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Last night (1 Viewer)

Congratulations.......notice my screen name...metanoia....most often understood as repentance...but as metamorphis refers to changing the body, metanoia refers to transforming the mind. Every step you take now should be lighter.....You have removed a burden.
Why is killing a white man a murder of a citizen, and when killing a black man is racism?
Very interesting post ... Yes, Yes, Yes... I am aware that Americans, mostly white men, have been affected by "guilt syndrome"in recent years.
But what is the dear author talking about? The fact that he had stereotypes, he realized them, suddenly, repented... So what?
Let's start with the fact that stereotypes are not taken from scratch. In Russia, we say "there is no smoke without fire".
Why has the word "stereotype" acquired an exclusively negative connotation in the modern world? Our whole life is built on stereotypes and expectations, we build algorithms on previous experience. Well, simply: dear Author, Will you bypass a company of beefy, shaven-headed guys in army boots walking in a dark alley? And the noisy crowd of whooping blacks at three in the morning? If not, congratulations, you are devoid of both stereotypes and self-preservation. If so, congratulations again: You are a stereotypical toxic oppressor.
Do not be deceitful and do not appear to be better than you really are. This World is not a simple thing, and some problems are so sentimental that they can not be solved simply by repentance or a magic spell of friendship.

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