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Learn a lesson from this on propaganda (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Remember how, for months, Russia has loudly proclaimed it has no interest in invading Ukraine, and said the US and the west were creating false allegations against their intent.

Russia’s top diplomat has angrily rejected the U.S. allegations that it was preparing a pretext to invade Ukraine as Russian troops have remained concentrated near the border...

Speaking to reporters Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov dismissed the U.S. claim as “total disinformation.”

Remember all their talk of wanting a diplomatic solution and not a military one, even as they were preparing masses of passports for the two districts they declared as independent countries.

There's a lesson here about how governments can loudly lie - and deserve to afterwords be treated as liars. They could have made Biden look foolish as he said he was convinced they would invade. He took the risk to tell the truth, and he was right. Here's a reminder of Russia's lies from a month ago.

It's been interesting (and frustrating) to watch tankies and gray-zone-types spin their narratives as their previous claims get quickly debunked (Putin will never invade, it's all just western media warmongering, etc.) Absolute clowns. I honestly believe some of them are on Putin's payroll.
Remember how, for months, Russia has loudly proclaimed it has no interest in invading Ukraine, and said the US and the west were creating false allegations against their intent.

Remember all their talk of wanting a diplomatic solution and not a military one, even as they were preparing masses of passports for the two districts they declared as independent countries.

There's a lesson here about how governments can loudly lie - and deserve to afterwords be treated as liars. They could have made Biden look foolish as he said he was convinced they would invade. He took the risk to tell the truth, and he was right. Here's a reminder of Russia's lies from a month ago't

I think the Biden administration's strategy to openly reveal what it knew was very wise. Normally intelligence agencies don't want the enemy to know what the intelligence agency has found out...it compromises sources. However, I believe the stream of discoveries of attempts at creating red flag operations and orders distributed to Russian officers constantly delayed and recalibrated Russian start dates... and I am sure caused a whole lot of insecurity.

In the end, without a real pretext, Putin had to go on TV and rant ludicrous accusations against Ukraine and parade his cabinet in front of cameras to endorse his decision. Turned out it was pre-recorded, and even then, it hit some snags.

Alas, as productive as the administration strategy was, it couldn't delay Putin forever. Once he occupied the separatist areas, he was ready to go mad.

I hope Biden announces that NATO forces will be immediately beefed up considerably to defend all NATO countries from potential Russian aggression. I hope every NATO country is smart enough to take action to ship their forces to the borders. I hope numerous airwings are flying to Europe tonight. And I pray to God the Ukrainian people won't be shocked into total despair and its armed forces roll over.

I pray for the people of Ukraine, and for the millions of refugees that will try to make it to Europe.
It's been interesting (and frustrating) to watch tankies and gray-zone-types spin their narratives as their previous claims get quickly debunked (Putin will never invade, it's all just western media warmongering, etc.) Absolute clowns. I honestly believe some of them are on Putin's payroll.
As they have made shameless attacks comparing today's warnings about Putin to McCarthyism. I see enough foolish people who parrot the right that I don't think his payroll is that big a role. Rather they've gotten those Americans to be in a cult bubble not listening to the accurate media or Democratic leaders.
It's been interesting (and frustrating) to watch tankies and gray-zone-types spin their narratives as their previous claims get quickly debunked (Putin will never invade, it's all just western media warmongering, etc.) Absolute clowns. I honestly believe some of them are on Putin's payroll.

I think the big loser in this is Trump and guys like Tucker Carlson, not so much Biden. The non-populist right has needed to find a good reason to drive Trump out. And as the tragedy of Ukraine increases, so will the anger by many "silent" GOP members towards this failure. Carlson, Trump, and the Putin admiring right will not be able to pretend they were on the correct side, they will be identified and held accountable. Trump, in particular, will be smeared in debates as a Putin apologist, a man who supported unspeakable evil under the pretense of America first.
How dare Joe Biden force poor Vladimir to attack Ukraine.
~ Signed: The American right wing
How dare Joe Biden force poor Vladimir to attack Ukraine.
The simple old big mouth has been smacked hard and has no idea what to do next .

Another US embarrassment so soon after Afghanistan .

Time for Sleepy to be led away .
Meanwhile Vlad continues NOT to invade by just ''demilitarising and denazifying''.
Brilliant strategy but lacking a worthwhile opponent .
The simple old big mouth has been smacked hard and has no idea what to do next .

Another US embarrassment so soon after Afghanistan .

Time for Sleepy to be led away .
Meanwhile Vlad continues NOT to invade by just ''demilitarising and denazifying''.
Brilliant strategy but lacking a worthwhile opponent .
I don't think you read the news. Putin has invaded Ukraine, Biden didn't. Biden was right and you were ridiculous to pretending this could never happen.
Remember how, for months, Russia has loudly proclaimed it has no interest in invading Ukraine, and said the US and the west were creating false allegations against their intent.

Remember all their talk of wanting a diplomatic solution and not a military one, even as they were preparing masses of passports for the two districts they declared as independent countries.

There's a lesson here about how governments can loudly lie - and deserve to afterwords be treated as liars. They could have made Biden look foolish as he said he was convinced they would invade. He took the risk to tell the truth, and he was right. Here's a reminder of Russia's lies from a month ago.

The advocate for ever larger government discovers that governments can loudly lie.

There is hope.

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