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LEOs Not Pro-Gun (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 14, 2011
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This is kind of a weird trend. I have noticed a lot of LEOs are not pro gun or are for more gun control. It is very bizarre. I am listening to alot of the head LEOs of a county here in Florida (Leon is one of them...the capital). They seem to have the attitude that civilians are not qualified to carry firearms.

Does anyone else find that unusual? You hear about a lot of support from LEOs including the guys on the ground, but not the guys up top. Does this bother anyone else? Anyone else have insight? Any LEOs want to comment on this?

This is what I do know. LEOs aren't always around. The only time I see LEOs is in town. Not near my home. Why should I be limited by someone who is supposed to protect me, but will likely never be there right when I need them?
There are probably more civilians with legitimate training in handling firearms than there are LEO's in your area, probably in most areas. LEO qualifications on weapons is minimal.

Anyway, the right to keep and bear arms isn't dependent on anyone in governments approval or consent, so **** them.
Chiefs and Sheriffs usually are pro "whatever advances their career", more than pro anything else.
Down the ranks to patrol you will find basically regular joes with the usual interests like everyone else.
They have not yet alienated themselves from everyone they knew before they became officers.
But when it comes down to brass tacks, any cop who wishes to be a cop for long will go along with whatever comes down from the brass.
Thats why there are quotas. Sheriff Pusser over in Dogleg County is not going to be out done by Sheriff BT Justice over in Bent Tree County.
So what goes on in the neighborhoods means nothing to them. Get on them main road boys and find all the tag lights out, tint too dark, bikes too loud, hot rods, too tall lifted trucks, too low lowered cars, long hairs, heck maybe get lucky and get a few DUIs from some poor slob that stopped and had a beer on the way home from work and ruin his life and make them PAY PAY PAY.
Break ins? Pffft, screw 'em. Car stolen? Yea, we care. Be right over to take a report.
I can understand their concern in respect to their profession.

Not all people who carry a gun, legally or not, are as well trained as they should be, which can lead to more problems than if they weren't carrying guns, making their jobs more difficult.

That doesn't mean it's going to stop anyone from doing so, however. Myself included.
Break ins? Pffft, screw 'em. Car stolen? Yea, we care. Be right over to take a report.
Exactly. I said in another thread that cops need looser restrictions on the type of behavior that they can engage in because of the violent nature of what they do. I got **** for it. But hyped media attention for assaults by cops and endless restrictions on their behavior is exactly why cops don't give a **** when there's real trouble. Cops are shackled in what they can do; the crooks aren't. Why bother pursuing a fleeing suspect if you think he's armed? High on drugs and difficult to subdue?
This is kind of a weird trend. I have noticed a lot of LEOs are not pro gun or are for more gun control. It is very bizarre. I am listening to alot of the head LEOs of a county here in Florida (Leon is one of them...the capital). They seem to have the attitude that civilians are not qualified to carry firearms.

Does anyone else find that unusual? You hear about a lot of support from LEOs including the guys on the ground, but not the guys up top. Does this bother anyone else? Anyone else have insight? Any LEOs want to comment on this?

This is what I do know. LEOs aren't always around. The only time I see LEOs is in town. Not near my home. Why should I be limited by someone who is supposed to protect me, but will likely never be there right when I need them?

Considering how bad of a shot every officer I've seen at the range is, yes I find that bizarre.

Unusual? No, I have a friend who is an officer who believes only the police should have guns because it makes their job easier. In those circumstances, anyone with a gun is a bad guy, so they don't have to make tough judgment calls about shooting an armed civilian who might just be a CCW who was engaging in self defense.

I however do not care for this argument of his given that all of our rights make law enforcement's job harder, yet all my other friends who are cops are damn good at their job and resent the notion they need to violate our rights or for us to not have our rights in order for them to be effective.
A). A more dependent society is better for them,

B). They win favor with pro gun control politicians for jobs, for budgets, etc

C). It (gun control) does not ever impact them personally, for they are almost always exempt.

This is kind of a weird trend. I have noticed a lot of LEOs are not pro gun or are for more gun control. It is very bizarre. I am listening to alot of the head LEOs of a county here in Florida (Leon is one of them...the capital). They seem to have the attitude that civilians are not qualified to carry firearms.

Does anyone else find that unusual? You hear about a lot of support from LEOs including the guys on the ground, but not the guys up top. Does this bother anyone else? Anyone else have insight? Any LEOs want to comment on this?

This is what I do know. LEOs aren't always around. The only time I see LEOs is in town. Not near my home. Why should I be limited by someone who is supposed to protect me, but will likely never be there right when I need them?
I don't think it's weird at all. I suspect it's much more common for a police officer to face a threat from a firearm in the hands of a (nominally) law-abiding citizen than from what we'd all consider an actual criminal. The kind of circumstances police will often encounter citizens, regardless of who is right or wrong, mean that having more guns around, especially in the hand of people with little or no training or experience, can only increase the risks for everyone.

None of that is to say their position is correct but it's an understandable on from their point of view and not one that should be entirely dismissed IMO.
This is kind of a weird trend. I have noticed a lot of LEOs are not pro gun or are for more gun control. It is very bizarre. I am listening to alot of the head LEOs of a county here in Florida (Leon is one of them...the capital). They seem to have the attitude that civilians are not qualified to carry firearms.

Does anyone else find that unusual? You hear about a lot of support from LEOs including the guys on the ground, but not the guys up top. Does this bother anyone else? Anyone else have insight? Any LEOs want to comment on this?

This is what I do know. LEOs aren't always around. The only time I see LEOs is in town. Not near my home. Why should I be limited by someone who is supposed to protect me, but will likely never be there right when I need them?

The cops aren't there to protect you. SCOTUS has ruled on this point. "When seconds count, the cops are minutes away." (I've always liked that one -- because it's true.)
Exactly. I said in another thread that cops need looser restrictions on the type of behavior that they can engage in because of the violent nature of what they do. I got **** for it. But hyped media attention for assaults by cops and endless restrictions on their behavior is exactly why cops don't give a **** when there's real trouble. Cops are shackled in what they can do; the crooks aren't. Why bother pursuing a fleeing suspect if you think he's armed? High on drugs and difficult to subdue?
You also have to understand the police mentality and the reasons people become police officers now.
Ever since the advent of Cop Dramas, Cop Movies. ie Dirty Harry, Bad Boys, Adam 12, Shaft. People are becoming cops thinking much of what they will be doing is much like what is protrayed on the screen.
My father retired from the Murder Capital of the world. Washington DC as a Detecive Sergeant.
20 years of it and only shot one man. Because he ran him down with a car driving drunk. And only shot at him because he kept driving.
I see many cops now cant wait to pull the heater and take the modified Cooper/FBI stance that is so overly done on TV.
We live in Melbourne Florida. Otherwise known as Melboring. Yet we have more cops than you can shake a stick at.
That would be fine, if they would ride around the neighborhoods from time to time, but nope. US1 and Wickham Rd. And a few side streets that connect them. Period. All the dope crime is down off University Blvd. Ever see a cop there? Nope. They get called there all the time, you would think they would have a substation at this point.
And if you think its bull, come on down. I can also prove what most cops do.
They renamed part of A1A, Hartmann/Flagg Highway. Why? Because both cops were killed doing what local cops there have done for decades. Pulling kids over and harrassing them. Yea, they found a joint.
But they didnt notice the drunk driver going 70 miles an hour before he slammed into one of the cruisers.
That drunk had made it from a bar in Melbourne, over the causeway, down A1A and killed two police officers that had some kids pulled over. A few months after being let out of jail on previous DUI charges.
they don't have to make tough judgment calls about shooting an armed civilian who might just be a CCW who was engaging in self defense.

I'm calling bull****. How many instances are there of situations where CCW's have drawn guns and police officers arrived at the scene during the shooting? The whole point of CCW is because it's exceedingly rare that a cop will be on the scene when a shooting occurs. Cops respond to crimes after they are told that one has occurred.

Frankly, I'll take my chances of a cop being on the scene (ha ha) when my life is being threatened.
I'm calling bull****. How many instances are there of situations where CCW's have drawn guns and police officers arrived at the scene during the shooting? The whole point of CCW is because it's exceedingly rare that a cop will be on the scene when a shooting occurs. Cops respond to crimes after they are told that one has occurred.

Frankly, I'll take my chances of a cop being on the scene (ha ha) when my life is being threatened.

Its not a completely bull**** argument, not every response to a crime is in public. Think of a home invasion situation where the police arrive looking for a man with a gun, actually...

Masaad Ayoob will explain it better:

That being said, its still no reason to repeal the 2nd Amendment. **** them if my rights makes their job harder.
My best friend is a police officer, his brother is a state trooper, and I have met many of my friends (who are law enforcement) through them. Not a single one of them are anti-gun. As a matter of fact many of them have pretty sizable gun collections.

I think what you are seeing are chiefs who are parroting the talking points for political favor.
As we have seen all to many times it takes several minutes to get law enforcement on the scene after they are assigned a call. At this point (particularly in some of the recent national incidents) the damage has already been done.

I'm sure they are anti-criminals with guns (but who isn't?)

Legal gun owners with CCP stop crimes like this from happening daily. This doesn't make the news because it doesn't fit the narrative.

I did read a report recently that said 70-90% of murders take place where both the murderer and victim have criminal records.

Contrary to what liberals would have you think, there aren't a whole lot of law abiding gun owners, gunning innocent people down in the streets.
I don't think it's weird at all. I suspect it's much more common for a police officer to face a threat from a firearm in the hands of a (nominally) law-abiding citizen than from what we'd all consider an actual criminal. The kind of circumstances police will often encounter citizens, regardless of who is right or wrong, mean that having more guns around, especially in the hand of people with little or no training or experience, can only increase the risks for everyone.

None of that is to say their position is correct but it's an understandable on from their point of view and not one that should be entirely dismissed IMO.

Wait? More danger from a law abiding citizen? That doesn't make sense. I mean I'm in a restaurant full of cops and they don't face any danger from the Springfield on my hip that they don't even know exists.
Wait? More danger from a law abiding citizen? That doesn't make sense. I mean I'm in a restaurant full of cops and they don't face any danger from the Springfield on my hip that they don't even know exists.
Come on, you know that Springer is just going to jump out of retention and take the place over. :)

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