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Leftists, why is it OK to call Trump every filthy, vulgar insult in the book? (1 Viewer)

And when Trump supporters throw out a few deserved insults, we are misogynistic racist pigs? Just curious. Delusional Double Standard anyone?

After all I heard the right say during the Obama years and now the right wants civility?

I believe the right taught the left that civility doesn't work, so there ya go.

It is just like a Trumpist to announce that Harris, like any woman who could be in a position of power, is an "absolute bitch".....

.....and then cry about Trump being called names, and accurate ones at that.

Trumpism: the ugliness is the point.
Because Trump destroyed PC culture, and nobody has to care about your feelings

That's funny.

Trump can talk about grabbing women and some evangelicals don't even blink an eye.

Other people can be a big ole meanie to the favorite politician of strong, independent Southern men and it's over the top.

Please, Lord, end this Trump era madness and return this nation to it's former status.
LOL. Complete denial. :mrgreen: So there IS a double standard. Got it.
"I'll ignore any and all individual arguments (in a debate forum!) and state a personal forgone conclusion, again, not in response to any single post"

Such courage!
LOL. Complete denial. :mrgreen: So there IS a double standard. Got it.

No no no. If someone tells you that they predict that you will make a cowardly post while running away from your own topic, you're not supposed to actually do it!


As I said, and you bravely ran away from:

<snip below>

You'll never be able to understand this and if by miracle, you do, you'll just lie about it. But here goes:

- Different things are different.

- Things that are different are different things.

- Things that are different are things that are different.

That was the first step. Now for the second. We will now apply this wisdom to the two things you are trying to compare:

Thing 1: you calling Kamala Harris an "absolute bitch". You claimed the only kind of woman who could a VP (or P's) job are such absolute bitches.

Biden’s VP pic

Why is this misogynistic? Because the very same things you see as qualities in men (aggression, assertiveness, strength), you see as things that make a woman a "bitch." You want men to be hard-charging and women to be subservient sandwichmakers.

It's not mere hypocrisy because it is a negative view based solely on sex. Either a thing is a quality, or it is not a quality. The distinction has nothing to do whether the thing applies to a man or to a woman.

Thing 2: Calling Trump what he is based on his actions.

If you are not just lying again (which you probably are) - if you actually think Trump is unfairly being called things - it's because you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed into calling everything that reflects poorly on Trump "fake news."

I can't provide a link because you haven't bothered to identify any specific thing Trump is called that you think was unfair.

If you whined about his being "corrupt", I would point to things like unlawfully holding up congressionally approved aid for a country resisting what you people previously called our "greatest geopolitical foe" (when convenient to attack Obama) to try to extort them into announcing sham investigations into a political rival. I might point to the loyalty purges. I might point to the 14+ instances of obstruction of justice that Mueller revealed but was too honorable to directly accuse Trump of. I might point to how unlike every other president, he's steered millions of dollars into his own companies by insisting on staying on Trump properties when he travels. There are any number of things I might point to.

You would lie about them all.

Now do your boring old schtick: wait 20 posts, then post some attacks on people without quoting anyone in particular.

I wonder how many times paps has claimed that liberals are "snowflakes".

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You guys set rules, so don't complain about them being applied by the other guys now.

"Because the other side does it" is not a good reason to do something. I hate that people justify ****ty things they do by pointing to the other side and saying "look at them. they're doing ****tier things." Even if it's true, and sometimes it is, it's still just both of them doing ****ty things.

The ideal should not be slightly better than the other side.
"Because the other side does it" is not a good reason to do something. I hate that people justify ****ty things they do by pointing to the other side and saying "look at them. they're doing ****tier things." Even if it's true, and sometimes it is, it's still just both of them doing ****ty things.

The ideal should not be slightly better than the other side.

You may remember "When they go low, we go high" Well, we tried that for a while. It won't work with a nutcase like Trump.
But guys, in your little progressive world, aren't all sexes and gender assignments equal? I mean just because Harris is a "person of color/womanx/woke/whatever else BS", she's the equal of Trump, right?
So why are you so upset by the name calling? I live here in California, Harris has been a public figure for quite a while. And frankly, she is a bitch. As if you couldn't tell in the Dem debate. C'mon.
But guys, in your little progressive world, aren't all sexes and gender assignments equal? I mean just because Harris is a "person of color/womanx/woke/whatever else BS", she's the equal of Trump, right?
So why are you so upset by the name calling? I live here in California, Harris has been a public figure for quite a while. And frankly, she is a bitch. As if you couldn't tell in the Dem debate. C'mon.

Well you hate her because of your white nationalism
"Because the other side does it" is not a good reason to do something. I hate that people justify ****ty things they do by pointing to the other side and saying "look at them. they're doing ****tier things." Even if it's true, and sometimes it is, it's still just both of them doing ****ty things.

The ideal should not be slightly better than the other side.

We tried that noble ideal, didn't work, when the other guy swings away, swing back, or get your butt kicked.
But guys, in your little progressive world, aren't all sexes and gender assignments equal? I mean just because Harris is a "person of color/womanx/woke/whatever else BS", she's the equal of Trump, right?
So why are you so upset by the name calling? I live here in California, Harris has been a public figure for quite a while. And frankly, she is a bitch. As if you couldn't tell in the Dem debate. C'mon.

She is no equal of Trump. She rises above Trump every time he opens his mouth. You have to be kidding. Try again.
You may remember "When they go low, we go high" Well, we tried that for a while. It won't work with a nutcase like Trump.

Great. So everyone's going low. That's awesome for the country.
And when Trump supporters throw out a few deserved insults, we are misogynistic racist pigs? Just curious. Delusional Double Standard anyone?

Do Trump supporters need a safe space? Some comforting words and hugs?
LOL. Complete denial. :mrgreen: So there IS a double standard. Got it.

No no no. If someone tells you that they predict that you will make a cowardly post while running away from your own topic, you're not supposed to actually do it!


As I said, and you bravely ran away from:

You'll never be able to understand this and if by miracle, you do, you'll just lie about it. But here goes:

- Different things are different.

- Things that are different are different things.

- Things that are different are things that are different.

That was the first step. Now for the second. We will now apply this wisdom to the two things you are trying to compare:

Thing 1: you calling Kamala Harris an "absolute bitch". You claimed the only kind of woman who could a VP (or P's) job are such absolute bitches.

Biden’s VP pic

Why is this misogynistic? Because the very same things you see as qualities in men (aggression, assertiveness, strength), you see as things that make a woman a "bitch." You want men to be hard-charging and women to be subservient sandwichmakers.

It's not mere hypocrisy because it is a negative view based solely on sex. Either a thing is a quality, or it is not a quality. The distinction has nothing to do whether the thing applies to a man or to a woman.

Thing 2: Calling Trump what he is based on his actions.

If you are not just lying again (which you probably are) - if you actually think Trump is unfairly being called things - it's because you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed into calling everything that reflects poorly on Trump "fake news."

I can't provide a link because you haven't bothered to identify any specific thing Trump is called that you think was unfair.

If you whined about his being "corrupt", I would point to things like unlawfully holding up congressionally approved aid for a country resisting what you people previously called our "greatest geopolitical foe" (when convenient to attack Obama) to try to extort them into announcing sham investigations into a political rival. I might point to the loyalty purges. I might point to the 14+ instances of obstruction of justice that Mueller revealed but was too honorable to directly accuse Trump of. I might point to how unlike every other president, he's steered millions of dollars into his own companies by insisting on staying on Trump properties when he travels. There are any number of things I might point to.

You would lie about them all.

Now do your boring old schtick: wait 20 posts, then post some attacks on people without quoting anyone in particular.

I wonder how many times paps has claimed that liberals are "snowflakes".


And as usual, aimed at posters who aren't quoted:

But guys, in your little progressive world, aren't all sexes and gender assignments equal? I mean just because Harris is a "person of color/womanx/woke/whatever else BS", she's the equal of Trump, right?
So why are you so upset by the name calling? I live here in California, Harris has been a public figure for quite a while. And frankly, she is a bitch. As if you couldn't tell in the Dem debate. C'mon.



Every single thread he starts.
But guys, in your little progressive world, aren't all sexes and gender assignments equal? I mean just because Harris is a "person of color/womanx/woke/whatever else BS", she's the equal of Trump, right?
So why are you so upset by the name calling? I live here in California, Harris has been a public figure for quite a while. And frankly, she is a bitch. As if you couldn't tell in the Dem debate. C'mon.

Also Grandpappy : "Why is everybody so uncivil and ruuuudee???"
And when Trump supporters throw out a few deserved insults, we are misogynistic racist pigs? Just curious. Delusional Double Standard anyone?

Because trump is a filthy and vulgar insulter and turnabout is fair play.
Great. So everyone's going low. That's awesome for the country.


Lowest common denominator, it works and works well. Unfortunately the LCD in the US involves acting like teenage boys with parental supervision.

The future of the US is a frat house
No no no. If someone tells you that they predict that you will make a cowardly post while running away from your own topic, you're not supposed to actually do it!


As I said, and you bravely ran away from:

You'll never be able to understand this and if by miracle, you do, you'll just lie about it. But here goes:

- Different things are different.

- Things that are different are different things.

- Things that are different are things that are different.

That was the first step. Now for the second. We will now apply this wisdom to the two things you are trying to compare:

Thing 1: you calling Kamala Harris an "absolute bitch". You claimed the only kind of woman who could a VP (or P's) job are such absolute bitches.

Biden’s VP pic

Why is this misogynistic? Because the very same things you see as qualities in men (aggression, assertiveness, strength), you see as things that make a woman a "bitch." You want men to be hard-charging and women to be subservient sandwichmakers.

It's not mere hypocrisy because it is a negative view based solely on sex. Either a thing is a quality, or it is not a quality. The distinction has nothing to do whether the thing applies to a man or to a woman.

Thing 2: Calling Trump what he is based on his actions.

If you are not just lying again (which you probably are) - if you actually think Trump is unfairly being called things - it's because you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed into calling everything that reflects poorly on Trump "fake news."

I can't provide a link because you haven't bothered to identify any specific thing Trump is called that you think was unfair.

If you whined about his being "corrupt", I would point to things like unlawfully holding up congressionally approved aid for a country resisting what you people previously called our "greatest geopolitical foe" (when convenient to attack Obama) to try to extort them into announcing sham investigations into a political rival. I might point to the loyalty purges. I might point to the 14+ instances of obstruction of justice that Mueller revealed but was too honorable to directly accuse Trump of. I might point to how unlike every other president, he's steered millions of dollars into his own companies by insisting on staying on Trump properties when he travels. There are any number of things I might point to.

You would lie about them all.

Now do your boring old schtick: wait 20 posts, then post some attacks on people without quoting anyone in particular.

I wonder how many times paps has claimed that liberals are "snowflakes".


With regards to your "Thing 1" argument, we have a philosophical difference there. My feeling is that women, by nature and genetics, and hormones and yes, instincts, are truly the gentler sex. I realize that goes against progressive ideology, but it's an indisputable fact.
Now, there are some exceptions. Harris is one of them, therefore the proper descriptive adjective was applied.
Great. So everyone's going low. That's awesome for the country.

Unfortunately, that's where Trump has taken us. I don't like it. I am just pointing out reality. We both have a specific goal this November. I'll be damned if we just sit back and be bullied by an ignorant fool. I look forward to the day this SH** stops.

We have to beat him first.
We tried that noble ideal, didn't work, when the other guy swings away, swing back, or get your butt kicked.

And how far from the ideal are you willing to go to beat the other side?
With regards to your "Thing 1" argument, we have a philosophical difference there. My feeling is that women, by nature and genetics, and hormones and yes, instincts, are truly the gentler sex. I realize that goes against progressive ideology, but it's an indisputable fact.
Now, there are some exceptions. Harris is one of them, therefore the proper descriptive adjective was applied.

That's just a hidden way of calling her a bitch. Try again.
And when Trump supporters throw out a few deserved insults, we are misogynistic racist pigs? Just curious. Delusional Double Standard anyone?

Why? It fits perfectly ...........
With regards to your "Thing 1" argument, we have a philosophical difference there. My feeling is that women, by nature and genetics, and hormones and yes, instincts, are truly the gentler sex. I realize that goes against progressive ideology, but it's an indisputable fact.
Now, there are some exceptions. Harris is one of them, therefore the proper descriptive adjective was applied.

You're categorically calling strong assertive women "absolute bitch[es]", and Kamala Harris in specific, an "absolute bitch." That's not a philosophy nor even an ideology.

You are attacking women for traits you praise in men. Sex is the only basis for the attack. That's sexism.

Nothing about genetics changes that.

And with Trump, he is called things based on his actual actions, not his sex.

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