun position is (at least from what I can see). The anti-gun position is that anti-gun legislation will prevent a good number of gun violence incidents from occurring; it's not going to stop gun violence 100%. Similar to how anti-abortion legislation won't prevent abortions from occurring 100%.

And that doesn't make much sense either .

If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words, cars make people drive drunk, and spoons make you fat.
My biggest issue with liberals is they often use transference on deflecting blame.

Instead of blaming the really perpetrator, they often transfer the responsibility to an amorphous social issue.
My biggest issue with liberals is they often use transference on deflecting blame.

Instead of blaming the really perpetrator, they often transfer the responsibility to an amorphous social issue.

My biggest issue with conservatives is that they want to blame everything on liberals.
My biggest issue with liberals is they often use transference on deflecting blame.

Instead of blaming the really perpetrator, they often transfer the responsibility to an amorphous social issue.

So in abortion, who is the 'really perpetrator' and what are they 'perpetrating?'
So in abortion, who is the 'really perpetrator' and what are they 'perpetrating?'

"We" know the answer and I think deep down in your heart you know the answer as well.

I won't beat around the bush. Blame the abortionist doctors who should have their licensees revoked. Blame abortion providers like Planned Parenthood... and yes blame even women who refuse to accept responsibility by either killing their babies or throwing them away in McDonald's garbage bathrooms.
That's not what the liberal anti-gun position is (at least from what I can see). The anti-gun position is that anti-gun legislation will prevent a good number of gun violence incidents from occurring; it's not going to stop gun violence 100%. Similar to how anti-abortion legislation won't prevent abortions from occurring 100%.

Lets not dilly dance over the oathetic liberal stance. The liberal stance on guns is to buttress the idea that guns are killing machines and they do no belong in the hands of civilians. They honestly in their hearts believe banning guns will make us safe. They are the modern day Temperance movement or WCTU.
Lets not dilly dance over the oathetic liberal stance. The liberal stance on guns is to buttress the idea that guns are killing machines and they do no belong in the hands of civilians. They honestly in their hearts believe banning guns will make us safe. They are the modern day Temperance movement or WCTU.

Here is the Dem Platform on guns

Right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation
We recognize that the individual right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans' Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation. We understand the terrible consequences of gun violence; it serves as a reminder that life is fragile, and our time here is limited and precious. We believe in an honest, open national conversation about firearms. We can focus on effective enforcement of existing laws, especially strengthening our background check system, and we can work together to enact commonsense improvements--like reinstating the assault weapons ban and closing the gun show loophole--so that guns do not fall into the hands of those irresponsible, law-breaking few.

Question. Do you believe YOUR statement matches up with the Dem platform?
Conservative logic: Restricting access to guns won't stop criminals, but will only punish law-abiding citizens, but restricting access to bathrooms WILL stop criminals and WON'T punish law-abiding citizens.

Yeah, doesn't make any sense to me, either.
omg this post is priceless :thumbs:

it is so dead on!!
You might be more credible if you posted an actual quote by a real liberal.

A real liberal would be calling you a racist . :lamo:lamo

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