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Liars (2 Viewers)

:lol:Calamity fails again. You have again changed the goal posts.
All of which has been covered.
As was previously pointed out to you, read the damn authorization for use of force.
Saddam was not supposed to have what was found, and what he wasn't supposed to have is what was being looked for.

All you can honestly say is what was thought to exist wasn't found. That is all. Because WMD were found.
WMD that was not supposed to exist, which was part of what they were looking for.

And as also pointed out, you can't even say that what was thought to exist, didn't.

Start being truthful and there would be no disagreement.
Nonsense. If they found what we were looking for, Bush would have said as much. Instead he said the opposite.
Nonsense. If they found what we were looking for, Bush would have said as much. Instead he said the opposite.
Yes, all you do is post nonsense because you do not even know the subject material.

You changing the goal post just shows you are wrong.

The Authorization for use of force is the official reason. Not anything Bush said. So try again.
Yes, all you do is post nonsense because you do not even know the subject material.

You changing the goal post just shows you are wrong.

The Authorization for use of force is the official reason. Not anything Bush said. So try again.

Nonsense. If they found what we were looking for, Bush would have said as much. Instead he said the opposite.
Nonsense. If they found what we were looking for, Bush would have said as much. Instead he said the opposite.
You keep repeating the same nonsense that is wrong to the original argument. That is just foolish.

Go figure.

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