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Letters to Russia (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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Political Leaning
Are they still possible?
I am asking because I want to send an Easter card to Perm in Russia.
Putin is a little man with a crafty smile that covers what he thinks & believes he has the right to blow up anyones home he chooses! I think a Salvo of Cruise Missiles to the Dozen places he hangs out at and he will get your message in the Clear. Xi also has that Psychotic smile. The only meaningful talk with them is with the Saber/faster than light hit to the head !
Has nobody got any firsthand experience with letters to Russia these days?
Putin is a little man with a crafty smile that covers what he thinks & believes he has the right to blow up anyones home he chooses! I think a Salvo of Cruise Missiles to the Dozen places he hangs out at and he will get your message in the Clear. Xi also has that Psychotic smile. The only meaningful talk with them is with the Saber/faster than light hit to the head !
OK - but do you also know about the possibility of writing letters to Russia?

Sent the message ! All my Experience with Russian crap is it is total crap propaganda from phony people working in offices of the government and not the actual real life person. Most likely VPN is the only way to actually speak to a average Russian and thas problematical !
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Ukes we will never forget your fight for freedom !

1650581222015.pngA month in a Fox hole put to melody !

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